40,712 research outputs found

    On the Origin of Early Superhumps in WZ Sge-Type Stars

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    The origin of early superhumps, which are double-wave periodic modulations seen only during the earliest stage of WZ Sge-type outburst, has not been well understood. Based on recent discovery of two-armed arch-like patterns on Doppler tomograms in conjunction with early superhumps, we propose a new interpretation on the origin of early superhumps, following the new interpretation by Smak (2001) and Ogilvie (2001) of the two-armed pattern seen in IP Peg. If we consider irradiation of the elevated surface of the accretion disk caused by vertical tidal deformation, we can consistently explain the observed features on Doppler tomograms and photometric waves at the same time. We interpret that a combination of low mass-ratios (q) and low mass-transfer rates, necessary to give rise to these tidal effects, discriminate WZ Sge-type stars from other SU UMa-type dwarf novae. Based on recent fluid calculations, such an effect would be observable in higher q systems. We interpret that RZ Leo is an example of such objects.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication in PASJ (letters), using a non-standard style fil

    Reconstruction of the Structure of Accretion Disks in Dwarf Novae from the Multi-Band Light Curves of Early Superhumps

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    We propose a new method to reconstruct the structure of accretion disks in dwarf novae using multi-band light curves of early superhumps. Our model assumes that early superhumps are caused by the rotation effect of non-axisymmetrically flaring disks. We have developed a Bayesian model for this reconstruction, in which a smoother disk-structure tends to have a higher prior probability. We analyzed simultaneous optical and near-infrared photometric data of early superhumps of the dwarf nova, V455 And using this technique. The reconstructed disk has two flaring parts in the outermost region of the disk. These parts are responsible for the primary and secondary maxima of the light curves. The height-to-radius ratio is h/r=0.20-0.25 in the outermost region. In addition to the outermost flaring structures, flaring arm-like patterns can be seen in an inner region of the reconstructed disk. The overall profile of the reconstructed disk is reminiscent of the disk structure that is deformed by the tidal effect. However, an inner arm-like pattern, which is responsible for the secondary minimum in the light curve, cannot be reproduced only by the tidal effect. It implies the presence of another mechanism that deforms the disk structure. Alternatively, the temperature distribution of the disk could be non-axisymmetric. We demonstrate that the disk structure with weaker arm-like patterns is optimal in the model including the irradiation effect. However, the strongly irradiated disk gives quite blue colors, which may conflict with the observation. Our results suggest that the amplitude of early superhumps depends mainly on the height of the outermost flaring regions of the disk. We predict that early superhumps can be detected with an amplitude of >0.02 mag in about 90% of WZ Sge stars.Comment: 17 pages, 17 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    Dwarf Novae in the Shortest Orbital Period Regime: II. WZ Sge Stars as the Missing Population near the Period Minimum

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    WZ Sge-type dwarf novae are characterized by long recurrence times of outbursts (~10 yr) and short orbital periods (<~ 85 min). A significant part of WZ Sge stars may remain undiscovered because of low outburst activity. Recently, the observed orbital period distribution of cataclysmic variables (CVs) has changed partly because outbursts of new WZ Sge stars have been discovered routinely. Hence, the estimation of the intrinsic population of WZ Sge stars is important for the study of the population and evolution of CVs. In this paper, we present a Bayesian approach to estimate the intrinsic period distribution of dwarf novae from observed samples. In this Bayesian model, we assumed a simple relationship between the recurrence time and the orbital period which is consistent with observations of WZ Sge stars and other dwarf novae. As a result, the minimum orbital period was estimated to be ~70 min. The population of WZ Sge stars exhibited a spike-like feature at the shortest period regime in the orbital period distribution. These features are consistent with the orbital period distribution previously predicted by population synthesis studies. We propose that WZ Sge stars and CVs with a low mass-transfer rate are excellent candidates for the missing population predicted by the evolution theory of CVs.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in PAS

    A relation between the short time variations of cosmic rays and geomagnetic field change

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    An event is reported of approx. 37 min periodicity in cosmic ray intensity observed at Akeno(38 deg 47 N, 138 deg 30 E. 900m above s.l., cutoff 10.4 GV) during 1300 approx. 1900 UT on April 25th, 1984, just a day before Forbush decrease of April 26th. This event seemed to be followed by the periodic variations of the geomagnetic field observed at Kakioka (36 deg 23 N, 140 deg 18 E). The regression coefficient between them was obtained approx. 0.07%/10nT. It is shown that in general the power spectral density of cosmic rays in the frequency of 0.0001 approx. 0.001Hz correlates positively with the fluctuations of geomagnetic field (Dst field) around approx. 1.2x0.0001Hz. From the analysis of 47 days data (April 14th to June 13th, 1984) the regression curve was obtained as y=0.275x sup 0.343 with the correlation coefficient of 0.48, where x and y mean Fourier components of Dst field summed over 1.04 approx. 1.39x0.001Hz and cosmic ray power spectral density averaged over 0.0001 approx. 0.001Hz

    Outburst Photometry of the Eclipsing Dwarf Nova GY Cancri

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    We observed the ROSAT-selected eclipsing dwarf nova GY Cnc (=RX J0909.8+1849) during the 2001 November outburst. We refined the orbital period to be 0.17544251(5) d. The fading portion of the outburst was indistinguishable from those of typical dwarf novae with similar orbital periods. However, the signature of orbital humps (or a hot spot) was far less prominently observed in the orbital light curves and eclipse profiles than in usual dwarf novae with similar orbital periods. The combination of low frequency of outbursts and the apparent lack of slowly rising, long outbursts in GY Cnc is difficult to reconcile within the standard framework of dwarf novae. We suspect that GY Cnc may be the first above-the-gap counterpart of unusual eclipsing dwarf novae HT Cas and IR Com.Comment: 6 pages, 7 figures, to appear in Publ. Astron. Soc. Japa