1 research outputs found

    Mafia e corruzione: differenze concettuali, connessioni, strumenti di contrasto

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    Normalized ACL, AACT and HMGR mRNA levels in transgenic and wild-type T. brevicorniculatum plants quantified by qRT-PCR. The corresponding mRNA levels were normalized against the constitutive gene elongation factor 1 α (TbEF1α) from T. brevicorniculatum. Bars represent standard errors (n = three biological replicates). A: AtACLA1, AtAACT2 and AtHMGR1 transgene mRNA levels in transgenic lines. No significant differences at p < 0.05 were detected among the transgenic lines using the Mann-Whitney U test. B: Endogenous TbACLA, TbAACT and TbHMGR1 mRNA levels in all transgenic lines and wild-type (Wt) plants. No significant differences at p < 0.05 were detected between the wild-type plants and transgenic lines using the Mann-Whitney U test. (TIFF 1510 kb