134 research outputs found

    On the Cosmic Evolution of Fe/Mg in QSO Absorption Line Systems

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    We investigate the variation of the ratio of the equivalent widths of the FeIIλ\lambda2600 line to the MgIIλλ\lambda\lambda2796,2803 doublet as a function of redshift in a large sample of absorption lines drawn from the JHU-SDSS Absorption Line Catalog. We find that despite large scatter, the observed ratio shows a trend where the equivalent width ratio RWFeII/WMgII\mathcal{R}\equiv W_{\rm FeII}/W_{\rm MgII} decreases monotonically with increasing redshift zz over the range 0.55z1.900.55 \le z \le 1.90. Selecting the subset of absorbers where the signal-to-noise ratio of the MgII equivalent width WMgIIW_{\rm MgII} is \ge3 and modeling the equivalent width ratio distribution as a gaussian, we find that the mean of the gaussian distribution varies as R(0.045±0.005)z\mathcal{R}\propto (-0.045\pm0.005)z. We discuss various possible reasons for the trend. A monotonic trend in the Fe/Mg abundance ratio is predicted by a simple model where the abundances of Mg and Fe in the absorbing clouds are assumed to be the result of supernova ejecta and where the cosmic evolution in the SNIa and core-collapse supernova rates is related to the cosmic star-formation rate. If the trend in R\mathcal{R} reflects the evolution in the abundances, then it is consistent with the predictions of the simple model.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures, final version published in MNRA

    Galaxies Probing Galaxies in PRIMUS - I. Sample, Spectroscopy, and Characteristics of the z~0.5 MgII-Absorbing Circumgalactic Medium

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    Spectroscopy of background QSO sightlines passing close to foreground galaxies is a potent technique for studying the circumgalactic medium (CGM). QSOs are effectively point sources, however, limiting their potential to constrain the size of circumgalactic gaseous structures. Here we present the first large Keck/LRIS and VLT/FORS2 spectroscopic survey of bright (B_AB < 22.3) background galaxies whose lines of sight probe MgII 2796, 2803 absorption from the CGM around close projected foreground galaxies at transverse distances 10 kpc < R_perp < 150 kpc. Our sample of 72 projected pairs, drawn from the PRIsm MUlti-object Survey (PRIMUS), includes 48 background galaxies which do not host bright AGN, and both star-forming and quiescent foreground galaxies with stellar masses 9.0 < log M_*/M_sun < 11.2 at redshifts 0.35 < z_f/g < 0.8. We detect MgII absorption associated with these foreground galaxies with equivalent widths 0.25 Ang 2sigma significance in 20 individual background sightlines passing within R_perp < 50 kpc, and place 2sigma upper limits on W_2796 of <0.5 Ang in an additional 11 close sightlines. Within R_perp < 50 kpc, W_2796 is anticorrelated with R_perp, consistent with analyses of MgII absorption detected along background QSO sightlines. Subsamples of these foreground hosts divided at log M_*/M_sun = 9.9 exhibit statistically inconsistent W_2796 distributions at 30 kpc < R_perp < 50 kpc, with the higher-M_* galaxies yielding a larger median W_2796 by 0.9 Ang. Finally, we demonstrate that foreground galaxies with similar stellar masses exhibit the same median W_2796 at a given R_perp to within <0.2 Ang toward both background galaxies and toward QSO sightlines drawn from the literature. Analysis of these datasets constraining the spatial coherence scale of circumgalactic MgII absorption is presented in a companion paper.Comment: 36 pages, 18 figures, 5 tables. Accepted to Ap

    Dissecting the Gaseous Halos of z~2 Damped Lyα\alpha Systems with Close Quasar Pairs

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    We use spectroscopy of close pairs of quasars to study diffuse gas in the circumgalactic medium (CGM) surrounding a sample of 40 Damped Lya systems (DLAs). The primary sightline in each quasar pair probes an intervening DLA in the redshift range 1.6 < z_DLA < 3.6, such that the second quasar sightline then probes Lya, CII, SiII, and CIV absorption in the CGM transverse to the DLA to projected distances R<300R_{\perp} < 300 kpc. Analysis of the Lya profiles in these CGM sightlines constrains the covering fraction (f_C) of optically thick HI (having column density N_HI > 10^17.2 cm^-2) to be greater than ~30% within R<200R_{\perp} < 200 kpc of DLAs. Strong SiII 1526 absorption with equivalent width W_1526 > 0.2 Ang occurs with an incidence f_C (W_1526 > 0.2 Ang) = 20(+12/-8)% within R<100R_{\perp}<100 kpc, indicating that low-ionization metal absorption associated with DLAs probes material at a physical distance R_3D < 30 kpc. However, we find that strong CIV 1548 absorption is ubiquitous in these environments (f_C (W_1548 > 0.2 Ang) = 57(+12/-13)% within R<100R_{\perp} < 100 kpc), and in addition exhibits a high degree of kinematic coherence on scales up to ~175 kpc. We infer that this high-ionization material arises predominantly in large, quiescent structures extending beyond the scale of the DLA host dark matter halos rather than in ongoing galactic winds. The Lya equivalent width in the DLA-CGM is anticorrelated with RR_{\perp} at >98% confidence, suggesting that DLAs arise close to the centers of their host halos rather than on their outskirts. Finally, the average Lya, CII and CIV equivalent widths are consistent with those measured around z~2 Lyman Break Galaxies. Assuming that DLAs trace a galaxy population with lower masses and luminosities, this finding implies that the absorption strength of cool circumgalactic material has a weak dependence on dark matter halo mass for M_h < 10^12 M_sun.Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 30 pages, 13 figures, 3 tables, 1 appendix. Uses emulateapj forma

    Evidence for Ubiquitous Collimated Galactic-Scale Outflows along the Star-Forming Sequence at z~0.5

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    We present an analysis of the MgII 2796, 2803 and FeII 2586, 2600 absorption line profiles in individual spectra of 105 galaxies at 0.3<z<1.4. The galaxies, drawn from redshift surveys of the GOODS fields and the Extended Groth Strip, fully sample the range in star formation rates (SFRs) occupied by the star-forming sequence with stellar masses log M_*/M_sun > 9.5 at 0.3<z<0.7. Using the Doppler shifts of the MgII and FeII absorption lines as tracers of cool gas kinematics, we detect large-scale winds in 66+/-5% of the galaxies. HST/ACS imaging and our spectral analysis indicate that the outflow detection rate depends primarily on galaxy orientation: winds are detected in ~89% of galaxies having inclinations (i) <30 degrees (face-on), while the wind detection rate is only ~45% in objects having i>50 degrees (edge-on). Combined with the comparatively weak dependence of the wind detection rate on intrinsic galaxy properties, this suggests that biconical outflows are ubiquitous in normal, star-forming galaxies at z~0.5. We find that the wind velocity is correlated with host galaxy M_* at 3.4-sigma significance, while the equivalent width of the flow is correlated with host galaxy SFR at 3.5-sigma significance, suggesting that hosts with higher SFR may launch more material into outflows and/or generate a larger velocity spread for the absorbing clouds. Assuming that the gas is launched into dark matter halos with simple, isothermal density profiles, the wind velocities measured for the bulk of the cool material (~200-400 km/s) are sufficient to enable escape from the halo potentials only for the lowest-M_* systems in the sample. However, the outflows typically carry sufficient energy to reach distances of >50 kpc, and may therefore be a viable source of cool material for the massive circumgalactic medium observed around bright galaxies at z~0. [abridged]Comment: Submitted to ApJ. 61 pages, 25 figures, 4 tables, 4 appendices. Uses emulateapj forma