327 research outputs found

    Multiplicative structure in equivariant cohomology

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    We introduce the notion of a strongly homotopy-comultiplicative resolution of a module coalgebra over a chain Hopf algebra, which we apply to proving a comultiplicative enrichment of a well-known theorem of Moore concerning the homology of quotient spaces of group actions. The importance of our enriched version of Moore's theorem lies in its application to the construction of useful cochain algebra models for computing multiplicative structure in equivariant cohomology. In the special cases of homotopy orbits of circle actions on spaces and of group actions on simplicial sets, we obtain small, explicit cochain algebra models that we describe in detail.Comment: 28 pages. Final version (cosmetic changes, slight reorganization), to appear in JPA

    Rational homotopy theory: a brief introduction

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    These notes contain a brief introduction to rational homotopy theory: its model category foundations, the Sullivan model and interactions with the theory of local commutative rings.Comment: A slight revision (some minor errors corrected) of lecture notes from a minicourse given in the summer school "Interactions between Homotopy Theory and Algebra," August 2004. (28 pages

    A general framework for homotopic descent and codescent

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    In this paper we elaborate a general homotopy-theoretic framework in which to study problems of descent and completion and of their duals, codescent and cocompletion. Our approach to homotopic (co)descent and to derived (co)completion can be viewed as ∞\infty-category-theoretic, as our framework is constructed in the universe of simplicially enriched categories, which are a model for (∞,1)(\infty, 1)-categories. We provide general criteria, reminiscent of Mandell's theorem on E∞E_{\infty}-algebra models of pp-complete spaces, under which homotopic (co)descent is satisfied. Furthermore, we construct general descent and codescent spectral sequences, which we interpret in terms of derived (co)completion and homotopic (co)descent. We show that a number of very well-known spectral sequences, such as the unstable and stable Adams spectral sequences, the Adams-Novikov spectral sequence and the descent spectral sequence of a map, are examples of general (co)descent spectral sequences. There is also a close relationship between the Lichtenbaum-Quillen conjecture and homotopic descent along the Dwyer-Friedlander map from algebraic K-theory to \'etale K-theory. Moreover, there are intriguing analogies between derived cocompletion (respectively, completion) and homotopy left (respectively, right) Kan extensions and their associated assembly (respectively, coassembly) maps.Comment: Discussion of completeness has been refined; statement of the theorem on assembly has been corrected; numerous small additions and minor correction

    The homotopy theory of coalgebras over a comonad

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    Let K be a comonad on a model category M. We provide conditions under which the associated category of K-coalgebras admits a model category structure such that the forgetful functor to M creates both cofibrations and weak equivalences. We provide concrete examples that satisfy our conditions and are relevant in descent theory and in the theory of Hopf-Galois extensions. These examples are specific instances of the following categories of comodules over a coring. For any semihereditary commutative ring R, let A be a dg R-algebra that is homologically simply connected. Let V be an A-coring that is semifree as a left A-module on a degreewise R-free, homologically simply connected graded module of finite type. We show that there is a model category structure on the category of right A-modules satisfying the conditions of our existence theorem with respect to the comonad given by tensoring over A with V and conclude that the category of V-comodules in the category of right A-modules admits a model category structure of the desired type. Finally, under extra conditions on R, A, and V, we describe fibrant replacements in this category of comodules in terms of a generalized cobar construction.Comment: 34 pages, minor corrections. To appear in the Proceedings of the London Mathematical Societ
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