34 research outputs found

    Funktionelle Analysen zum Acyl-CoA-Bindeprotein (ACBP)

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    Das Fettsäurebindeprotein mit der höchsten Spezifität für langkettige, Acyl-CoA ist das Acyl-CoA-Bindeprotein (ACBP). Der Vergleich transgener, ACBP-überexprimierender Ratten mit Wildtypen nach einmonatiger Fütterung einer Niedrig- (LFD) bzw. Hochfettdiät (HFD) zeigt bei den transgenen Tieren höhere Konzentrationen an freien Fettsäuren und Triglyzeriden, sowie veränderte Glukose- und Insulinwerte. Zudem führt die ACBP-Überexpression unter LFD in der Leber zur verringerten SREBP-1c- und L-FABP-Expression. Unter HFD fehlen diese kompensatorischen Mechanismen und die PPAR-γ-Expression steigt. Für in vitro-Analysen zellulärer Zusammenhänge zwischen ACBP und der glukosestimulierten Insulinsekretion von β-Zellen, wurde eine stabil ACBP-überexprimierende INS-1E-Linie generiert. Unter basalen, wie stimulierenden Glukosekonzentrationen kommt es bei den Klonen zu einer signifikant verringerten Insulinsekretion bedingt durch die veränderte Expression von PPAR-δ, SREBP-1c, LXR-α, SIRT-1 und PGC-1α

    Combining Cellular Immunization and Phage Display Screening Results in Novel, FcγRI-Specific Antibodies

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    Antibodies that specifically bind to individual human fragment crystallizable γ receptors (FcγRs) are of interest as research tools in studying immune cell functions, as well as components in bispecific antibodies for immune cell engagement in cancer therapy. Monoclonal antibodies for human low-affinity FcγRs have been successfully generated by hybridoma technology and are widely used in pre-clinical research. However, the generation of monoclonal antibodies by hybridoma technology that specifically bind to the high-affinity receptor FcγRI is challenging. Monomeric mouse IgG2a, IgG2b, and IgG3 bind human FcγRI with high affinity via the Fc part, leading to an Fc-mediated rather than a fragment for antigen binding (Fab)-mediated selection of monoclonal antibodies. Blocking the Fc-binding site of FcγRI with an excess of human IgG or Fc during screening decreases the risk of Fc-mediated interactions but can also block the potential epitopes of new antibody candidates. Therefore, we replaced hybridoma technology with phage display of a single-chain fragment variable (scFv) antibody library that was generated from mice immunized with FcγRI-positive cells and screened it with a cellular panning approach assisted by next-generation sequencing (NGS). Seven new FcγRI-specific antibody sequences were selected with this methodology, which were produced as Fc-silent antibodies showing FcγRI-restricted specificity

    Fc-engineering significantly improves the recruitment of immune effector cells by anti-ICAM-1 antibody MSH-TP15 for myeloma therapy

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    Despite several therapeutic advances, patients with multiple myeloma (MM) require additional treatment options since no curative therapy exists yet. In search of a novel therapeutic antibody, we previously applied phage display with myeloma cell screening and developed TP15, a scFv targeting intercellular adhesion molecule 1 (ICAM-1/CD54). To more precisely evaluate the antibody's modes of action, fully human IgG1 antibody variants were generated bearing wild-type (MSH-TP15) or mutated Fc to either enhance (MSH-TP15 Fc-eng.) or prevent (MSH-TP15 Fc k.o.) Fc gamma receptor binding. Especially MSH-TP15 Fc-eng. induced potent antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) against malignant plasma cells by efficiently recruiting NK cells and engaged macrophages for antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) of tumor cells. Binding studies with truncated ICAM-1 demonstrated MSH-TP15 binding to ICAM-1 domain 1-2. Importantly, MSH-TP15 and MSH-TP15 Fc-eng. both prevented myeloma cell engraftment and significantly prolonged survival of mice in an intraperitoneal xenograft model. In the subcutaneous model MSH-TP15 Fc-eng. was superior to MSH-TP15, whereas MSH-TP15 Fc k.o. was not effective in both models - reflecting the importance of Fc-dependent mechanisms of action also in vivo. The efficient recruitment of immune cells and the potent anti-tumor activity of the Fc-engineered MSH-TP15 antibody hold significant potential for myeloma immunotherapy

    Myeloid checkpoint blockade improves killing of T-acute lymphoblastic leukemia cells by an IgA2 variant of daratumumab

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    Antibody-based immunotherapy is increasingly employed to treat acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) patients. Many T-ALL cells express CD38 on their surface, which can be targeted by the CD38 antibody daratumumab (DARA), approved for the treatment of multiple myeloma. Tumor cell killing by myeloid cells is relevant for the efficacy of many therapeutic antibodies and can be more efficacious with human IgA than with IgG antibodies. This is demonstrated here by investigating antibody-dependent cellular phagocytosis (ADCP) by macrophages and antibody-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity (ADCC) by polymorphonuclear (PMN) cells using DARA (human IgG1) and an IgA2 isotype switch variant (DARA-IgA2) against T-ALL cell lines and primary patient-derived tumor cells. ADCP and ADCC are negatively regulated by interactions between CD47 on tumor cells and signal regulatory protein alpha (SIRPα) on effector cells. In order to investigate the impact of this myeloid checkpoint on T-ALL cell killing, CD47 and glutaminyl-peptide cyclotransferase like (QPCTL) knock-out T-ALL cells were employed. QPTCL is an enzymatic posttranslational modifier of CD47 activity, which can be targeted by small molecule inhibitors. Additionally, we used an IgG2σ variant of the CD47 blocking antibody magrolimab, which is in advanced clinical development. Moreover, treatment of T-ALL cells with all- trans retinoic acid (ATRA) increased CD38 expression leading to further enhanced ADCP and ADCC, particularly when DARA-IgA2 was applied. These studies demonstrate that myeloid checkpoint blockade in combination with IgA2 variants of CD38 antibodies deserves further evaluation for T-ALL immunotherapy

    Identification of New Antibodies Targeting Malignant Plasma Cells for Immunotherapy by Next-Generation Sequencing-Assisted Phage Display

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    To identify new antibodies for the treatment of plasma cell disorders including multiple myeloma (MM), a single-chain Fragment variable (scFv) antibody library was generated by immunizing mice with patient-derived malignant plasma cells. To enrich antibodies binding myeloma antigens, phage display with cellular panning was performed. After depleting the immune library with leukocytes of healthy donors, selection of antibodies was done with L-363 plasma cell line in two consecutive panning rounds. Monitoring the antibodies' enrichment throughout the panning by next-generation sequencing (NGS) identified several promising candidates. Initially, 41 unique scFv antibodies evolving from different B cell clones were selected. Nine of these antibodies strongly binding to myeloma cells and weakly binding to peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were characterized. Using stably transfected Chinese hamster ovary cells expressing individual myeloma-associated antigens revealed that two antibodies bind CD38 and intercellular adhesion molecule-1 (ICAM-1), respectively, and 7 antibodies target yet unknown antigens. To evaluate the therapeutic potential of our new antibodies, in a first proof-of-concept study the CD38 binding scFv phage antibody was converted into a chimeric IgG1. Further analyses revealed that #5-CD38-IgG1 shared an overlapping epitope with daratumumab and isatuximab and had potent anti-myeloma activity comparable to the two clinically approved CD38 antibodies. These results indicate that by phage display and deep sequencing, new antibodies with therapeutic potential for MM immunotherapy can be identified