4 research outputs found

    Measuring behavioral inhibition and behavioral activation in children – validation of czech bis/bas scale

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    Współczesne tendencje do badania czynników związanych z ryzykiem wystąpienia zaburzeń lękowych u dzieci i dorosłych wymagają skutecznych narzędzi do pomiaru indywidualnych różnic w ich doświadczaniu podczas rozwoju. Prezentujemy skalę samooceny systemu Behavioral Inhibition System/ Behavioral Activation System(BIS/BAS) dla dzieci. Skala BIS/BAS została opracowana przez Carver i White (1994) i jest oparta na teorii wrażliwości na wzmocnienia (Gray 1970, 1987, 1994). Sprawdziliśmy czeską wersję BIS/BAS w próbie 473 czeskich dzieci w wieku od 10 do 12 lat. Przeprowadzono analizę pozycji oraz eksploracyjną, a także potwierdzające analizy czynnikowe, które pokazały, że czeska skala BIS/BAS ma satysfakcjonujące właściwości psychometryczne i może być stosowana u dzieci w wieku szkolnym

    Cell-Based Reporter System for High-Throughput Screening of MicroRNA Pathway Inhibitors and Its Limitations

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    MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNAs repressing gene expression. They contribute to many physiological processes and pathologies. Consequently, strategies for manipulation of the miRNA pathway are of interest as they could provide tools for experimental or therapeutic interventions. One of such tools could be small chemical compounds identified through high-throughput screening (HTS) with reporter assays. While a number of chemical compounds have been identified in such high-throughput screens, their application potential remains elusive. Here, we report our experience with cell-based HTS of a library of 12,816 chemical compounds to identify miRNA pathway modulators. We used human HeLa and mouse NIH 3T3 cell lines with stably integrated or transiently expressed luciferase reporters repressed by endogenous miR-30 and let-7 miRNAs and identified 163 putative miRNA inhibitors. We report that compounds relieving miRNA-mediated repression via stress induction are infrequent; we have found only two compounds that reproducibly induced stress granules and relieved miRNA-targeted reporter repression. However, we have found that this assay type readily yields non-specific (miRNA-independent) stimulators of luciferase reporter activity. Furthermore, our data provide partial support for previously published miRNA pathway modulators; the most notable intersections were found among anthracyclines, dopamine derivatives, flavones, and stilbenes. Altogether, our results underscore the importance of appropriate negative controls in development of small compound inhibitors of the miRNA pathway. This particularly concerns validation strategies, which would greatly profit from assays that fundamentally differ from the routinely employed miRNA-targeted reporter assays


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    <p>MicroRNAs (miRNAs) are small RNAs repressing gene expression. They contribute to many physiological processes and pathologies. Consequently, strategies for manipulation of the miRNA pathway are of interest as they could provide tools for experimental or therapeutic interventions. One of such tools could be small chemical compounds identified through high-throughput screening (HTS) with reporter assays. While a number of chemical compounds have been identified in such high-throughput screens, their application potential remains elusive. Here, we report our experience with cell-based HTS of a library of 12,816 chemical compounds to identify miRNA pathway modulators. We used human HeLa and mouse NIH 3T3 cell lines with stably integrated or transiently expressed luciferase reporters repressed by endogenous miR-30 and let-7 miRNAs and identified 163 putative miRNA inhibitors. We report that compounds relieving miRNA-mediated repression via stress induction are infrequent; we have found only two compounds that reproducibly induced stress granules and relieved miRNA-targeted reporter repression. However, we have found that this assay type readily yields non-specific (miRNA-independent) stimulators of luciferase reporter activity. Furthermore, our data provide partial support for previously published miRNA pathway modulators; the most notable intersections were found among anthracyclines, dopamine derivatives, flavones, and stilbenes. Altogether, our results underscore the importance of appropriate negative controls in development of small compound inhibitors of the miRNA pathway. This particularly concerns validation strategies, which would greatly profit from assays that fundamentally differ from the routinely employed miRNA-targeted reporter assays.</p