8 research outputs found

    A first attempt at modelling roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) distributions over Europe

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    <p>The presence of roe deer can be an important component within ecological and epidemiological systems contributing to the risk and spread of a range of vector-borne diseases. Deer are important hosts for many vectors, and may therefore serve as a focal point or attractant for vectors or may themselves act as a reservoir for vector-borne disease. Three spatial modelling techniques were used to generate an ensemble model describing the proportion of suitable roe deer habitat within recorded distributions for Europe as identified from diverse sources. The resulting model is therefore an index of presence, which may be useful in supporting the modelling of vector-borne disease across Europe.</p

    Geographical distribution of inspected cattle and deer herds in New Caledonia.

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    <p>Pie charts indicate the inter-herd prevalence of paramphistomes in cattle for each municipality, where the size of the pie chart is proportional to the number of herds inspected from that municipality. Stars indicate municipalities with deer and colour indicates whether or not paramphistomes were observed in deer from that municipality.</p

    Phylogenetic tree showing the topological relationship between mtDNA rRNA-Thr/Cox1 fragments of <i>Calicophoron calicophorum</i> from cattle (white dots, C) and deer (black dots, D) using <i>Calicophoron daubneyi</i> as outgroup.

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    <p>Numbers along branches indicate bootstrap support (values over 50 shown). Where available, data on region of origin is included (N = North; NE = North-East; E = East; SW = South West; W = West; NW = North West).</p

    Distribution of animal-level prevalence of paramphistomes in batches of cattle at slaughter by age group and observation period.

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    <p>Animal-level prevalence is shown in categories, where by the first value of the range is excluded and the last value is included. Negative batches are shown as a separate category at animal-level prevalence of zero.</p