28 research outputs found

    Adopting agile methodologies in distributed software development

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    From the second half of the '90s, some software engineering practitioners introduced a new group of software development methodologies called Agile Methodologies (Ams): they have been developed to overcome the limits of the traditional approaches in the software development. FLOSS (Free Libre Open Source Software) has been proposed as possible different solution to the software crisis that is afflicting the ICT worldwide business. If the AMs improve the quality code and allow to respond quickly to requirement changes, FLOSS approach decreases the development costs and increases the spreading of competences about the software products. A debate is shaping about the compatibility of these two approaches. Software development teams have been spreading around the world, with users in Europe, management in the USA and programmers in the USA and India. The scattering of team members and functions around the world introduces barriers to productivity, cultural and languages differences can lead to misunderstanding of requirements, time zone differences can delay project schedules. Agile methods can provide a competitive advantage by delivering early, simplifying communication and allowing the business to respond more quickly to the market by changing the software. Trying to distribute a development project in an agile way isn't easy and will involve compromises. The goal of this thesis is to determine the application of the AMs in several contexts so to define which of these can be used effectively in non traditional software projects as the distributed development

    Using an artificial financial market for assessing the impact of Tobin-like transaction taxes

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    The Tobin tax is a solution proposed by many economists for limiting the speculation in foreign exchange and stock markets and for making these markets stabler. In this paper we present a study on the effects of a transaction tax on one and on two related markets, using an artificial financial market based on heterogeneous agents. The microstructure of the market is composed of four kinds of traders: random traders, fundamentalists, momentum traders and contrarians, and the resources allocated to them are limited. In each market it is possible to levy a transaction tax. In the case of two markets, each trader can choose in which market to trade, and an attraction function is defined that drives their choice based on perceived profitability. We performed extensive simulations and found that the tax actually increases volatility and decreases trading volumes. These findings are discussed in the paper

    A Blockchain-based traceability system in Agri-Food SME: case study of a traditional bakery

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    In this paper we present a blockchain based system for the supply chain management of a particular Italian bread. Goal of the system is to guarantee a transparent and auditable traceability of the Carasau bread where each actor of the supply chain can verify the quality of the products and the conformity to the normative about the hygienic-sanitary conditions along the chain. To realize this system we relied on the Blockchain and the Internet of Thing technologies in order to provide a trustless environment, in which trust is placed in cryptography, in mathematical operations and on the network, and not in public or private companies. Thanks to the use of digital technologies the system aims to reduce the data entry errors and the risk of tampering. Our system is designed so that along the supply chain, the nodes equipped with several sensors directly communicate their data to Raspberry Pi units that elaborate and transmit them to Interplanetary File System and to the Ethereum Blockchain. Furthermore, we designed ad hoc Radio Frequency Identification and Near Field communication tags to shortly supply the proposed system with information about the products and batches. The dedicated RFID tags robustness during on-bread operation was numerically tested. The system will easily allow end consumers to have a transparent view on the whole journey from raw material to purchased final product and a supervisory authority to perform online inspections on the products’ quality and on the good working practices

    Crypto-Trading: Blockchain-oriented energy market

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    Blockchain-software technology used for peer-To-peer transaction platforms-is being increasingly applied to alternative opportunities for a variety of industries and use cases such as also in the energy sector. As of now all energy related to blockchain applications are still in a concept stage. This paper aims to present the preliminary ideas of a research project that we have launched in collaboration with a small Fintech company: The Crypto-Trading project. From a research perspective we have explored how a blockchain-based system integrating smart contract functionality can be used to share energy in order to promote smart grids for the management of electricity in the Sardinia Region. From a technical perspective the project will implement a modular blockchain-based software platform for extending the features of cryptocurrency exchanges to the renewable Energy Market, including a robo-Advisor which will suggest prosumers the best selling strategy. Blockchain technology shows a lot of promise. In our opinion this might boost the growth of renewable energy production and consequently also have a positive effect on the regional economy

    A Model for Global Software Development with Cloud Platforms

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