16 research outputs found

    Self-powered, flexible and room temperature operated solution processed hybrid metal halide p-type sensing element for efficient hydrogen detection

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    Hydrogen (H2) is a well-known reduction gas and for safety reasons is very important to be detected. The most common systems employed along its detection are metal oxide-based elements. However, the latter demand complex and expensive manufacturing techniques, while they also need high temperatures or UV light to operate effectively. In this work, we first report a solution processed hybrid mixed halide spin coated perovskite films that have been successfully applied as portable, flexible, self-powered, fast and sensitive hydrogen sensing elements, operating at room temperature. The minimum concentrations of H2 gas that could be detected was down to 10 ppm. This work provides a new pathway on gases interaction with perovskite materials, launches new questions that must be addressed regarding the sensing mechanisms involved due to the utilization of halide perovskite sensing elements while also demonstrates the potential that these materials have on beyond solar cell applications

    A multi-analytical study of the crystal structure of unusual Ti-Zr-Cr-rich Andradite from the Maronia skarn, Rhodope massif, western Thrace, Greece

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    Unusual Ti-Cr-Zr-rich garnet crystals from high-temperature melilitic skarn of the Maronia area, western Thrace, Greece, were investigated by electron-microprobe analysis, powder and single-crystal X-ray diffraction, IR, Raman and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Chemical data showed that the garnets contain up to 8 wt.% TiO2, 8 wt.% Cr2O3 and 4 wt.% ZrO2, representing a solid solution of andradite (Ca3Fe3+2 Si3O12 ≈46 mol%), uvarovite (Ca3 Cr2Si3O12 ≈23 mol%), grossular (Ca3Al2Si3O12 ≈10 mol%), schorlomite (Ca3Ti2[Si,(Fe3+, Al3+)2]O12 ≈15 mol%), and kimzeyite (Ca3Zr2 [Si,Al2]3 O12 ≈6 mol%). The Mössbauer analysis showed that the total Fe is ferric, preferentially located at the octahedral site and to a smaller extent at the tetrahedral site. Single-crystal XRD analysis, Raman and IR spectroscopy verified substitution of Si mainly by Al3+, Fe3+ and Ti4+. Cr3+ and Zr4+ are found at the octahedral site along with Fe3+, Al3+ and Ti4+. The measured H2O content is 0.20 wt.%. The analytical data suggest that the structural formula of the Maronia garnet can be given as: (Ca2.99Mg0.03) ∑=3.02 (Fe3+0.67Cr0.54Al0.33 Ti0.29Zr0.15)∑=1.98 (Si2.42Ti0.24Fe0.18Al0.14) ∑=2.98O12OH0.11. Ti-rich garnets are not common and their crystal chemistry is still under investigation. The present work presents new evidence that will enable the elucidation of the structural chemistry of Ti- and Cr-rich garnets. © Springer-Verlag 2008

    Crystal chemistry, structure analyses and phase transition experiment on an omphacite from eclogitic metagabbro from Syros island, Greece

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    Pyroxene samples, from the Greek island of Syros, taken from a blueschist-eclogite facies Mg-rich metagabbro, were investigated by chemical and XRD analyses and Mössbauer spectroscopy. Single-crystal XRD and microprobe analysis showed that the natural sample is a typical omphacite of intermediate composition in the Ca-Na pyroxene solid solutions. The space group P2/n was confirmed and the cations Mg, Al and Ca, Na were found to be ordered in the M1 and M2 positions, respectively. Mössbauer spectroscopy showed that there is both ferrous and ferric iron in the structure, with the ratio 1.38:1. The M2 sites are fully occupied by Ca and Na, thus the iron (Fe2+ and Fe3+) can substitute only for Mg and Al in the M1 sites. Partial disorder was attained by annealing the sample at 850 °C, 20 kbar for 7 days, as confirmed by decrease of intensity of reflections affected by the C-type extinction. © Springer-Verlag 2007

    Oskarssonite, AlF3, a new fumarolic mineral from Eldfell volcano, Heimaey, Iceland

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    The new mineral oskarssonite (IMA2012-088), with ideal formula AlF3, was found in August 2009 at the surface of fumaroles on the Eldfell volcano, Heimaey Island, Iceland (GPS coordinates 63º25’58.9’’N 20º14’50.3’’W). It occurs as sub-micron-sized crystals forming a white powder in association with anhydrite, bassanite, gypsum, jarosite, anatase, hematite, opal, ralstonite, jakobssonite and meniaylovite. Chemical analyses by energy-dispersive spectrometry with a scanning electronmicroscope produced the following mean elemental composition: Al, 31.70; F, 58.41; O, 9.22; total 99.33 wt.%. The empirical chemical formula is AlF2.6(OH)0.5 which suggests partial substitution of F by OH. Oskarssonite is rhombohedral, space group R3¯ c, with ah = 4.9817(4) A ˚ , c = 12.387(1) A ˚ , Vuc = 266.23(5) A ˚ 3, Z = 6. The five strongest lines in the powder diffraction diagram [d in A ˚ (I) (hkl)] are as follows: 3.54 (100) (012), 2.131 (13) (113), 1.771 (20) (024), 1.59 (15) (116), 1.574 (10) (122). Rietveld refinement confirms the identity of oskarssonite with the synthetic rhombohedral form of AlF3. Its structure can be described as a rhombohedral deformation of the idealized cubic perovskitetype octahedral framework of corner-sharing AlF6 groups. Oskarssonite appears in the surface part of the fumaroles where fluorides are abundant. At greater depths (below 10 cm) sulfates dominate among the fumarolic minerals. In accordance with its occurrence, we surmise that oskarssonite forms in the later stages of the fumarolic activity in an environment poor in alkalies and Mg. Ralstonite (NaxMgxAl1xF3(H2O)y), which, unlike oskarssonite, contains Na and Mg as important constituents, dominated in the first-formed fumaroles, but now, 41 years after the eruption of Eldfell, is only a minor phase. The new mineral is named after the Icelandic volcanologist Niels Oskarsson