112 research outputs found

    trans-Diaqua­bis­(1H imidazolium-4,5-di­carboxyl­ato-κ2 O 4,O 5)magnesium

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    The title compound, [Mg(C5H3N2O4)2(H2O)2], consists of centrosymmetric neutral monomers in which two O,O′-bidentate imidazolinium-4,5-dicarboxyl­ate ligands are bonded to the MgII ion. One of the carboxyl protons is transferred to the N atom of the imidazole ring. The octa­hedral metal-ion coordination is completed by two trans water O atoms. In the crystal, mol­ecules are linked by N—H⋯(O,O) and O—H⋯O hydrogen bonds

    Poly[bis­(μ6-benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxyl­ato-κ7 O 1,O 1′:O 1′:O 3:O 3′:O 5:O 5′)tetra­kis­(dimethyl­formamide-κO)trimagnesium(II)]

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    The asymmetric unit of the polymeric title compound, [Mg3(C9H3O6)2(C3H7NO)4]n, contains three MgII ions bridged by carboxyl­ate O atoms from two fully deprotonated benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxyl­ate (BTC) trianions and four metal-coordinated dimethyl­formamide (DMF) mol­ecules. One MgII ion is octa­hedrally coordinated by six carboxyl­ate O atoms. The other two cations are each octa­hedrally coordinated by four carboxyl­ate O atoms and two O atoms donated by two DMF mol­ecules: in one, the DMF mol­ecules are cis and in the other they are trans. The three MgII octa­hedra form clusters, which are bridged by the BTC trianions, generating a three-dimensional structure

    Gestational diabetes mellitus - an analysis of risk factors

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    Wstęp: Cukrzyca ciążowa (GDM, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus) zwiększa ryzyko powikłań ciąży, porodu i powikłań u noworodka. Celem pracy była ocena czynników ryzyka zachorowania na cukrzycę ciążową i ich wartości predykcyjnych. Materiał i metody: Do grupy badanej włączono 510 ciężarnych kobiet z rozpoznaną według kryteriów Światowej Organizacji Zdrowia (WHO, World Health Organization) cukrzycą ciążową (grupa GDM, gestational diabetes mellitus). Grupę kontrolną stanowiło 1160 kobiet z prawidłową gospodarką węglowodanową w ciąży (grupa NGT, normal glucose tolerance). Dla rozpoznanych czynników ryzyka cukrzycy ciążowej wykonano analizę wieloczynnikową oraz wyliczono iloraz szans. Wyniki: Pacjentki z GDM były starsze (30,1 vs. 27,2 lat; p < 0,0001), miały wyższy BMI przed ciążą (25,0 vs. 21,6 kg/m2; p < 0,0001), częściej miały krewnych z cukrzycą (40.0 vs. 25,7%; p < 0,01), częściej były wieloródkami (33,6 vs. 16,0%; p < 0,001) i częściej przebyły niepowodzenia położnicze (21,4 vs. 13,7%; p < 0,01) niż kobiety z NGT. Na podstawie analizy wieloczynnikowej wyłoniono następujące czynniki ryzyka GDM: BMI > 25 kg/m2 (OR 4,14); urodzenie dziecka z makrosomią (OR 2,72), 3 lub następne ciąże (OR 1,8), pozytywny wywiad rodzinny w kierunku cukrzycy (OR 1,76) oraz wiek > 25 lat (OR 1,34). U 12% ciężarnych z GDM nie stwierdzono żadnego czynnika ryzyka, a przynajmniej jeden czynniki ryzyka stwierdzono u 74,1% ciężarnych bez zaburzeń tolerancji glukozy w ciąży. Nie udało się znaleźć takiego zestawu czynników ryzyka, który pozwoliłby wyłonić pacjentki z wysokim ryzykiem cukrzycy ciążowej z ogółu ciężarnych. Wnioski: Wiek, nadwaga i otyłość, rodzinne obciążenie cukrzycą, rodność, makrosomia i niepowodzenia w wywiadzie położniczym są czynnikami ryzyka cukrzycy ciążowej. Ze względu na brak możliwości wyłonienia na podstawie obecności czynników ryzyka kobiet szczególnie zagrożonych cukrzycą ciążową, laboratoryjne badania przesiewowe powinny być wykonywane u wszystkich ciężarnych. (Endokrynol Pol 2008; 59 (5): 393-397)Introduction: Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) is associated with an increased frequency of gestational, perinatal and neonatal complications. The aim of the study was to evaluate risk factors for GDM and their predictive value. Material and methods: The group studied consisted of 510 pregnant women with GDM diagnosed according to World Health Organization (WHO) criteria (GDM). The controls were 1160 pregnant women with normal glucose tolerance (NGT). Multifactorial analysis was performed and odds ratios (OR) were calculated for each risk factor identified. Results: The GDM patients were significantly older than the NGT subjects (30.1 vs. 27.2 years; p < 0.0001), had a greater tendency towards obesity before pregnancy (BMI 25.0 vs. 21.6 kg/m2; p < 0.0001), more often had relatives with diabetes (40.0 vs. 25.7%; p < 0.01), had greater parity (third or subsequent pregnancy: 33.6 vs. 16.0%; p < 0.001) and more often experienced adverse perinatal outcomes (21.4 vs. 13.7%; p 25 kg/m2 (OR 4.14), a history of macrosomia (OR 2.72), being pregnant for the third time or more (OR 1.8), a family history of diabetes (OR 1.76) and age at gestation > 25 years (OR 1.34). No risk factors were present in 12% of GDM subjects, and at least one risk factor was found in 74.1% of subjects with NGT. No risk factor cluster was found which could be used easily in everyday practice to identify reliably subjects at increased risk of GDM. Conclusions: Age, overweight and obesity, diabetes in the family, parity, macrosomia and a history of perinatal complications were identified as risk factors for GDM. As no reliable method of identifying subjects at increased GDM risk was found, we suggest that all pregnant women should undergo laboratory screening for GDM. (Pol J Endocrinol 2008; 59 (5): 393-397

    Severe hypocalcaemia in the course of the coeliac disease in a 34-year-old patient — a case report

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    An atypical form of a coeliac disease, with the predominance of others then gastrointestinal symptoms, is increasingly recognized in adult patients. Atypical symptoms includes: hypochromic anaemia, electrolytic disturbance, neurological symptoms, osteopenia, osteoporosis and others. The report presents a case of a 34-year-old male admitted to the Department of Internal Diseases, Connective Tissue Diseases and Geriatrics in Gdansk, due to a severe hypocalcaemia (4.92 mg/dl). The coeliac disease was diagnosed based on the clinical course, serologic tests and on the histopathological exam of the small intestine sample. The implementation of the gluten free-diet resulted in a significant clinical improvement of patient’s condition. Early diagnosis and implementation of the glutenfree diet are crucial for regaining a normal functioning and decreasing the risk of severe complications

    Comparison and assessment of thyroid morphology and function in inhabitants of Lower Silesia before and after administration of a single dose of iodine-containing contrast agent during cardiac intervention procedure

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    Wstęp: Wiadomym jest, że mieszkańcy terenów ubogich w jod rozwijają szereg niemych klinicznie patologii tarczycy. Celem badania była ocena morfologii i funkcji tarczycy w populacji dorosłych mieszkańców Dolnego Śląska oraz ocena wpływu na gruczoł tarczowy jednorazowo podanej dawki jodu w postaci kontrastu w trakcie kardiologicznych procedur interwencyjnych. Materiały i metody: Do pierwszej części badania, której celem była ocena morfologii i funkcji tarczycy u zdrowych mieszkańców Dolnego Śląska zakwalifikowano 120 osób (78 mężczyzn i 42 kobiety). Z tej grupy wyłoniono 60 osób (38 mężczyzn i 22 kobiety) które, z racji wskazań do inwazyjnych zabiegów kardiologicznych (koronarografii/PTCA), obciążono dużą dawką jodu oraz przeprowadzano u nich ocenę tyreologiczną po 1, 3 i 6 miesiącach od interwencji. Wyniki: 1) Patologiczne zmiany w morfologii tarczycy stwierdzono u 49,1%, zaburzenia dotyczące stężeń hormonów tarczycy i przeciwciał przeciwtarczycowych stwierdzono u 17,6%, które przekładały się na zaburzenia funkcji tarczycy u 9,3% zdrowych tyreologicznie mieszkańców Dolnego Śląska. 2) Największe zmiany: obniżenie stężenia TSH i wzrost stężenia fT3 były widoczne 4 tygodnie po obciążeniu jodem, prowadząc do rozpoznania nadczynności tarczycy u 15% pacjentów. Wnioski: 1) Z uwagi na dużą ilość klinicznie niemych zaburzeń morfologii i funkcji tarczycy ważna jest jej dokładna ocena przed obciążeniem chorego jodem. 2) Jest poparte dowodami i polecane monitorowanie stężenia TSH i fT3 przed i 4 tygodnie po obciążeniu chorego jodem. 3) Zaburzenia morfologii i funkcji tarczycy po podaniu pacjentowi jodu mają charakter przemijający, wymagają monitorowania, ale nie leczenia.Introduction: Inhabitants living in areas with endemic dietary iodine intake deficiency develop nodular goitre. The aim of our study was to evaluate thyroid morphology and function among adults residing in Lower Silesia and to assess the effect on the thyroid gland of an iodine-based contrasting agent administered during a cardiac intervention procedure. Materials and methods: The first part of the study (evaluation of thyroid gland) was carried out on 120 subjects (78 men and 42 women). From among this group, invasive cardiac procedures were performed on 60 subjects (38 men and 22 women) during the second part of the study. Endocrine tests were repeated one, three, and six months after the invasive procedure. Results: 1) Within the studied group, pathological changes in thyroid morphology were found in 49.1%, and thyroid function disturbances in 9.3%, of all subjects. 2) A decrease in TSH concentration with a corresponding increase in fT3 concentration was seen at the second visit (four weeks after iodine administration) leading to the diagnosis of hyperthyroidism in 15% of subjects. Conclusions: 1) Considering the multitude of silent thyroid pathologies, particular care is required before administering an iodine-based medium. 2) It is reasonable and advisable to monitor TSH and fT3 levels before and at four weeks after administration of an iodine-containing contrast agent. 3) Thyroid morphology and function disturbances after iodine administration do not necessitate treatment, as they are of transient character and only require monitoring

    Reducing craving and lapse risk in alcohol and stimulants dependence using mobile app involving ecological momentary assessment and self-guided psychological interventions: Protocol for a randomized controlled trial

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    BackgroundThe prevalence of alcohol consumption in Poland is estimated to be as high as 80% of the adult population. The use of stimulants is the second most common reason for seeking addiction treatment. However, treatment outcomes remain unsatisfactory, as 40–85% of individuals who complete various treatment programs relapse and fall back into addiction within 2 years following program completion.MethodsThe 13-armed randomized controlled trial aimed to assess the effectiveness of a mobile app-based self-guided psychological intervention delivered via a smartphone app (Nałogometr) in reducing craving and lapse risk in problematic alcohol or stimulants use. Participant recruitment and data collection will be performed from June 2022 to September 2022. The 4-week mobile intervention program will include short-term and long-term intervention modules based mainly on mindfulness and cognitive-behavioral therapy. Intervention effectiveness assessment will include Ecological Momentary Assessment. That is, we will collect longitudinal data on a set of characteristics of day-to-day functioning. The primary outcomes will include a self-reported number of lapses and addiction craving level. In contrast, the secondary outcomes will be the severity of problematic substance use, anxiety and depression scores, and life satisfaction scores.ConclusionThis study will establish how mobile app-based self-guided psychological interventions can help reduce craving and lapse risk in alcohol and stimulant dependence. If successful, this randomized controlled trial (RCT) may provide an innovative, easily available, and cost-effective mHealth approach for craving and lapse risk in substance addictions.Clinical trial registration[https://clinicaltrials.gov/], identifier [NCT054 34429]

    Prognostic significance of the methylation of Wnt pathway antagonists-CXXC4, DACT2, and the inhibitors of sonic hedgehog signaling-ZIC1, ZIC4, and HHIP in head and neck squamous cell carcinomas

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    Aberrations in Wnt and Shh signaling pathways are related to the pathogenesis of head and neck carcinomas, and their activation frequently results from epigenetic alterations. This study aimed to assess the frequency of methylation of negative regulators of Wnt signaling: CXXC4, DACT2, HDPR1, and FBXW11 and Shh signaling: HHIP, PTCH1, SUFU, ZIC1, and ZIC4 and correlate it with clinicopathological features in this group of patients.Methylation-specific PCR was used to detect gene promoter methylation, and real-time PCR was used to assess gene expression level.The analysis of the occurrence of gene promoter methylation in head and neck carcinoma cell lines indicated that CXXC4, DACT2, HHIP, ZIC1, and ZIC4 are methylated in these tumors. These genes were further analyzed in tumor sections from oral and laryngeal cancer patients. Gene methylation rate was higher in laryngeal tumors. The methylation index in tumor samples correlated with the overall survival in a subgroup of oral cancer patients who died of the disease. Moreover, ZIC4 methylation correlated with lymph node involvement in oral cancer patients.Our findings corroborate that the activation of Wnt signaling in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma (HNSCC) is related to epigenetic silencing of its negative regulators. Moreover, the results indicate that the same mechanism of activation may operate in the case of Shh signaling.The methylation of ZIC4 may be considered a new prognostic marker in oral cavity and oropharyngeal tumors. Further investigations should determine the diagnostic significance of methylation of ZIC4, HHIP, and DACT2 in head and neck carcinomas

    Laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma cell lines show high tolerance for siRNA-mediated CDK1 knockdown

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    Alterations of the cell cycle checkpoints lead to uncontrolled cell growth and result in tumorigenesis. One of the genes essential for cell proliferation and cell cycle regulation is CDK1. This makes it a potential target in cancer therapy. In our previous study we have shown upregulation of this gene in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma (LSCC). Here we analyze the impact of siRNA-mediated CDK1 knockdown on cell proliferation and viability, measured with cell growth monitoring and colorimetric test (CCK8 assay), respectively. We proved that a reduction of CDK1 expression by more than 50% has no effect on these cellular processes in LSCC cell lines (n=2). Moreover, using microarrays, we analyzed global gene expression deregulation in these cell lines after CDK1 knockdown. We searched for enriched ontologies in the group of identified 137 differentially expressed genes (>2-fold change). Within this group we found 3 enriched pathways: protein binding (GO:0005515), mitotic nuclear division (GO:0007067) and transmembrane receptor protein tyrosine kinase signaling pathway (GO:0007169) and a group of 11 genes encoding proteins for which interaction with CDK1 was indicated with the use of bioinformatic tools. Among these genes we propose three: CDK6, CALD1 and FYN as potentially dependent on CDK1

    Loss of the MAF Transcription Factor in Laryngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma

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    MAF is a transcription factor that may act either as a tumor suppressor or as an oncogene, depending on cell type. We have shown previously that the overexpressed miR-1290 influences MAF protein levels in LSCC (laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma) cell lines. In this study, we shed further light on the interaction between miR-1290 and MAF, as well as on cellular MAF protein localization in LSCC. We confirmed the direct interaction between miR-1290 and MAF 3'UTR by a dual-luciferase reporter assay. In addition, we used immunohistochemistry staining to analyze MAF protein distribution and observed loss of MAF nuclear expression in 58% LSCC samples, of which 10% showed complete absence of MAF, compared to nuclear and cytoplasmatic expression in 100% normal mucosa. Using TCGA data, bisulfite pyrosequencing and CNV analysis, we excluded the possibility that loss-of-function mutations, promoter region DNA methylation or CNV are responsible for MAF loss in LSCC. Finally, we identified genes involved in the regulation of apoptosis harboring the MAF binding motif in their promoter region by applied FIMO and DAVID GO analysis. Our results highlight the role of miR-1290 in suppressing MAF expression in LSCC. Furthermore, MAF loss or mislocalization in FFPE LSCC tumor samples might suggest that MAF acts as a LSCC tumor suppressor by regulating apoptosis.</p