172 research outputs found


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    The main objective of this paper is to determine total investments by activities in Brod-Posavina County, revenues and expenditures level, number of entrepreneurs by activities, including the achieved financial results of entrepreneurs of the Brod-Posavina County over the past five years. During research of facts and possibilities that currently exist, the following research methods are used in a different combination: historical method, the method of analysis and synthesis, classification, description method and generalization


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    Definiranje organizacijskih ciljeva i sustava nagrađivanja bitan je preduvjet za dobro funkcioniranje poduzeća, a uvjet za to je dobro poznavanje i razumijevanje motivacije zaposlenika. Cilj rada je utvrditi dovodi li povećanje materijalnih kompenzacija po zaposleniku do smanjenja broja zaposlenih u poduzeću, odnosno znači li povećanje materijalnih kompenzacija ujedno i povećanje obujma posla zaposlenika. Uzorak na kojemu je provedeno istraživanje obuhvaća 3914 poduzeća, od kojih su 3742 mala, 133 srednja i 38 velikih gospodarskih subjekata na području Istočne Hrvatske, odnosno na području Osječko-baranjske, Brodsko-posavske, Vukovarsko-srijemske, Virovitičko–podravske i Požeško-slavonske županije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da povećanje materijalnih kompenzacija po zaposleniku u pravilu dovodi do smanjenja broja zaposlenika u poduzeću, čime se potvrdila postavljena hipoteza


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    Definiranje organizacijskih ciljeva i sustava nagrađivanja bitan je preduvjet za dobro funkcioniranje poduzeća, a uvjet za to je dobro poznavanje i razumijevanje motivacije zaposlenika. Cilj rada je utvrditi dovodi li povećanje materijalnih kompenzacija po zaposleniku do smanjenja broja zaposlenih u poduzeću, odnosno znači li povećanje materijalnih kompenzacija ujedno i povećanje obujma posla zaposlenika. Uzorak na kojemu je provedeno istraživanje obuhvaća 3914 poduzeća, od kojih su 3742 mala, 133 srednja i 38 velikih gospodarskih subjekata na području Istočne Hrvatske, odnosno na području Osječko-baranjske, Brodsko-posavske, Vukovarsko-srijemske, Virovitičko–podravske i Požeško-slavonske županije. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da povećanje materijalnih kompenzacija po zaposleniku u pravilu dovodi do smanjenja broja zaposlenika u poduzeću, čime se potvrdila postavljena hipoteza

    Acceptability and perception of environmentally friendly products by student population in Croatia

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    Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to point out the perceptions of the student population toward environmentally friendly products and examine if they are willing to pay higher prices for those products. Methodology: The research conducted in the second half of 2020 included the student population, i.e. a sample of 114 respondents. The close-ended questions offered answers ranging from the level of knowledge related to general concepts to the factors related to purchasing decisions. Data were collected through an online survey. The collected data were analyzed by statistical software packages MedCalc Statistical Software version 19.1.7 and SPSS. Results: Respondents are familiar with the concepts of sustainable development, a socially responsible business and green consumers, which they define correctly. There are no major differences between male and female respondents. When choosing a product, respondents of both genders mention product quality as the most important factor. The second most important factor is the price, followed by the brand of the product and the environmental friendliness of the product. The brand of the product and environmental acceptability of the product are somewhat more important to male respondents than to female respondents. Corporate social responsibility of the company that produces a product is described as least important by respondents of both genders when choosing a product. Conclusion: It is evident that the student population changed their attitudes towards environmentally friendly products compared to year 2009, but the trend has not changed since 2015. It is a market segment that takes into account this factor when choosing a product

    Influence of Financial Predictors on Competitiveness of Metal Processing Companies

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    Metal processing industry is an important sector of Croatian economy that contributes significantly to its competitiveness and assures industrial development of the Republic of Croatia. Competitive advantage is a key distinctive feature of a company on the market. In current circumstances, competitive advantage is more difficult to achieve and maintain than ever before because of constantly growing market competition. The main research objective is to investigate connection between selected financial predictors and to assess their influence on successfulness and achievement of competitive advantage of metal processing companies. The research is conducted on 578 small, medium and large metal processing companies aiming to determine the influence of financial predictors on their competitiveness. The research results indicate that there is a correlation between financial factors and the number of employees, total revenue and total expenses in small, medium and large companies in the metal processing industry. The research results also confirm that the observed financial predictors have influence on the competitiveness of small, medium and large companies Such influence is the strongest in small, and the weakest in large metal processing companies. This paper provides an insight into the influence of financial predictors on the competitiveness of metal processing companies, which will facilitate entrepreneurs to improve their company\u27s competitive position on the market. Statistical analysis of research data was performed by statistical software MedCalc® Statistical Software version 20.026 and SPSS Statistics for Windows, Version 23.0


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    The purpose of the research is to investigate the attitudes towards the adoption of the euro. The research is exploratory and correlational and uses a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The qualitative part of the research, carried out through the thematic analysis of the participants’ responses, is aimed at investigating the reasons behind the support or lack of support of the participants towards the adoption of the euro, and the quantitative part, through stepwise regression, identified the best predictors of support for adopting the euro. The research was conducted on a convenient sample of 242 participants. The topics that appeared during the analysis of the perceived negative effects of the introduction of the euro are the financial aspect and negative psychological consequences, while the topics that appeared when analysing the perceived positive effects of the introduction of the euro are the advantages of the single currency (e.g. in financial services, business and economy, lending, loans and related costs, etc.), and living standards (e.g. long-term: increase in purchasing power, convergence of living standards). The best predictors of the participants’ attitude towards the introduction of the euro were the perception of whether the introduction of the euro would lower their standard of living, whether they would have difficulty adjusting to the new value of money, and their trust in the European Parliament. The biggest limitations of the research are convenient sampling and the use of thematic analysis on the answers of the participants that were collected in the open-ended questions of the survey questionnaire. For the possibility of wider generalization of the results, it would be necessary to repeat the research on a larger sample, and for a better understanding of the respondents’ answers to the open-ended questions, it would be useful to use in-depth interviews. The use of open-ended questions and systematic thematic analysis is a special feature of this research because the results of the analysis enable new insights to be gained and at the same time the creation of a questionnaire and the application of quantitative methodology in order to check the possibility of population generalization of the obtained findings.Svrha istraživanja je istražiti stavove prema usvajanju eura. Istraživanje je eksploratorno i korelacijsko, a koristi kombinaciju kvalitativnog i kvantitativnog pristupa. Kvalitativni dio istraživanja, proveden preko tematske analize odgovora sudionika je usmjeren na istraživanje razloga koji stoje iza potpore ili nedostatka potpore sudionika prema usvajanju eura, a kvantitativnim su se dijelom, regresijskom analizom u koracima, identificirali najbolji prediktori potpore ulasku na euro. Istraživanje je provedeno na prigodnom uzorku od 242 sudionika. Teme koje su se pojavile pri analizi percipiranih negativnih učinaka uvođenja eura su financijski aspekt i negativne psihološke posljedice, dok su teme koje su se pojavile pri analizi percipiranih pozitivnih učinaka uvođenja eura prednosti jedinstvene valute (npr. u financijskim uslugama, poslovanju i gospodarstvu, kreditiranju, zajmovima i povezanim troškovima itd.), te životnom standardu (npr. dugoročno: povećanje kupovne moći, konvergencija životnog standarda). Najbolji prediktori stava sudionika prema uvođenju eura bila je percepcija hoće li uvođenje eura sniziti njihov životni standard, hoće li imati poteškoća s prilagodbom novoj vrijednosti novca te njihovo povjerenje u Europski parlament. Najveća ograničenja istraživanja su prigodno uzorkovanje i korištenje tematske analize nad odgovorima sudionika koji su prikupljeni u otvorenim pitanjima anketnog upitnika. Za mogućnost šire generalizacije rezultata bi bilo potrebno istraživanje ponoviti na većem uzorku, a za bolje razumijevanje odgovora ispitanika na otvorena pitanja bi bilo korisno upotrijebiti dubinske intervjue. Korištenje otvorenih pitanja i sustavne tematske analize je posebnost ovog istraživanja jer rezultati analize omogućavaju dobivanje novih uvida i istovremeno izradu upitnika i primjenu kvantitativne metodologije kako bi se provjerila mogućnost populacijske generalizacije dobivenih nalaza


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    The aim of the paper was to analyze the structure of the effect of the observed elements of the promotional mix on the selection of sports products in Slavonski Brod. The analysis was conducted on a sample of 385 entities. According to the results of the research, no element was considered as dominant in the structure of the influence of the elements of the promotional mix in the choice of practicing a sports product. Propaganda was slightly highlighted as the most important element of the promotional mix. It should also be emphasized that in selecting a sports product, the promotion factor, as one of the 4 marketing mix factors, achieves relatively small, only 14.5% of the frequency. The results also show that the sports product in Slavonski Brod is price-sensitive and contentually acceptable, that sporting is extremely important, but the problems of resource allocation as time are quite questionable, which is surprising. It can be said that both the product and the price are dominant as a choice which is expected from the aspect of sports consumers. This is a direct message to the sports program providers what needs to be directed on. Indirectly, however, it can be said that the promotion could and should be significantly more qualitative and quantitatively represented. First and foremost, this refers to a set of activities that enable consumers to inform about the product on market or to promote their sports products, which is probably missing out

    Modul pelatihan OJS

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    Modul ini berisi panduan bagaimana untuk memulai dan menggunakan fitur-fitur yang disediakan di sistem jurnal online


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    Contemporary sport and in particular football has become a wide range of today\u27s social life, which is embedded in all the vital elements of the social structure, especially economic elements. Therefore arose a great need for scientific research of "this phenomenon" as it can be found in the literature. Sport - economy - society has a diverse and changing mutual relations in accordance with the present time. In order to increase the sports market, it is necessary for sport teams to be present in the communication with their consumers on social networks. The primary objective of this paper is to analyze the connection between sport result as a sport product to the final sport consumer on the example of football clubs and their fans. This connection is sought through social networks. The paper also aims to show that sport result is not the only criterion of proximity to the sports consumer, and that the result itself does not provide the largest number of consumers, for example the \u27fives\u27\u27 in football at least when it comes to social networks. Through regression analysis it is shown that consumers via social networks are not fully connected with the result that clubs realize, at least when it is viewed by selected characteristics used in this paper in a single time point. Definitely for searching more reliable connection of results with sport consumers through social networks, must be used an extended period of time and several indicators which can be the subject of some future research. It should be noted that economic elements are increasingly affecting the sport itself but also the sport result, especially the top one

    Outcome analysis following removal of locking plate fixation of the proximal humerus

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Concerning surgical management experience with locking plates for proximal humeral fractures has been described with promising results. Though, distinct hardware related complaints after fracture union are reported. Information concerning the outcome after removal of hardware from the proximal humerus is lacking and most studies on hardware removal are focused on the lower extremity. Therefore the aim of this study was to analyze the functional short-term outcome following removal of locking plate fixation of the proximal humerus.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Patients undergoing removal of a locking plate of the proximal humerus were prospectively followed. Patients were subdivided into the following groups: Group HI: symptoms of hardware related subacromial impingement, Group RD: persisting rotation deficit, Group RQ: patients with request for a hardware removal. The clinical (Constant-Murley score) and radiologic (AP and axial view) follow-up took place three and six months after the operation. To evaluate subjective results, the Medical Outcomes Study Short Form-36 (SF-36), was completed.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>59 patients were included. The mean length of time with the hardware in place was 15.2 ± 3.81 months. The mean of the adjusted overall Constant score before hardware removal was 66.2 ± 25.2% and increased significantly to 73.1 ± 22.5% after 3 months; and to 84.3 ± 20.6% after 6 months (p < 0.001). The mean of preoperative pain on the VAS-scale before hardware removal was 5.2 ± 2.9, after 6 months pain in all groups decreased significantly (p < 0.001). The SF-36 physical component score revealed a significant overall improvement in both genders (p < 0.001) at six months.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>A significant improvement of clinical outcome following removal was found. However, a general recommendation for hardware removal is not justified, as the risk of an anew surgical and anesthetic procedure with all possible complications has to be carefully taken into account. However, for patients with distinct symptoms it might be justified.</p