11 research outputs found

    3D Gel Map of Arabidopsis Complex I

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    Complex I has a unique structure in plants and includes extra subunits. Here, we present a novel study to define its protein constituents. Mitochondria were isolated from Arabidopsis thaliana cell cultures, leaves, and roots. Subunits of complex I were resolved by 3D blue-native (BN)/SDS/SDS-PAGE and identified by mass spectrometry. Overall, 55 distinct proteins were found, seven of which occur in pairs of isoforms. We present evidence that Arabidopsis complex I consists of 49 distinct types of subunits, 40 of which represent homologs of bovine complex I. The nine other subunits represent special proteins absent in the animal linage of eukaryotes, most prominently a group of subunits related to bacterial gamma-type carbonic anhydrases. A GelMap http://www.gelmap.de/arabidopsis-3d-complex-i/ is presented for promoting future complex I research in Arabidopsis thaliana.DF

    Neofunctionalization of mitochondrial proteins and incorporation into signaling networks in plants

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    Because of their symbiotic origin, many mitochondrial proteins are well conserved across eukaryotic kingdoms. It is however less obvious how specific lineages have obtained novel nuclear-encoded mitochondrial proteins. Here, we report a case of mitochondrial neofunctionalization in plants. Phylogenetic analysis of genes containing the Domain of Unknown Function 295 (DUF295) revealed that the domain likely originated in Angiosperms. The C-terminal DUF295 domain is usually accompanied by an N-terminal F-box domain, involved in ubiquitin ligation via binding with ASK1/SKP1-type proteins. Due to gene duplication, the gene family has expanded rapidly, with 94 DUF295-related genes in Arabidopsis thaliana alone. Two DUF295 family subgroups have uniquely evolved and quickly expanded within Brassicaceae. One of these subgroups has completely lost the F-box, but instead obtained strongly predicted mitochondrial targeting peptides. We show that several representatives of this DUF295 Organellar group are effectively targeted to plant mitochondria and chloroplasts. Furthermore, many DUF295 Organellar genes are induced by mitochondrial dysfunction, whereas F-Box DUF295 genes are not. In agreement, several Brassicaceae-specific DUF295 Organellar genes were incorporated in the evolutionary much older ANAC017-dependent mitochondrial retrograde signaling pathway. Finally, a representative set of DUF295 T-DNA insertion mutants was created. No obvious aberrant phenotypes during normal growth and mitochondrial dysfunction were observed, most likely due to the large extent of gene duplication and redundancy. Overall, this study provides insight into how novel mitochondrial proteins can be created via “intercompartmental” gene duplication events. Moreover, our analysis shows that these newly evolved genes can then be specifically integrated into relevant, pre-existing coexpression networks

    Mesothelin\u27s minimal MUC16 binding moiety converts TR3 into a potent cancer therapeutic via hierarchical binding events at the plasma membrane

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    TRAIL has been extensively explored as a cancer drug based on its tumor-selective activity profile but it is incapable per se of discriminating between death receptors expressed by normal host cells and transformed cancer cells. Furthermore, it is well documented that surface tethering substantially increases its biologic activity. We have previously reported on Meso-TR3, a constitutive TRAIL trimer targeted to the biomarker MUC16 (CA125), in which the entire ectodomain of human mesothelin was genetically fused to the TR3 platform, facilitating attachment to the cancer cells via the MUC16 receptor. Here, we designed a truncation variant, in which the minimal 64 amino acid MUC16 binding domain of mesothelin was incorporated into TR3. It turned out that the dual-domain biologic Meso64-TR3 retained its high MUC16 affinity and bound to the cancer cells quickly, independent of the TR3/death receptor interaction. Furthermore, it was substantially more potent than Meso-TR3 and TR3 in vitro and in a preclinical xenograft model of MUC16-dependent ovarian cancer. Phenotypically, Meso64-TR3 is more closely related to non-targeted TR3, evident by indistinguishable activity profiles on MUC16-deficient cancers and similar thermal stability characteristics. Overall, Meso64-TR3 represents a fully human, MUC16-targetd TRAIL-based biologic, ideally suited for exploring preclinical and clinical evaluation studies in MUC16-dependent malignancies

    Evaluating the links between schizophrenia and sleep and circadian rhythm disruption

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    An assembly factor promotes assembly of flavinated SDH1 into the succinate dehydrogenase complex

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    Succinate dehydrogenase (Complex II; SDH) plays an important role in mitochondrial respiratory metabolism. The SDH complex consists of four core subunits and multiple cofactors, which must be assembled correctly to ensure enzyme function. To date, only an assembly factor (SDHAF2) required for FAD insertion into subunit SDH1 has been identified in plants. Here, we report the identification of Arabidopsis (Arabidopsis thaliana) At5g67490 as a second SDH assembly factor. Knockout of At5g67490 (sdhaf4) did not cause any phenotypic variation in seedlings but resulted in a decrease in both SDH activity and the succinate-dependent respiration rate as well as increased accumulation of succinate. Mass spectrometry analyses revealed stable levels of FAD-SDH1 in sdhaf4, together with increased levels of the FAD-SDH1 assembly factor, SDHAF2, and reduced levels of SDH2 compared with the wild type. Loss of SDHAF4 in sdhaf4 inhibited the formation of the SDH1/SDH2 intermediate, leading to the accumulation of soluble SDH1 in the mitochondrial matrix and reduced levels of SDH1 in the membrane. The increased levels of SDHAF2 suggest that the stabilization of soluble FAD-SDH1 depends on SDHAF2 availability. We conclude that SDHAF4 acts on FAD-SDH1 and promotes its assembly with SDH2, thereby stabilizing SDH2 and enabling its full assembly with SDH3/ SDH4 to form the SDH complex

    The mitochondrial LYR protein SDHAF1 is required for succinate dehydrogenase activity in Arabidopsis

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    Succinate dehydrogenase (SDH, complex II), which plays an essential role in mitochondrial respiration and tricarboxylic acid metabolism, requires the assembly of eight nuclear-encoded subunits and the insertion of various cofactors. Here, we report on the characterization of an Arabidopsis thaliana leucine-tyrosine-arginine (LYR) protein family member SDHAF1, (At2g39725) is a factor required for SDH activity. SDHAF1 is located in mitochondria and can fully complement the yeast SDHAF1 deletion strain. Knockdown of SDHAF1 using RNA interference resulted in a decrease in seedling hypocotyl elongation and reduced SDH activity. Proteomic analyses revealed a decreased abundance of various SDH subunits and assembly factors. Protein interaction assays revealed that SDHAF1 can interact exclusively with the Fe-S cluster-containing subunit SDH2 and HSCB, a cochaperone involved in Fe-S cluster complex recruitment. Therefore, we propose that in Arabidopsis, SDHAF1 plays a role in the biogenesis of SDH2 to form the functional complex II, which is essential for mitochondrial respiration and metabolism

    Mitochondrial defects confer tolerance against cellulose deficiency

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    Because the plant cell wall provides the first line of defense against biotic and abiotic assaults, its functional integrity needs to be maintained under stress conditions. Through a phenotype-based compound screening approach, we identified a novel cellulose synthase inhibitor, designated C17. C17 administration depletes cellulose synthase complexes from the plasma membrane in Arabidopsis thaliana, resulting in anisotropic cell elongation and a weak cell wall. Surprisingly, in addition to mutations in CELLULOSE SYNTHASE1 (CESA1) and CESA3, a forward genetic screen identified two independent defective genes encoding pentatricopeptide repeat (PPR)-like proteins (CELL WALL MAINTAINER1 [CWM1] and CWM2) as conferring tolerance to C17. Functional analysis revealed that mutations in these PPR proteins resulted in defective cytochrome c maturation and activation of mitochondrial retrograde signaling, as evidenced by the induction of an alternative oxidase. These mitochondrial perturbations increased tolerance to cell wall damage induced by cellulose deficiency. Likewise, administration of antimycin A, an inhibitor of mitochondrial complex III, resulted in tolerance toward C17. The C17 tolerance of cwm2 was partially lost upon depletion of the mitochondrial retrograde regulator ANAC017, demonstrating that ANAC017 links mitochondrial dysfunction with the cell wall. In view of mitochondria being a major target of a variety of stresses, our data indicate that plant cells might modulate mitochondrial activity to maintain a functional cell wall when subjected to stresses