7 research outputs found

    Main effects for the epidemiologic variables included in the analyses, derived from population-based studies only<sup>1</sup>.

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    <p>Main effects for the epidemiologic variables included in the analyses, derived from population-based studies only<sup><a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003284#nt104" target="_blank">1</a></sup>.</p

    Odds ratios of gene-environment interaction for risk of breast cancer with p-value<10<sup>−3</sup> by study.

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    <p>(A) <i>LSP1</i>-rs3817198 x Number of full-term births (among parous), (B) <i>LSP1</i>-rs3817198 x Number of full-term births (among parous), restricted to subjects not included in previous BCAC report, (C) 1p11-rs11249433 x Parous (yes/no), (D) <i>CASP8</i>-rs17468277 x mean lifetime intake of alcohol (<20 g/day versus > = 20 g/day).</p

    List of participating studies and number of Caucasian subjects included in at least one GxE analysis.

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    <p>List of participating studies and number of Caucasian subjects included in at least one GxE analysis.</p

    Associations between selected SNPs and breast cancer risk in Caucasians, overall and by ER status (estimated per-allele odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals)<sup>1</sup>.

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    <p>Associations between selected SNPs and breast cancer risk in Caucasians, overall and by ER status (estimated per-allele odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals)<sup><a href="http://www.plosgenetics.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pgen.1003284#nt107" target="_blank">1</a></sup>.</p

    Per-allele odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for SNPs by environmental risk factors of breast cancer showing interaction P-value<10<sup>−3</sup>, overall and by estrogen receptor status.

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    <p>Per-allele odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals for SNPs by environmental risk factors of breast cancer showing interaction P-value<10<sup>−3</sup>, overall and by estrogen receptor status.</p

    Per-allele SNP odds ratios and 95% confidence intervals stratified by environmental risk factors of breast cancer, and combined SNP main effect.

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    <p>(A) <i>LSP1</i>-rs3817198 x Number of full-term births (among parous), (B) 1p11-rs11249433 x Parous (yes/no), (C) <i>CASP8</i>-rs17468277 x mean lifetime intake of alcohol (<20 g/day versus > = 20 g/day).</p


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    原著和名: [記載なし]科名: = unknown採集地: タイ カオヤイ国立公園 (タイ国 カオヤイ国立公園)採集日: 1984/10/13採集者: 萩庭丈壽整理番号: JH051286国立科学博物館整理番号: TNS-VS-94871