29 research outputs found

    Randomised controlled trial of a secondary prevention program for myocardial infarction patients ('ProActive Heart'): study protocol. Secondary prevention program for myocardial infarction patients

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    Background: \ud Coronary heart disease (CHD) is a significant cause of health and economic burden. Secondary prevention programs play a pivotal role in the treatment and management of those affected by CHD although participation rates are poor due to patient, provider, health system and societal-level barriers. As such, there is a need to develop innovative secondary prevention programs to address the treatment gap. Telephone-delivered care is convenient, flexible and has been shown to improve behavioural and clinical outcomes following myocardial infarction (MI). This paper presents the design of a randomised controlled trial to evaluate the efficacy of a six-month telephone-delivered secondary prevention program for MI patients (ProActive Heart).\ud \ud Methods:\ud 550 adult MI patients have been recruited over a 14 month period (December 2007 to January 2009) through two Brisbane metropolitan hospitals, and randomised to an intervention or control group (n = 225 per group). The intervention commences within two weeks of hospital discharge delivered by study-trained health professionals ('health coaches') during up to 10 Ă— 30 minute scripted telephone health coaching sessions. Participants also receive a ProActive Heart handbook and an educational resource to use during the health coaching sessions. The intervention focuses on appropriate modification of CHD risk factors, compliance with pharmacological management, and management of psychosocial issues. Data collection occurs at baseline or prior to commencement of the intervention (Time 1), six months follow-up or the completion of the intervention (Time 2), and at 12 months follow-up for longer term outcomes (Time 3). Primary outcome measures include quality of life (Short Form-36) and physical activity (Active Australia Survey). A cost-effective analysis of the costs and outcomes for patients in the intervention and control groups is being conducted from the perspective of health care costs to the government.\ud \ud Discussion: The results of this study will provide valuable new information about an innovative telephone-delivered cost-effective secondary prevention program for MI patients

    Communicating in the pre-hospital emergency environment

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    Aim. To develop and evaluate the implementation of a communication board for paramedics to use with patients as an augmentative or alternative communication tool to address communication needs of patients in the pre-hospital setting.\ud \ud Method. A double-sided A4-size communication board was designed specifically for use in the pre-hospital setting by the Queensland Ambulance Service and Disability and Community Care Services. One side of the board contains expressive messages that could be used by both the patient and paramedic. The other side contains messages to support patients’ understanding and interaction tips for the paramedic. The communication board was made available in every ambulance and patient transport vehicle in the Brisbane Region.\ud \ud Results. A total of 878 paramedics completed a survey that gauged which patient groups they might use the communication board with. The two most common groups were patients from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and children. Staff reported feeling confident in using the board, and 72% of interviewed paramedics agreed that the communication board was useful for aiding communication with patients. Feedback from paramedics suggests that the board is simple to use, reduces patient frustration and improves communication.\ud \ud Conclusion. These results suggest that a communication board can be applied in the pre-hospital setting to support communication success with patients.\ud \ud What is known about the topic? It is imperative that communication between patient and paramedic is clear and effective. Research has shown that communication boards have been effective with people with temporary or permanent communication difficulties.\ud \ud What does this paper add? This is the first paper outlining the development and use of a communication board by paramedics in the pre-hospital setting in Australia. The paper details the design of the communication board for the unique pre-hospital environment. The paper provides some preliminary data on the use of the communication board with certain patient groups and its effectiveness as an alternative communication tool.\ud \ud What are the implications for practitioners? The findings support the use of the tool as a viable option in supporting the communication between paramedics and a range of patients. It is not suggested that this communication board will meet the complete communication needs of any individual in this environment, but it is hoped that the board’s presence within the Queensland Ambulance Service may result in paramedics introducing the board on occasions where communication with a patient is challenging