3 research outputs found

    Redox Thermodynamics of High-Spin and Low-Spin Forms of Chlorite Dismutases with Diverse Subunit and Oligomeric Structures

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    Chlorite dismutases (Clds) are heme <i>b</i>-containing oxidoreductases that convert chlorite to chloride and dioxygen. In this work, the thermodynamics of the one-electron reduction of the ferric high-spin forms and of the six-coordinate low-spin cyanide adducts of the enzymes from <i>Nitrobacter winogradskyi</i> (NwCld) and <i>Candidatus</i> “Nitrospira defluvii” (NdCld) were determined through spectroelectrochemical experiments. These proteins belong to two phylogenetically separated lineages that differ in subunit (21.5 and 26 kDa, respectively) and oligomeric (dimeric and pentameric, respectively) structure but exhibit similar chlorite degradation activity. The <i>E</i>°′ values for free and cyanide-bound proteins were determined to be −119 and −397 mV for NwCld and −113 and −404 mV for NdCld, respectively (pH 7.0, 25 °C). Variable-temperature spectroelectrochemical experiments revealed that the oxidized state of both proteins is enthalpically stabilized. Molecular dynamics simulations suggest that changes in the protein structure are negligible, whereas solvent reorganization is mainly responsible for the increase in entropy during the redox reaction. Obtained data are discussed with respect to the known structures of the two Clds and the proposed reaction mechanism

    Manipulating Conserved Heme Cavity Residues of Chlorite Dismutase: Effect on Structure, Redox Chemistry, and Reactivity

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    Chlorite dismutases (Clds) are heme <i>b</i> containing oxidoreductases that convert chlorite to chloride and molecular oxygen. In order to elucidate the role of conserved heme cavity residues in the catalysis of this reaction comprehensive mutational and biochemical analyses of Cld from “<i>Candidatus</i> Nitrospira defluvii” (NdCld) were performed. Particularly, point mutations of the cavity-forming residues R173, K141, W145, W146, and E210 were performed. The effect of manipulation in 12 single and double mutants was probed by UV–vis spectroscopy, spectroelectrochemistry, pre-steady-state and steady-state kinetics, and X-ray crystallography. Resulting biochemical data are discussed with respect to the known crystal structure of wild-type NdCld and the variants R173A and R173K as well as the structures of R173E, W145V, W145F, and the R173Q/W146Y solved in this work. The findings allow a critical analysis of the role of these heme cavity residues in the reaction mechanism of chlorite degradation that is proposed to involve hypohalous acid as transient intermediate and formation of an OO bond. The distal R173 is shown to be important (but not fully essential) for the reaction with chlorite, and, upon addition of cyanide, it acts as a proton acceptor in the formation of the resulting low-spin complex. The proximal H-bonding network including K141-E210-H160 keeps the enzyme in its ferric (<i>E</i>°′ = −113 mV) and mainly five-coordinated high-spin state and is very susceptible to perturbation

    Eukaryotic Catalase-Peroxidase: The Role of the Trp-Tyr-Met Adduct in Protein Stability, Substrate Accessibility, and Catalysis of Hydrogen Peroxide Dismutation

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    Recently, it was demonstrated that bifunctional catalase-peroxidases (KatGs) are found not only in archaea and bacteria but also in lower eukaryotes. Structural studies and preliminary biochemical data of the secreted KatG from the rice pathogen <i>Magnaporthe grisea</i> (<i>Mag</i>KatG2) suggested both similar and novel features when compared to those of the prokaryotic counterparts studied so far. In this work, we demonstrate the role of the autocatalytically formed redox-active Trp140-Tyr273-Met299 adduct of <i>Mag</i>KatG2 in (i) the maintenance of the active site architecture, (ii) the catalysis of hydrogen peroxide dismutation, and (iii) the protein stability by comparing wild-type <i>Mag</i>KatG2 with the single mutants Trp140Phe, Tyr273Phe, and Met299Ala. The impact of disruption of the covalent bonds between the adduct residues on the spectral signatures and heme cavity architecture was small. By contrast, loss of its integrity converts bifunctional <i>Mag</i>KatG2 to a monofunctional peroxidase of significantly reduced thermal stability. It increases the accessibility of ligands due to the increased flexibility of the KatG-typical large loop 1 (LL1), which contributes to the substrate access channel and anchors at the adduct Tyr. We discuss these data with respect to those known from prokaryotic KatGs and in addition present a high-resolution structure of an oxoiron compound of <i>Mag</i>KatG2