6 research outputs found

    E-learning in vocational education

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    Niniejsza praca dyplomowa skupia się na analizie systemu kształcenia zawodowego i rynku szkoleń pod kątem wykorzystania e-learningu jako metody dydaktycznej. Omawia i ocenia projekt stworzony w ramach promocji kształcenia na odległość oraz opisuje integralną część projektową pracy – kurs e-learningowy przygotowujący do wykonywania zawodu baristy utworzony na platformie Moodle. Przedstawione informacje mają na celu naświetlenie sytuacji e-edukacji w Polsce i odpowiedzenie na pytanie, czy możliwa jest nauka zawodów praktycznych przy wykorzystaniu wyłącznie narzędzi e-learningowych.This thesis focuses on the analysis of vocational education and training sector in terms of using e-learning as a teaching method. It describes and evaluate project made in purpose of promoting d-learning and describes integral part of the thesis – project in form of e-learning course for barista training made on Moodle platform. Provided information is aimed at highlighting situation of e-learning in Poland and answering the question whether it is possible to teach practical professions using only e-learning tools

    Dissolved organic matter in freshwaters

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    Związki organiczne stanowią powszechny składnik wód słodkich. Rozpuszczona materia organiczna (RMO) w środowisku lądowym jest syntetyzowana zarówno wewnątrz ekosystemu jak i poza nim. RMO jest heterogeniczną mieszaniną tysięcy różnych organicznych substancji i związków chemicznych zawierających, oprócz węgla, także m. in. tlen, wodór, azot, fosfor i siarkę. RMO podlega biologicznym i abiotycznym transformacjom. Na przemiany RMO w przyrodzie składają się procesy produkcji, fotoutleniania, wymywania, ługowania oraz akumulacji. RMO wpływa na tempo i zasięg przemieszczania się metali ciężkich w wodach słodkich. Rozpuszczone barwne substancje organiczne powodują szybsze ogrzewanie się wody. Rozpuszczony węgiel organiczny (RWO) stanowi największy rezerwuar węgla organicznego w ekosystemach wodnych i jest istotnym elementem biogeochemicznego obiegu węgla w przyrodzie. Wysokie stężenie RMO w wodach słodkich prowadzi do znacznych deficytów tlenowych w hypolimnionie i eutrofizację wód. Obfitość i jakość RMO wpływa również na tempo produkcji pierwotnej i stanowi ważny element pętli mikrobiologicznej organizmów wodnych.Organic compounds are a common component of freshwaters. Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is synthesized inside the ecosystem and beyond, in the terrestrial environment. DOM is a heterogeneous mixture of thousands of different organic substances and chemical compounds containing, in addition to carbon, also: oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. DOM undergoes biological and abiotic transformations. The transformation of DOM consists of primary production processes, photo-oxidation processes, leaching and accumulation. DOM affects the rate and movement of heavy metals in freshwaters. Colored organic substances cause higher water temperature. Dissolved organic carbon (DOC) is the largest reservoir of organic carbon in aquatic ecosystems and is an important element of the biogeochemical carbon cycle. Elevated concentration of DOM in surface water, affects the oxygen deficits in hypolimnion and water eutrophication. The abundance and quality of DOM affects the rate of primary production and is an important element of the microbial loop

    Ecological status of urban ponds in Białystok, Poland

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    Stawy Dojlidzkie (The Dojlidy Ponds) are located in the north-eastern part of Poland, near the capital of the Podlasie province, in Białystok. The Dojlidy Ponds (DP) are a complex of more than 20 reservoirs arranged adjacent to one another in an area of about 140 hectares. The largest recreation reservoir (Plażowy) is located within the city limits. Its total area is 34 hectares, it has a capacity of 597 040 m3 and a maximum depth of approximately 2.5 m. DP are supplied by a tributary of the Dojlidy Górne and the River Biała, the principal river of Bialystok. Water tests of a limnic and lenitic character in the upper part of River Biała catchment in Bialystok were conducted from March to October 2014. Referring the obtained results to the actual norms, it can be concluded that most of the parameters analyzed in DP can be assigned to the first class of surface waters. Exceptions were the iron ions, orthophosphates (SRP), total phosphorus (TP), Kjeldahl nitrogen, and also water color and DOC. According to the evaluation of trophic status, the water of DP is eutrophic. The average value of TSI was 55 in the water of the tested objects. The obtained results show that the ecological status of water in the largest pond within the DP complex, in accordance with, the Ecological State Macrophyte Index (ESMI) represent to the good state

    The Role of the Catchment Area in Shaping Water Quality in the Lowland Springs of the Knyszyn Forest (NE Poland)

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    The Puszcza Knyszyńska springs are an important element of the environment, conditioning the high geo- and biodiversity in the region. These springs are layered outflows that drain the waters of the Quaternary level. More than 200 outflows have been cataloged, and 80 of them have measured/estimated yields and analyses of their water qualities. During periods of low water levels, the discharge efficiency most often fluctuated within a range of 0.5–2.0 dm3·s–1. In light of the applicable legal standards, the tested waters were of excellent quality. They belonged to the two hydrochemical types HCO3-Ca and HCO3-Ca-Mg, indicating the Quaternary aquifer’s homogeneity in the post-glacial areas. Small concentrations of most of the chemical parameters of water were found in the forest springs. Larger transformations in the chemical composition of water occurred in the outflows located in agricultural land and rural areas. A characteristic feature of the chemical composition of the water in the region’s lowland springs was an increased concentration of biogenic compounds (nitrogen, phosphorus, and carbon compounds), both organic and inorganic. The average concentration of dissolved organic carbon in the water of the lowland springs in summer exceeded 4 mg·dm−3. In some outflows, most often of a swamp nature or located in peat areas, the concentration of dissolved organic carbon even exceeded a dozen or so mg·dm−3