13 research outputs found


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    The laboratory rat, as important biomedical model, was often fed with unconventional diet usually made up of products from the bakery industry. Such diet consisted of insufficient caloric and nutritionally unbalanced meals could cause unreliable results in biomedical research. The study investigates the effects of malnutrition on the haematological profile of rats. The study is performed on Wistar male and female rats which were fed for 4 weeks exclusively with bakery products ad libidum. The following hematological parameters were observed in peripheral blood smears: red blood cell count, content of haemoglobin, haematocrit, MCV, MCH, MCHC, white blood cell count, differential blood count, diameter of red blood cells, as well as the presence of atypical forms of red blood cells. Despite there were no statistically significant differences in overall haematological results (p > 0.05, with > 0.05), the significant part of obtained results were below physiological limits (HGB, MCHC and MCH). Other haematological parameters, including white blood corpuscles were kept in physiological limits, except for mild neutrophils in males. Also, the forms of anulocytes and spherocytes were recorded in peripheral blood smears. The results indicated the beginning of normocytic hypochromic anaemia which was caused by unbalanced meals

    Analogía de la transferencia del 40K y del 137Cs de la comida a la carne de los rumiantes

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    The study of transfer coefficients and concentration ratios of 40K and 137Cs was performed in order to investigate the bioavailability and potential analogy relationships of observed radionuclides in the chain of animal production of ruminants. Sampling of material was performed at small individual farms situated inside the three regional livestock areas in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Transfer coefficients and concentration ratios of 40K and 137Cs were calculated for beef and sheep meat. Obtained results were in accordance with literature data with average transfer coefficient values for 40K and 137Cs in beef of 0.017 and 0.058 d kg-1, respectively; whilst the same values for the sheep meat were higher (0.104 and 0.341). Average values for concentration ratios of 40K and 137Cs were equilibrated between the species (beef: 0.125 and 0.418; sheep meat: 0.136 and 0.443). Obtained results indicated on the hidden analogy between observed radionuclides, covered by the homeostatic control of potassium in ruminants. The study confirmed the use of potasssium compounds for reduction of radiocesium contamination in ruminants.Istraživanje transfer koeficijenata i koncentracijskih odnosa 40K (Kalij-40 – puni naziv radionuklida) i 137Cs (puni naziv radionuklida Cezij-137) je izvedeno u cillju proučavanja biološke iskoristlivosti i potencijalnih analognih odnosa promatranih radionuklida u lancu animalne proizvodnje preživača. Materijal je uzorkovan na malim privatnim farmama smještenim unutar tri regionalna stočarska područja u Bosni i Hercegovini. Transfer koeficijenti i koncentracijski odnosi 40K i 137Cs izračunati su za govedinu i ovčje meso. Dobiveni rezultati bili su u suglasnosti s literaturnim podacima s prosječnim vrijednostima transfer koeficijenata za 40K i 137Cs u govedini od 0,017 i 0,058 za svaki od promatranih radionuklida, dok su iste vrijednosti za ovčje meso bile više (0,104 i 0,341). Prosječne vrijednosti koncentracijskih odnosa 40K i 137Cs su bile ujednačene između observiranih vrsta mesa (govedina: 0,125 i 0,418; ovčje meso: 0.136 i 0.443). Dobiveni rezultati su ukazali na skrivenu analogiju između promatranih radionuklida, prekrivenu homeostatskom kontrolom kalija u preživača. Istraživanje je potvrdilo upotrebu kalijevih preparata za redukciju kontaminacije radiocezijem kod preživača.Es wurde eine Untersuchung der Übertragungskoeffizienten und des Konzentrationsverhältnisses von 40K und 137Cs durchgeführt, um die Bioverfügbarkeit und die potentiellen analogen Verhältnisse zwischen den untersuchten Radionukliden in der Kette der Wiederkäueraufzucht zu erforschen. Die Proben wurden in kleineren einzelnen Landbetrieben in drei regionalen Viehzuchtgebieten in Bosnien und Herzegowina genommen. Die Übertragungskoeffizienten und die Konzentrationsverhältnisse von 40K und 137Cs wurden bei Rind- und Schafsfleisch ermittelt. Die Ergebnisse entsprachen den Angaben aus der Literatur, wobei der durchschnittliche Übertragungskoeffizient von 40K bei Rindfleisch 0,017 und von 137Cs 0,058 betrug, während die durchschnittlichen Werte des Übertragungskoeffizienten von 40K und 137Cs bei Schafsfleisch etwas höher waren (0,104 und 0,341). Die durchschnittlichen Werte des Konzentrationsverhältnisses von 40K und 137Cs waren bei beiden Fleischsorten ausgeglichen (Rindfleisch 0,125 und 0,418; Schafsfleisch: 0,136 und 0,443). Die gewonnenen Ergebnisse weisen auf eine verdeckte Analogie zwischen den untersuchten Radionukliden hin, die aufgrund der homöostatischen Kaliumkontrolle bei Wiederkäuern verdeckt ist. Die Untersuchung gerechtfertigte den Einsatz von Kaliumverbindungen zur Reduzierung der Kontaminierung durch Radiocäsium bei Wiederkäuern.La ricerca sui coefficienti di trasmissione e sul rapporto di concentrazione di 40K e 137Cs è stata effettuata allo scopo di analizzare la biodisponibilità e i potenziali rapporti analogici dei radionuclidi esaminati nella catena dell’allevamento dei ruminanti. La campionatura dei materiali è stata eseguita in singole piccole aziende zootecniche collocate all’interno di tre aree regionali d’allevamento della Bosnia e Erzegovina. Il calcolo dei coefficienti di trasmissione e dei rapporti di concentrazione di 40K e 137Cs ha riguardato la carne bovina e quella ovina. La ricerca in questione ha dato risultati in linea con i dati contenuti nella letteratura di riferimento, laddove, riguardo alla carne bovina, s’è registrato un valore medio del coefficiente di trasmissione per il radionuclide 40K di 0,017, mentre per il radionuclide 137Cs è stato registrato un valore medio di 0,058. Per quanto riguarda, invece, la carne ovina, sono stati registrati valori medi del coefficiente di trasmissione per 40K e 137Cs leggermente superiori (0,104 e 0,341). Circa il rapporto di concentrazione di 40K e 137Cs tra specie, sono stati registrati valori medi pressoché identici (carne bovina: 0,125 e 0,418; carne ovina: 0,136 e 0,443). I risultati ottenuti rimandano a un’analogia occulta tra i radionuclidi esaminati, nascosta dal controllo omeostatico del potassio nei ruminanti. La ricerca ha confermato la giustificabilità dell’uso di composti potassici per ridurre la contaminazione da radiocesio nei ruminanti.Fue hecha la investigación del coeficiente de transferencia y cociente de la concentración de los 40K i 137Cs con el fin de investigar la biodisponibilidad y potenciales relaciones analógicas entre los radionucleidos investigados en la cadena de cría de los rumiantes. La toma de muestras de los materiales fue hecha en pequeñas granjas individuales en tres regiones de la cría del ganado en Bosnia y Hercegovina. El coeficiente de transmisión y los cocientes de concentración de los 40K y 137Cs fueron contados para la carne bovina y carne ovina. Los resultados obtenidos fueron de acuerdo con los datos de la literatura, donde el valor medio del coeficiente de transmisión en la carne bovina para el 40K fue 0,017, y para el 137Cs 0,058, mientras en la carne ovina el valor medio del coeficiente de transmisión para el 40K y 137Cs fue un poco más alto (0,104 i 0,341). El valor medio del cociente de concentración de los 40K y 137Cs entre las especies fue uniformes (carne bovina: 0,125 i 0,418; carne ovina: 0,136 y 0,443). Los resultados obtenidos indican una analogía escondida entre la investigación de los radionucleidos, encubierta por el control homeostático del potasio en los rumiantes. La investigación confirmó la justificación del uso de los compuestos de potasio para la reducción dela contaminación en los rumiante

    Tissue Reaction to Absorbable Endoloop, Nonabsorbable Titanium Staples, and Polymer Hem-o-lok Clip After Laparoscopic Appendectomy

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    The mildest inflammatory changes postoperatively were found in the staple group followed by those in the Hem-O-Lok group

    Konzervativno liječenje prijeloma bedrene kosti u mlade mačke – prikaz slučaja

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    Femoral fractures are one of the most frequent fractures in veterinary practice. The best results are achieved by surgical treatment - now considered the gold standard in treating these fractures. However, there is room for the use of conservative therapy in selected cases. We present a case of a young male cat with femoral fracture, which was treated exclusively by immobilization splint, at the request of the owner. Our goal was to bring the injured bone to axle alignment and to keep its length with this variant of conservative treatment. Despite poor splint tolerance and evident poor fusion of bone fragments on the X-ray, the expected complete establishment of extremity function was observed due to the good osteogenic potential of the young and active patient. Although this method cannot be recommended for the treatment of fractures of the thigh bone in this group of patients, it can still have its place in cats that tolerate the splint, in particular those with a well-laid Thomas splint, when complete repair of the fracture could be expected.Prijelomi bedrene kosti spadaju među najučestalije lomove u veterinarskoj praksi. Najbolji rezultati postižu se kirurškim liječenjem koje se danas smatra zlatnim standardom u liječenju ovih prijeloma. Ipak, u izabranih slučajeva postoji prostor i za primjenu konzervativne terapije. Predstavljamo slučaj mladog mužjaka mačke s prijelomom bedrene kosti, koji je po zahtjevu vlasnika liječen isključivo imobilizacijskom udlagom. Cilj je bio ovom varijantom konzervativnog liječenja ozlijeđenoj kosti ponovno osigurati uspostavu pravilne osovine uz zadržavanje njezine duljine. Unatoč lošem podnošenju udlage te razvidnim pokazateljima lošeg spajanja ulomaka kosti na Rtg snimcima, zamijećena je očekivana kompletna uspostava funkcije okrajine zahvaljujući ponajprije dobrom osteogenom potencijalu mladog i aktivnog pacijenta. Iako se ova metoda ne preporuča za liječenje prijeloma bedrene kosti ovoj grupi pacijenata, ona ipak može imati svoje mjesto u mačaka koji toleriraju udlagu, kod osobito dobro postavljene Thomasove šine, kad se očekuje potpuna sanacija prijeloma

    CT advantages of potential use of polymer plastic clips in neurocranium

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    Aim Clips in neurosurgery are made of titanium alloys, which reduce artifacts on computed tomography (CT). The radiological advantage of plastic clips on the CT image was demonstrated when they were placed in an inter-hemispherical position at an angle of 90º. The aim of this study was to investigate the behaviour of the clip placed at different angles. Methods Sixty heads of domestic pigs were divided into two groups, in group 1 a titanium clip was placed to the interhemispheric position at an angle of 90º, 45º, 0º, ten heads for each angle. In group 2 a plastic clip was placed in the same way. CT scan of the brain was performed for each angle. The size of the density and possible artifact were measured on CT. Results The size of the titanium clip ranged from 17.05 mm at an angle of 0º in the axial plane to 91.47 mm at an angle of 0º in the sagittal plane. The average size of the plastic clip ranged from 6.4 mm at an angle of 0º in the axial plane to 23.22 mm in an angle of 90º in the sagittal plane. Artifacts were observed only in the titanium clip. Conclusion Plastic clips have shown radiological advantages over titanium clips in the CT image. The average density size of the plastic clip in all planes and all angles was smaller than the titanium clip

    Poikilocytotic forms caused by hyperthermia and heat stroke- experimental study on Wistar rats

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    Background: The aim of the study was to find out what happens to erythrocytes and their forms during life and after death as a result of high water temperature.Methods: Heat stress was used on a rat model.to investigate the effects of different temperature intensities (37°C and 44°C) and exposure time (20 min and until the time of death) on erythrocyte morphology. Total of 23 Wistar rats were divided into two groups: 37°C as control group and 44°C as trial groups. The trial groups were classified into antemortem the exposure time of 20 min and postmortem groups exposure time until fatal outcome. The anaesthetised rats were exposed to preheated water using the water bath. May-Grünwald-Giemsa colouring technique was applied on blood samples taken from the abdominal aorta. Results: Exposure of Wistar rats to water temperature in groups KG37 and G44 led to a significant changes in core temperature. In the control group, the thermoregulatory mechanism established normothermia, and in G44 hyperthermia was detected during 20 minutes of exposure. The frequency of heat stroke in group G44 was 43.8%. Target cells and anulocytes were predominant in antemortem group at 44°C, while anulocytes and spherocytes in postmortem groups 44°C, respectively. Dacryocytes with spherocytes were significantly higher in postmortem group 44°C than in antemortem group 44°C (p=0.002, p=0.017, respectively).Conclusions: Poikilocytosis is associated with the exposure length and temperature intensity. Following a fatal outcome dacryocytes with spherocytes at 44°C were significantly more than in corresponding antemortem groups

    Konzervativno liječenje prijeloma bedrene kosti u mlade mačke – prikaz slučaja

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    Femoral fractures are one of the most frequent fractures in veterinary practice. The best results are achieved by surgical treatment - now considered the gold standard in treating these fractures. However, there is room for the use of conservative therapy in selected cases. We present a case of a young male cat with femoral fracture, which was treated exclusively by immobilization splint, at the request of the owner. Our goal was to bring the injured bone to axle alignment and to keep its length with this variant of conservative treatment. Despite poor splint tolerance and evident poor fusion of bone fragments on the X-ray, the expected complete establishment of extremity function was observed due to the good osteogenic potential of the young and active patient. Although this method cannot be recommended for the treatment of fractures of the thigh bone in this group of patients, it can still have its place in cats that tolerate the splint, in particular those with a well-laid Thomas splint, when complete repair of the fracture could be expected.Prijelomi bedrene kosti spadaju među najučestalije lomove u veterinarskoj praksi. Najbolji rezultati postižu se kirurškim liječenjem koje se danas smatra zlatnim standardom u liječenju ovih prijeloma. Ipak, u izabranih slučajeva postoji prostor i za primjenu konzervativne terapije. Predstavljamo slučaj mladog mužjaka mačke s prijelomom bedrene kosti, koji je po zahtjevu vlasnika liječen isključivo imobilizacijskom udlagom. Cilj je bio ovom varijantom konzervativnog liječenja ozlijeđenoj kosti ponovno osigurati uspostavu pravilne osovine uz zadržavanje njezine duljine. Unatoč lošem podnošenju udlage te razvidnim pokazateljima lošeg spajanja ulomaka kosti na Rtg snimcima, zamijećena je očekivana kompletna uspostava funkcije okrajine zahvaljujući ponajprije dobrom osteogenom potencijalu mladog i aktivnog pacijenta. Iako se ova metoda ne preporuča za liječenje prijeloma bedrene kosti ovoj grupi pacijenata, ona ipak može imati svoje mjesto u mačaka koji toleriraju udlagu, kod osobito dobro postavljene Thomasove šine, kad se očekuje potpuna sanacija prijeloma

    Dog bites and attacks on athletes: lack of effective prevention mechanisms

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    Athletes who train in public places in urban and rural areas are just as attacked and injured by dogs of known owners as they are by dogs with no owners, in a relatively equal proportion. The largest number of bites occurs in the summer, what makes up half of all bites, just when sports activity is most pronounced. Athletes who are most often exposed to potential attacks and bites are cyclists, long-distance athletes, marathon runners, recreational athletes, etc. both during training and competitions. Off-road cyclists are at a significantly higher risk of dog attacks because cycling takes place off-road, that is, away from urban areas. Dog attacks can adversely affect the psycho-physical readiness of athletes. In Bosnia and Herzegovina there have been no cases of injuries to athletes recorded by competent medical institutions or umbrella sports associations. It is necessary to work on more efficient administration (registration and recording of attacks and bites of dogs). It is of utmost importance to educate athletes on dog behaviour, the reasons for their aggressive behaviour and causal mechanisms of dog attacks as well as the first aid education, what can have a great impact on reducing further complications

    Geometric and Morphometric Analysis of the Auditory Ossicles in the Red Fox (<i>Vulpes vulpes</i>)

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    The use of carnivores as experimental models in auditory biology has led to a significant improvement regarding our understanding of the structure and function of the ear. Considering that data regarding the anatomy of the middle ear in the red fox are rare, this study aimed to describe the morphological and morphometrical features of the auditory ossicles in the red fox, as well as to provide their shape characteristics by geometric analysis. Nine adult red foxes were used in the study. The malleus, incus and stapes were extracted from the middle ear, prepared, photographed and measured using the software. For the geometric analysis, 19 landmarks were used. Following Principal Component Analysis (PCA), PC1 was found to explain approximately half of all variance (incus: 49.97%; malleus: 49.93%; stapes: 58.49%). The study demonstrated the similar anatomical organization of the auditory ossicles in line with important morphometric and basic geometric data, which can contribute to this field and add a useful perspective to the literature


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    Stray dogs are the ones not microchipped, which live across the streets and other public surfaces unattended, and so represent a serious public-health problem. Lack of human support for the stray dogs causes a range of problems - from territorial status to ensuring food. Such conditions force them to activate a self-preservation mechanism and return to natural behavioral patterns. Regarding the fact that several thousands of stray dogs were recorded in observed regions of Bosnia and Herzegovina in the period from 2008 – 2009, it was obvious that such conditions could endanger the health of both humans and domestic animals. The problem in Bosnia and Herzegovina attempted to be solved using various approaches during the period from 1996 – 2009. Some solutions were: using hygiene services of public utility companies in some places, or establishing dog shelters. The third solution for the problem was the employment of hunting associations and their active participation for reducing the number of stray dogs. Minimization of large number of stray dogs required number of measures and activities such as aplicable legal framework, education for dog owners, neutering of dogs, building shelters, euthanasia of ill and agressive dogs and permanent hosting of dogs