31 research outputs found


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    In recent years airports have become more commercially oriented and have endeavoured to result in an increasing share of their revenues from non-aeronautical or commercial activities. This paper examines the airport concession sector and the important factors influencing concession revenues. Furthermore, the paper seeks to focus attention on various contract strategies of airport concessions, analyzing the example of Dubrovnik Airport. Contract terms between lessee (concessionaire) and lessor (airport authority) are found to be a significant element for better performance of airport concessions.Posljednjih godina zračne se luke komercijalno orijentiraju i nastoje povećati udio prihoda iz sporednih djelatnosti. U radu se istražuje sektor koncesija u zračnim lukama te važni činitelji koji utječu na prihode od koncesija. Analizirajući primjer Zračne luke Dubrovnik, pozornost se usmjerava na različite modele zaključivanja ugovora za dodjelu koncesijama u zračnim lukama. Uočava se da su uvjeti ugovora između zakupnika (koncesionara) i zakupodavca (operatora zračne luke) značajan element za uspješniju realizaciju koncesija u zračnim lukama

    Pozicioniranje luka na tržištu pomorskih krstarenja - primjer Korčule

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    This paper attempts to outline the state of the cruise industry in the Mediterranean. Mediterranean ports should examine their potential role as cruise ports. In addition to concentrating on achieving a homeport or destination port status, ports must adapt their facilities for ever bigger ships or become a niche player. Elaborating the case of Korčula in this context and emphasizing advantages and disadvantages of this island, it is well noted that Korčula will continue to grow in popularity and importance. To this purpose, more diversified organized tours opportunities along with considerable efforts in promoting will be of great importance. In order to be successful and with regard to its limiting port structures, Korčula should primarily concentrate on attracting and accommodating smaller ships creating family and friendly atmosphere around cruise passengers.U radu se nastoji izložiti stanje krstarenja na Sredozemlju. Sredozemne luke trebaju ispitati svoje uloge luka za krstarenja. Osim težnje za postizanjem statusa bazne luke ili luke ticanja, luke moraju prilagoditi svoje kapacitete sve većim brodovima ili se orijentirati na tržišne niše. Obrađujući Korčulu u ovom kontekstu i ističući prednosti i nedostatke ovog otoka, zamjetno je da će popularnost i važnost Korčule i dalje rasti. U ovu svrhu, od velike će važnosti biti raznolikija ponuda organiziranih izleta te izraženiji promotivni napori. S obzirom na ograničavajuće lučke kapacitete, Korčula bi se prije svega trebala usredotočiti na privlačenje i prihvaćanje manjih brodova te stvaranje obiteljskog i prijateljskog okružja ovim putnicima

    Book review "Trade Perspectives in the Context of Safety, Security, Privacy and Loyalty"

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    Retro brands in the retailing environment: A review and research propositions

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    Since the turn of the 21st century, the rise of retro brands has been generating considerable interest in terms of stimulating positive emotions and influencing consumers' attitudes and retail buying behaviour. The paper presents the results of an extensive review of the recent literature on the role of retro brands in the retail context and consumer-related behaviour. As such, it provides a framework for an improved understanding of the overall retro phenomenon in the retailing environment. Useful insights for both retailers and marketers are provided in order to better understand the concept of retro branding and to enhance the overall retail experience of retro consumers. In addition, recommendations for further research are offered

    European River Cruising

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    Svrha je ovoga rada istražiti sektor krstarenja europskim rijekama i istaknuti neke skorašnje značajne promjene. Potrebno je napomenuti da su krstarenja rijekama slabo dokumentirana, a podatci su često nedostatno razrađeni. Zbog povećane potražnje za krstarenjima rijekama, u proteklih je nekoliko godina ponuda na europskom tržištu znatno porasla. Obilježje europskoga kontinenta je upravo raznovrsnost riječnih krstarenja, pri čemu ni jedna rijeka nema dominantan položaj. Daje se pregled osnovnih karakteristika krstarenja europskim rijekama. Ovaj sektor prolazi kroz prijelazno razdoblje, obilježeno uvođenjem novih proizvoda i produženom sezone. Izlazi pritom da je to prijeko potrebno kako bi se osigurao dugoročni gospodarski probitak.The purpose of this paper is to examine European river cruising sector and highlight some recent significant changes. It should be noted that riverine cruising is little-documented and the data is often insufficiently detailed. Due to the increasing demand for cruises in the riverine sector, supply to the Europen market has grown considerably over the last few years. European continent is characterized by great diversity of riverine cruising with no single river having a dominant position. Key features of European river cruises are examined. This sector is undergoing a transitional period with the introduction of new products and an extension of the season. This appears to be essential to ensure long-term growth


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    Unlike the earlier generational cohorts of Baby Boomers, Generation X, and Generation Y, the Generation Z (known as post-millennial generation) is still underresearched topic in the context of their retail-related behaviour. Although there are notable distinctions between the generations, it can be argued that each generational cohort affects the way traditional brick-and-mortar retailers do business. In addition, traditional retail is facing increasing competition, particularly from online retailers. Furthermore, shopping habits strongly reshape the retail industry, so brick-and-mortar retailers need to adapt their strategies to meet the requirements of today’s rapidly changing consumers. Drawing on the previous literature, the purpose of this paper is to identify the main features of the post-millennial generation in brick-and-mortar retail settings. Furthermore, the paper develops a framework that can both guide future research and help traditional brick-and-mortar retailers to better target the postmillennial generation. As far as traditional retailers are concerned, the proper approach to Generation Z cohort seems to be essential to capture this market segment more effectively and to improve their overall in-store shopping experience.Za razliku od ranijih generacijskih skupina Baby Boomers, generacije X i generacije Y, generacija Z (poznata i kao post-milenijska generacija) još je uvijek nedovoljno istražena tema u kontekstu njezina maloprodajnog ponašanja. Iako postoje znatne razlike među generacijama, može se tvrditi da svaka generacijska skupina utječe na način poslovanja tradicionalnih maloprodavača. Uz to, tradicionalni se maloprodavači suočavaju s rastućom konkurencijom, posebice od strane internetskih maloprodavača. Osim toga, kupovne navike značajno mijenjaju maloprodajni sektor pa tradicionalni maloprodavači moraju prilagoditi svoje strategije kako bi zadovoljili zahtjeve suvremenih potrošača koji se brzo mijenjaju. Na temelju dosadašnje literature, svrha je rada identificirati glavna obilježja post-milenijske generacije u kontekstu tradicionalne maloprodaje. Nadalje, u radu se razvija okvir koji može dati smjernice za buduća istraživanja i pomoći tradicionalnim maloprodavačima kako bi se bolje usmjerili na post-milenijsku generaciju. Ključno je za tradicionalne maloprodavače pravilno pristupiti generaciji Z kako bi učinkovitije osvojili taj tržišni segment te kako bi poboljšali njihovo cjelokupno kupovno iskustvo


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    The rapid growth of social media provides businesses with a new venue for users to make a purchase, as well as the opportunity to post their reviews and comments on products, which can greatly influence the purchase decision process of potential users. The social media platform generates both positive and negative reviews and comments that can influence users\u27 purchase behaviour. In order to gain a deeper understanding of consumer purchase behaviour on social media, the study examines how positive and negative reviews and comments can affect purchase attitudes and pre-purchase behaviour. It also examines how social media users\u27 purchase attitudes contribute to their specific purchase behaviours such as pre-purchase and post-purchase behaviours. The research instrument was a questionnaire, and data were collected through social media platforms using Google forms. Descriptive statistics and Spearman correlation coefficients were used to achieve the objective of this study. The research sample consisted of 162 social media users. The results suggest that there is a positive relationship between purchase attitude and pre-purchase and post-purchase behaviour. The results also suggest that there is a positive relationship between positive and negative reviews and comments, purchase attitude, and pre-purchase behaviour

    Niche cruising

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    Pomorska su krstarenja danas sve popularniji oblik pomorskoprijevozne i turističke usluge pa postaju sve važniji dio svjetskog turizma, svjetskih turističkih kretanja. U radu se razmatraju posebne vrste krstarenja koje čine maleni postotak u ukupnom broju krstarenja, ali se njihove stope rasta povećavaju. Suprotno najvećim brodarskim kompanijama, koje su usmjerene na masovno tržište s odgovarajućim, velikim brodovima, tržišne niše na cruising-tržištu odnose se na uski segment putnika, tzv. niše, koji imaju specifične potrebe i želje. Nedvojbeno je da znatan dio putnika traži nešto dodatno uz tradicionalno iskustvo na krstarenju. Unutar samog tržišta postoje značajne razlike između vrsta proizvoda koje brodarske kompanije nude, a sve da bi se ispunile želje putnicima koji žele doživjeti određeno, posebno krstarenje.Today, sea cruises are established as ever-greater type of maritime and tourist service and the part of world tourism, i.e. tourism flows. In this paper a series of special types of cruises are considered, all of them making up only a small percentage of the total but with increasing growth rate. Contrary to the major operators which are generally aiming at the mass-market with appropriately large ships, the niche sector of cruise market applies to the narrow segments of passengers, so called niches, who have a very specialized set of needs and wants. There is no doubt that a substantial part ofcruise passengers is looking for something in addition to the traditional cruise experience. Within the market there is a great variance between the type of product offered by cruise operators, all in order to comply with the desire of passengers to experience a certain, special cruise

    Challenges of electronic negotiation

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    Problematika elektroničkoga pregovaranja složeno je područje koje zahtijeva interdisciplinarni pristup istraživanja. U okvirima suvremenoga elektroničkoga poslovanja, elektroničko pregovaranje postaje sastavni dio poslovne komunikacije, čiji se kontekst razlikuje od tradicionalnoga pregovaranja licem u lice. Temeljni je cilj rada istražiti ključna obilježja elektroničkoga pregovaranja, njegove prednosti i nedostatke te uključivanje elektroničkim komunikacijskim kanalom. Unatoč prednostima elektroničkoga pregovaranja, većina menadžera još uvijek daje prednost pregovaranju licem u lice. Pregovarači bi trebali kombinirati elektroničko pregovaranje i međudjelovanje licem u lice. Zaključuje se da pregovarači trebaju razumjeti i uvažavati posebnosti elektroničkoga pregovaranja kako bi unaprijedili i sustavno usavršavali svoje pregovaračke vještine. Takav pristup može osigurati dobru pripremu pregovarača, savladavanje potencijalnih prijetnji, nesmetan proces elektroničkoga pregovaranja i uspješan ishod pregovora.Electronic negotiation is a complex issue whose exploration requires an interdisciplinary approach. In the framework of contemporary e-business, electronic negotiation has become an integral part of business communication, which differs from traditional face-to-face negotiation in its context. The main aim of this paper is to examine the key features of electronic negotiation, its advantages and disadvantages, as well as implications of negotiating through electronic communication channels. Despite the advantages of electronic negotiation, most managers still prefer face-to-face negotiations although they should combine the two. The conclusion is that negotiators need to understand and take into consideration the specific nature of electronic negotiation in order to improve and continually upgrade their negotiating skills. Such an approach can provide a good basis for the preparation of the negotiator, help in overcoming potential threats, facilitate a smooth electronic negotiation process, and lead to a successful outcome