4 research outputs found

    Effect of Printing Orientation on Strength of 3D Printed ABS Plastics

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    The mechanical strengths of ABS (Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene) components fabricated by fused deposition modeling (FDM) technique have been studied, with the focus on the effect of printing orientations on the strength. Using the properties derived from stress-strain curves of the samples, the 0-degree printed sample has the strongest mechanical properties, which is likely due to preferred orientations in individual slice

    Tensile, Creep, and Fatigue Behaviors of 3D-Printed Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

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    Acrylonitrile butadiene styrene (ABS) is a widely used thermoplastics in 3D printing. However, there is a lack of thorough investigation of the mechanical properties of 3D-printed ABS components, including orientation-dependent tensile strength and creep fatigue properties. In this work, a systematic characterization is conducted on the mechanical properties of 3D-printed ABS components. Specifically, the effect of printing orientation on the tensile and creep properties is investigated. The results show that, in tensile tests, the 0° printing orientation has the highest Young’s modulus of 1.81 GPa, and ultimate strength of 224 MPa. In the creep test, the 90° printing orientation has the lowest k value of 0.2 in the plastics creep model, suggesting 90° is the most creep resistant direction. In the fatigue test, the average cycle number under load of 30 N is 3796 cycles. The average cycle number decreases to 128 cycles when the load is 60 N. Using the Paris law, with an estimated crack size of 0.75 mm, and stress intensity factor is varied from 352 to 70

    Western Australia Extreme Environments

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    Studies of hypersaline lakes on Earth provide insights into extreme conditions in which life may arise on other planets. We present palynological analysis of cores from three hypersaline lakes in Western Australia (Cowan Basin, Oldenberg Farm, Twin Lake West) that constrain environmental conditions during the Holocene. Dispersed organic matter preserved in the sediments includes structured phytoclasts (wood, cuticles, etc.), degraded and comminuted phytoclasts, and fungal remains. Identified pollen grains blown in from the surrounding areas include Myrtaceae (Eucalyptus pollen), Chenopodiaceae (saltbush pollen), and Poaceae (grass pollen). The discovery of Dunaliella (algae that lived within the lakes) demonstrates that such organisms can survive and thrive in hypersaline extreme environments that are analogous to those on Mars