25 research outputs found

    "I will pay you more, as long as you are transparent!": An investigation of the pick-your-price participative pricing mechanism

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    Participative pricing strategies are increasingly common nowadays. In addition to have an impact on consumers’ purchase decision, these pricing strategies can impact consumers’ brand evaluations. This paper is an investigation of the Pick-Your-Price (PYP) strategy, which is the most novel participative pricing approach. Adopting a mixed-method approach, we shed light on consumers’ perceptions of the PYP and evaluate the impact of a possible configuration of the PYP (i.e. featuring a default price optionarchitecture) on brand evaluations and purchase choice. We find that when the default is placed on the highest price, consumers ascribe negative causal attribution to the company which, in turn, will result in more negative brand attitudes. Interestingly, introducing price transparency improves causal attributions and brand attitudes as well as the estimated revenues for the company. Moreover, we also test the impact of defaults in the context of communicating different Corporate Social Responsibility practices (internal vs. external) finding that the communication of external CSR stimulates more positive brand attitudes and, in turn, higher willingness to purchase in PYP settings. This study represents one of the first explorations of the PYP strategy, providing interesting managerial implications for marketers willing to experiment with it

    Il category management nelle imprese industriali in Italia: le implicazioni organizzative

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    Descrizione dei risultati di un'indagine empirica condotta in Italia riguardante le implicazioni organizzative dell'adozione di processi di category management in un campione di imprese industriali operanti nel comparto dei beni di largo e generale consum

    Il cyber-marketing territoriale

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    Analisi teorico-empirica delle opportunitĂ  di utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie di comunicazione (specie Internet) per la valorizzazione del territorio. L'analisi teorica si rifĂ  alla prospettiva Resource-based mentre i casi empirici fanno prevalentemente riferimento al contesto italiano

    Commercio elettronico

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    Definizione di commercio elettronic

    La progettazione e la gestione dei canali distributivi

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    Descrizione delle principali scelte relative alla progettazione e alla gestione dei canali distributivi, con esemplificazioni attraverso mini-cas

    Migranti, shopping e retailing: quale relazione?

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    Review della letteratura nazionale e internazionale relativa alla relazione tra migranti, shopping e retailing. Vengono analizzate soprattutto indagini empiriche aventi ad oggetto sia le peculiaritĂ  del comportamento di acquisto e shopping dei migranti, sia le caratteristiche del retailing rivolto a tale target (gestito da migranti e non)

    “Are grocery retailers responding to consumers’ nutrition concerns? An exploratory field study”

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    Exploratory study (based on website content analysis) to investigate the extent to which International grocery retailers are taking into consideration increasing consumers' nutrition concerns, and to analyze the approach they are following in answering to these social responsibility issues

    Osservatorio retailing. Competenze

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    L’esperienza della visita al museo e l’esperienza d’acquisto nel negozio del museo: uno schema di riferimento

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    Il libro riporta i risultati di ricerche condotte per indagare le peculiarità dell'esperienza di shopping nei negozi dei musei. Il capitolo propone una review della letteratura internazionale che può fornire spunti utili per interpretare le peculiarità del comportamento di shopping in museum stores e che costituisce il framework teorico di riferimento per i successivi capitoli di taglio empirico

    The management of trust in competitive strategy research: Why it is important and what is new

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    The chapter investigates first of all the relevance of trust in the field of management, organisation and strategy. Then the main meanings of the construct provided by the literature, its antecedents and consequences are discussed. The two main goals of the chapter is to demonstrate the growing importance of trust within and between organisations to face the competitive pressure and to isolate the main trust building strategies