11 research outputs found

    Table_1_Diverse Long-Range Axonal Projections of Excitatory Layer 2/3 Neurons in Mouse Barrel Cortex.XLSX

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    <p>Excitatory projection neurons of the neocortex are thought to play important roles in perceptual and cognitive functions of the brain by directly connecting diverse cortical and subcortical areas. However, many aspects of the anatomical organization of these inter-areal connections are unknown. Here, we studied long-range axonal projections of excitatory layer 2/3 neurons with cell bodies located in mouse primary somatosensory barrel cortex (wS1). As a population, these neurons densely projected to secondary whisker somatosensory cortex (wS2) and primary/secondary whisker motor cortex (wM1/2), with additional axon in the dysgranular zone surrounding the barrel field, perirhinal temporal association cortex and striatum. In three-dimensional reconstructions of 6 individual wS2-projecting neurons and 9 individual wM1/2-projecting neurons, we found that both classes of neurons had extensive local axon in layers 2/3 and 5 of wS1. Neurons projecting to wS2 did not send axon to wM1/2, whereas a small subset of wM1/2-projecting neurons had relatively weak projections to wS2. A small fraction of projection neurons solely targeted wS2 or wM1/2. However, axon collaterals from wS2-projecting and wM1/2-projecting neurons were typically also found in subsets of various additional areas, including the dysgranular zone, perirhinal temporal association cortex and striatum. Our data suggest extensive diversity in the axonal targets selected by individual nearby cortical long-range projection neurons with somata located in layer 2/3 of wS1.</p

    Video_2_Diverse Long-Range Axonal Projections of Excitatory Layer 2/3 Neurons in Mouse Barrel Cortex.MOV

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    <p>Excitatory projection neurons of the neocortex are thought to play important roles in perceptual and cognitive functions of the brain by directly connecting diverse cortical and subcortical areas. However, many aspects of the anatomical organization of these inter-areal connections are unknown. Here, we studied long-range axonal projections of excitatory layer 2/3 neurons with cell bodies located in mouse primary somatosensory barrel cortex (wS1). As a population, these neurons densely projected to secondary whisker somatosensory cortex (wS2) and primary/secondary whisker motor cortex (wM1/2), with additional axon in the dysgranular zone surrounding the barrel field, perirhinal temporal association cortex and striatum. In three-dimensional reconstructions of 6 individual wS2-projecting neurons and 9 individual wM1/2-projecting neurons, we found that both classes of neurons had extensive local axon in layers 2/3 and 5 of wS1. Neurons projecting to wS2 did not send axon to wM1/2, whereas a small subset of wM1/2-projecting neurons had relatively weak projections to wS2. A small fraction of projection neurons solely targeted wS2 or wM1/2. However, axon collaterals from wS2-projecting and wM1/2-projecting neurons were typically also found in subsets of various additional areas, including the dysgranular zone, perirhinal temporal association cortex and striatum. Our data suggest extensive diversity in the axonal targets selected by individual nearby cortical long-range projection neurons with somata located in layer 2/3 of wS1.</p

    Activation of intracellular signaling pathways <i>in vitro</i> and <i>in vivo</i>.

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    <p><b>A.</b> Western blot analysis was performed with proteins extracted from neonatal cardiomyocytes treated with nHDL, rHDL (apoAI + POPC) or rHDLB (apoAI + POPC+ S1P) for 5min (n = 7–11). Specific bands corresponding to phosphorylated Akt, ERK1/2 and STAT3 were quantified by densitometry, normalized using GAPDH expression and given as a percentage of the control. <b>B.</b> Western blot analysis of proteins extracted from hearts submitted to 45min of LAD occlusion followed by 5min of reperfusion. Native HDL (nHDL) or rHDLB were injected one minute before the reperfusion (n = 9). Data are mean±SEM. *p<0.05, **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 vs control, using unpaired-student t-test.</p

    rHDL containing S1P protect against hypoxia <i>in vitro</i>.

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    <p>Cardiomyocytes were incubated in Tyrode solution, submitted to 5h hypoxia and treated during hypoxia with native HDL (nHDL), rHDL (apoAI+POPC) or rHDLB (apoAI + POPC + S1P). Cell survival was determined using the MTT assay. Cell survival is expressed in percentage of normoxia (mean±SEM). *p < 0.05 vs hypoxia, using paired-student t-test, n = 6.</p

    Post-ischemic treatment with HDL protects against ischemia reperfusion injury <i>in vivo</i>.

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    <p>Mice were submitted to LAD occlusion for 45min and hearts were reperfused for 24h. Mice were injected or not (control mice IR) with native HDL (nHDL), POPC, rHDL (apoA1+POPC) or rHDLB (apoAI + POPC + S1P) one minute before reperfusion. <b>A.</b> Quantification of area at risk (AAR) per ventricle surface. Data are mean±SEM (n = 9–16 per group). <b>B.</b> Quantification of infarct size (IS) expressed in % of AAR. Data are mean±SEM (n = 9–16 per group), **p<0.01, vs IR, using one-way ANOVA combined with Tukey multiple comparisons post-hoc test. <b>C.</b> Representative images of TTC stained middle heart sections of control or treated mice.</p

    Post-ischemic treatment with HDL does not decrease oxidation.

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    <p>Mice were submitted to LAD occlusion for 45min and hearts were reperfused for 24h. Mice were injected or not (control mice IR) with native HDL (nHDL), reHDLB (apoAI + POPC + S1P) one minute before reperfusion. <b>A.</b> Quantification of Di-BrY content of frozen sections of infarcted hearts after 24h of reperfusion. <b>B.</b> Representative images of Di-BrY stained middle heart sections. <b>C.</b> Correlation between neutrophil content and Di-BrY staining after 24h of reperfusion in the same hearts.</p

    rHDL containing S1P protect against ischemia reperfusion injury <i>ex vivo</i>.

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    <p>Isolated hearts were submitted to global ischemia (35min) followed by reperfusion (45min). At the onset of reperfusion, hearts were treated or not (control) with native HDL (nHDL), rHDL (apoAI+POPC) or rHDLB (apoAI + POPC + S1P) during the first 7min. Infarct size is expressed as percentage of total heart area, (mean±SEM). ***p<0.001 vs control using one-way ANOVA combined with Tukey multiple comparisons post-hoc test, n≥4.</p

    Post-ischemic treatment with HDL does not decrease leukocyte infiltration.

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    <p>Mice were submitted to LAD occlusion for 45min and hearts were reperfused for 24h. Mice were injected or not (control mice IR) with native HDL (nHDL), rHDLB (apoAI + POPC + S1P) one minute before reperfusion. <b>A.</b> Quantification of infiltrated neutrophils (Ly-6B.2<sup>+</sup> cells) per area in frozen sections of infarcted hearts at 24h of reperfusion. <b>B.</b> Representative images of neutrophil (Ly-6B.2<sup>+</sup> cells) infiltration. <b>C.</b> Quantification of infiltrated neutrophils (Ly6G+ cells) per area in frozen sections of infarcted hearts at 24h of reperfusion. <b>D.</b> Representative images of neutrophil (Ly6G+ cell) infiltration. <b>E.</b> Quantification of infiltrated macrophages (CD68<sup>+</sup> cells) per area in frozen sections of infarcted hearts at 24h of reperfusion. <b>F.</b> Representative images of macrophage (CD68<sup>+</sup> cells) infiltration. Data are expressed as scattered plots (mean±SEM, <i>n</i> = 7–10 per group). Results are expressed as percentages of stained area on total heart surface area. No significance difference between groups was found using unpaired-student t-test.</p