3 research outputs found

    Effect of low cost mole drainage technology on yield of chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) under waterlogged vertisols of Maharashtra, India

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    The field experiment was conducted on performance of mole drainage under irrigated and waterlogged vertisols of Maharashtra at Agricultural Research Station, K. Digraj, Dist. Sangli (M.S.), India during 2009-10 to 2011 -12. An experimental layout of different mole spacings viz. mole drainage (MD) with 2 m (T1), 4 m (T2), 6 m mole spacing (T3) and without drainage i.e. control (T4) in a randomized block design with five replications. The results revealed that the weighted means of yield attributing parameters of chickpea and pooled mean of chickpea yield recorded highest in MD with 4 m mole spacing and which was at par with 6 m mole drain spacing as compare to control plot (without mole drainage). The MD with 2 m mole spacing recorded significantly lowest chickpea yield among mole drained plots which was at par with control. This study indicated that the MD with 4 m mole spacing is recommended for economically feasible production of chickpea under irrigated and waterlogged vertisols of Maharashtra

    Molecular breeding tools improved drought tolerant groundnut variety for resistance to foliar fungal diseases

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    A largely rainfed crop in India, drought tolerance, particularly mid- and end-season tolerance, is a key trait in groundnut varieties. A combination of both empirical and trait-based approaches was used in breeding programs of ICAR and ICRISAT, resulting in release of few tolerant varieties that have superior pod yield under drought stress and/or have enhanced water-use-efficiency. There is a need to breed varieties with drought tolerance, disease resistance and quality traits that suit different production ecologies as well as meet the needs of the farmers, consumers and industries. ICRISAT has released an early-maturing (90-95 d) and drought- tolerant variety ICGV 91114 for the drought-prone Ananthapur district of Andhra Pradesh, India, where about 0.7 m ha area is under groundnut cultivation and has low (300 mm) and erratic (30-40 rainy days) rainfall. On-farm studies conducted with ICGV 91114 during 2008-10 showed 30% reduction in yield variability over the years. Following screening in hot-spots of both rust and LLS disease during 2014 rainy season, a total of 27 introgression lines derived from ICGV 91114 were selected and advanced for evaluation in multi-location trials at six locations in 2015 under rainfed conditions. Based on the pod yield under rainfed conditions and disease resistance, three superior introgression lines (ICGV 14410, ICGV 13189, ICGV 14421) were proposed for the first-ever NILs trial (near-isogenic lines trial) along with eight others conducted under All India Coordinated Research Project on Groundnut (AICRP-G) at national level

    G × E interactions in QTL introgression lines of Spanish-type groundnut (Arachis hypogaea L.)

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    Multi-environment testing at five locations for rust and late leaf spot (LLS) resistance with 41 introgressed lines (ILs) bred using marker-assisted backcross breeding in the genetic background Spanish-type groundnut varieties identified significant genotype, and genotype × environment interactions (GEI) for LLS disease resistance and yield parameters. Significant GEI effects suggest the need to identify location specific breeding lines to achieve gains in pod yield and LLS resistance. The observed variable LLS disease reaction among the ILs in part suggests influence of background genotype on the level of resistance. A breeding scheme with early generation selection using molecular markers followed by phenotyping for LLS, and multi-location testing of fixed breeding lines was optimized to enhance selection intensity and accuracy in groundnut breeding. The ILs, ICGVs 14431, 14436 and 14438 with pooled LLS score at 90 DAS of 3.5–3.7 were superior to respective recurrent parent for pod yield, with early maturing similar to recurrent parents. The pod yield advantage in ILs is attributed by more number of pods, besides resistance to LLS that contributes to better filling