1 research outputs found

    Additional file 1: Figure S1. of Identification of a novel β-adrenergic octopamine receptor-like gene (βAOR-like) and increased ATP-binding cassette B10 (ABCB10) expression in a Rhipicephalus microplus cell line derived from acaricide-resistant ticks

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    βAOR gene in earlier passages of Rhipicephalus cell lines BME/CTVM5 and BME/CTVM6. Detection of βAOR gene in Rhipicephalus microplus cell lines BME/CTVM5 passage 8 (5p8) and BME/CTVM6 passages 32, 221 and 243 (6p32, 6p221 and 6p243, respectively). Amplicons of 183 bp, 220 bp and 245 bp were detected in the gDNA of BME/CTVM5 and amplicon of only 220 bp was detected in BME/CTVM6 passages. M = Marker. (TIF 2846 kb