23 research outputs found

    A Case of Traumatic Cyclodialysis Followed by Ultrasound Biomicroscopy

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    We report a case of persistent traumatic cyclodialysis treated bygoniophotocoagulation and observed by ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) throughout the course.A 16 year-old male was struck in his right eye by a rocket firework. After the injury,hypotony continued for 4 months and he was referred to Hiroshima University Hospital. Atthat time, the best visual acuity in his right eye was 0.2 and the intraocular pressure was6 mmHg. Three hundred and sixty degrees of cyclodialysis, partial peripheral anteriorsynechia, hypotony maculopathy and subretinal proliferative tissue were observed.Cyclodialysis was obvious by UBM. From 4 months after the injury goniophotocoagulation wasperformed six times in 2 months. Intraocular pressure recovered 6 months after the injuryand reattachment of cyclodialysis and disappearance of the suprachoroidal space wereconfirmed by UBM. UBM was useful in observing cyclodialysis throughout the course

    NKX2-1/TITF1/TTF-1-Induced ROR1 Is Required to Sustain EGFR Survival Signaling in Lung Adenocarcinoma

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    SummaryWe and others previously identified NKX2-1, also known as TITF1 and TTF-1, as a lineage-survival oncogene in lung adenocarcinomas. Here we show that NKX2-1 induces the expression of the receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 1 (ROR1), which in turn sustains a favorable balance between prosurvival PI3K-AKT and pro-apoptotic p38 signaling, in part through ROR1 kinase-dependent c-Src activation, as well as kinase activity-independent sustainment of the EGFR-ERBB3 association, ERBB3 phosphorylation, and consequential PI3K activation. Notably, ROR1 knockdown effectively inhibited lung adenocarcinoma cell lines, irrespective of their EGFR status, including those with resistance to the EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor gefitinib. Our findings thus identify ROR1 as an “Achilles' heel” in lung adenocarcinoma, warranting future development of therapeutic strategies for this devastating cancer


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    深海という環境は、恒常的な高水圧・低温といった極限環境にさらされた世界である。また、全海洋底に拡がっているプレート境界域には、熱水活動が繰り広げられており、水圧の影響により400℃を超える熱水の噴出が起こっている。そうした極限世界にも、現場環境に適応した実に多様な生物の世界が拡がっている。  こうした深海世界には、高水圧下に適応した「好圧性微生物」が存在すると信じられてきており、その存在は、1979年、Yayanosらにより分離・培養され、証明された1)。その後、1990年に我が国の海洋科学技術センター(現、海洋研究開発機構)において、深海環境プログラム(DEEPSTAR計画)が組織されると、その知見は爆発的に拡がっていった2)。しかしながら、多様な「好圧性微生物」の世界が明らかになるに従い、いくつかの疑問が生じた。「なぜ、好圧菌は高圧下でよく生育できるのか?その分子生物学的なメカニズムは陸上微生物と比較してどこが違うのか?」、更には「好圧菌って役に立つの?」といった質問が投げかけられるようになった。  本報告では、こうした疑問点に答えるために私たちの研究の現状を紹介し、未開拓の微生物資源でもある、深海微生物の隠された能力について解説する。発表要旨, 日本農芸化学会2013年度第1回関東支部例会(2013年7月6日, 東京農業大学世田谷キャンパス

    CPAP 使用者のアドヒアランスの性質分けの試み〜「使用率」と「使用日の平均使用時間」による4 群比較〜

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    [Aim] The definition of good adherence to continuous positive airway pressure (CPAP)therapy for obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSA) is a utilization rate of ≥70% and amean usage time on usage days of ≥ 4 hours, and users who deviate from this definitionare regarded as having poor adherence. Personalized guidance is required to improve theadherence of users with poor adherence. Hence, a more detailed classification is neededrather than simply classifying users as having poor and good adherence. Thus, this studyaimed to clarify the significance of classification of adherence into four groups based onthe two indices of utilization rate (%) and mean usage time (hours).[Method] This study examined CPAP users at the CPAP specialist outpatient departmentfrom October to November 2016. In total, 535 patients were included, and informationon CPAP adherence, physical data at initial consultation, and data on motivation forconsultation were collected. The survey period was set as 2 months. The CPAP userswere divided into four groups, and a 4-group comparison was conducted on factors thataffect adherence, using the χ ² test, the Kruskal-Wallis test, and the pairwise method.The utilization rate was set as the vertical axis and the mean usage time on usage dayswas set as the horizontal axis to create a scatter plot. The four segments were created byintersecting the axes with the values of “70%” and “4 hours”, with the top right set asthe good adherence group “≥70%/≥ 4 hours”; moving counterclockwise, the next segmentswere set as the insufficient adherence time group “≥70%/<4 hours,” poor adherence group“≤70%/<4 hours,” and insufficient adherence days group “<70%, ≥ 4 hours.”[Results] The good adherence group (n=393) accounted for 70% of users; the remaining30%, conventionally classified together as users with poor adherence, were distributed intoinsufficient adherence time group (n=31), poor adherence group (n=49), and insufficientadherence days group (n=62). No significant differences in sex or residual AHI wereobserved, but significant difference was observed in age, usage history, and BMI betweenthe good adherence group and poor adherence group. The percentage of patients withhypertension was significantly different between the good adherence group and insufficientadherence days group. There was a significant difference in the percentage of patientswho sought consultation due to subjective symptoms between the insufficient adherencedays group and insufficient adherence time group. The percentage of patients who soughtconsultation due to a recommendation by a company medical checkup showed a significantdifference between the good adherence group and insufficient adherence days group.[Conclusion] These results suggest that adherence can be divided into four groups basedon utilization rate and mean usage time on usage days, and that these classifications maybe helpful for constructing a guidance management system that emphasizes personalizedguidance systems

    Effects of Anoxia on Amino Acid Levels in Rice Coleoptiles

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    Effects of anoxia on the levels of free-amino acids were investigated in the coleoptiles of rice (Oryza sativa L.) seedlings. Rice coleoptiles are able to grow in extremely low oxygen conditions. Anoxic stress increased the concentration of total free-amino acids in the coleoptiles. Alanine (Ala) and γ-aminobutyric acid (Gaba) were the main amino acids accumulated. After 48 h, Ala and Gaba concentrations in anoxic coleoptiles were 3.4- and 11.2-fold greater than those in non-stressed coleoptiles, respectively. Ala and Gaba represented 19 and 23 % of the amino acid pool in anoxic coleoptiles, respectively. Submergence stress also increased Ala and Gaba concentrations in rice coleoptiles. Since Ala and Gaba are bio-compatible solutes and their accumulation is known to stabilize osmotic potential and/or cytoplasmic pH in plant cells, these stress-induced amino acids may allow rice coleoptiles to make biochemical adjustment that enable them to cope with the stress conditions. Therefore, the ability to increase the concentrations of Ala and Gaba may be important for anoxic and submergence stress tolerance of rice seedlings

    Effects of Anoxia on Amino Acid Levels in Rice Coleoptiles

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