7 research outputs found

    Relationship between body sway and body build in healthy adult men and women

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    Studies investigating the relationship between balance ability and body size, build and proportions tend to concentrate on body mass and height rather than breadth parameters or size of individual body segments. The purpose of this study was to determine a relationship between the ability to keep balance and the size, build and proportions, based on breadth and length dimensions of the body in healthy adult men and women during a position of free standing. This study also aimed to investigate how the lack of visual control affects the analyzed relationship. The study group consisted of 102 adults of both sexes. The investigations encompassed anthropometric measurements of the body and the ability to keep balance. The analysis covered a of series anthropometric parameters, 9 indices of body proportions, mean velocity of the COP movement (MV) and ellipse area (EA). A statistical analysis of the results was carried out taking into consideration the division into groups due to sexes. The results of the Pearson correlation have revealed that there is a statistically significant correlation (weak or moderate degree) between anthropometric parameters of the body and stabilographic values. Results differ between sexes and depend on whether Romberg’s test was performed with open or closed eyes. The obtained results showed that the surface area of ellipse significantly depends on the dimensions of these body elements which relate to the position of the centre of mass. The obtained results, which differ depending on sex, show that the values of the body sways in a position of free standing depend on breadth and length dimensions of the body, visual control and the analyzed parameter of balance

    Physiological Gait versus Gait in VR on Multidirectional Treadmill—Comparative Analysis

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    Background and objectives: Virtual reality (VR) is increasingly often finding applications in physiotherapy and health promotion. Recent years have seen the use of advanced technologies in the promotion of physical activity (PA) in society. New simulators, e.g., treadmills, enable the performance of PA (e.g., locomotive movements) in VR (artificially created virtual world). The question of how such movements are similar to natural forms of human locomotion (march, run) inspired the comparative analysis of physiological gait and gait in VR on a multidirectional Omni treadmill. Materials and Methods: The tests involved the use of the BTS Smart system for the triplanar analysis of motion. The test involved 10 healthy females aged 20–24 (weight: 52 ± 3.1 kg, height 162 ± 5.4 cm). Measurements were performed at two stages. The first stage involved the standard assessment of physiological gait, whereas the second was focused on gait forced by the Omni treadmill. The following gait parameters were analyzed: Flexion-extension in the ankle, knee joint and hip joint, rotation in the hip joint and knee joint, foot progression, adduction-abduction in the knee joint and hip joint, pelvic obliquity, pelvic tilt, pelvic rotation as well as energy expenditure and the movement of the body center of mass. Results: The analysis of the test results revealed the existence of differences in the kinematics of physical gait and gait on the treadmill. The greatest differences were recorded in relation to the dorsal-plantar flexion in the ankle, the foot progression, the rotation of the knee joint, pelvic tilt and rotation. In addition, the gait on the treadmill is characterized by the longer duration of the stance phase and reduced ranges of the following movements: Flexion-extension in the ankle, knee joint and hip joint, adduction-abduction in the hip joint as well as rotation in the ankle and hip joint. The values of potential, kinetic and total energy recorded in relation to forced gait are significantly lower than those of physiological gait. Conclusions: Because of the fact that the parameters of gait on the Omni platform vary significantly from the parameters of physical gait, the application of the Omni treadmill in the re-education of gait during rehabilitation should be treated with considerable care. Nonetheless, the treadmill has adequate potential to become a safe simulator enabling active motion in VR using locomotive movements

    Biomechanical assessment with use of orthopedic equipment

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    Dotychczasowe badania z wykorzystaniem sprzętu ortopedycznego, takiego jak ortezy czy gorsety, miały na celu sprawdzenie ich efektywności działania po danym okresie użytkowania. Dostępnie dzisiaj metody zapewniają szersze spektrum możliwości oceny biomechanicznej. Niniejsze opracowanie opisuje próbę stworzenia metodyki badań, która pozwoli określić prawidłowe funkcjonowanie sprzętu ortopedycznego na etapie użytkowania.Most of nowadays research focus on effectiveness of the orthopedic equipment. Development of technology and available methods provide wider spectrum of abilities of orthopedic equipment's biomechanical assessment. This paper presents attempt to evolve methods that will allow to determine proper functionality of orthopaedic equipment

    Is it possible to reduce loads of the locomotor system during the landing phase of dance figures? Biomechanical analysis of the landing phase in Grand Jeté, Entrelacé and Ballonné

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    The objective of the work was to determine biomechanical parameters influencing loads affecting the musculoskeletal system and shock absorption during the landing phase in Grand Jeté, Entrelacé and Ballonné. Methods: Motion kinematics measurements of the landing phase in GrandJeté, Entrelacé and Ballonné were carried out using the optical APAS system, and measurements of the GRF components – using Kistler platform. The research was carried out for three professional dancers. Kinematic and kinetic parameters of the landing were analysed. Results: The mean maximum GRF value in relation to the classical dancer amounted to 8.16 ± 1.37 N/BW. During landing, the joints of the lower limb are affected by external force moments of high values (ankle – 3.04 ± 0.54 [Nm/BW], knee – 7.56 ± 5.53 [Nm/BW], hip – 10.97 ± 6.80 [Nm/BW]). The maximum value of the external force moments in the joint were strongly negatively correlated with the value of the angle in the hip joint at the moment of the first contact with the ground. It was noticed that the obtainment of maxGRF was preceded by a decrease in kinetic energy of approximately 50%. Conclusions: Factors affecting loads present in the musculoskeletal system during the shock absorption of a leap are: GRF values, the values of external force generated inside the joints and a change in the value of kinetic energy. The safe shock absorption after landing is influenced by properly positioned limb at the moment of the first contact, a greater range of movements in the joints and longer time from the moment of the first contact to the obtainment of maxGRF

    Biomechanical analysis of war veteran gait - case analysis

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    W pracy dokonano oceny biomechanicznej funkcji lokomocyjnych weterana wojennego. Uzyskane dla weterana wojennego wyniki ilościowej analizy chodu porównano z wartościami otrzymanymi dla grupy 56 zdrowych osób dorosłych, bez zaburzeń w obrębie narządu ruchu. Badania doświadczalne przeprowadzono z wykorzystaniem systemu optoelektronicznego BTS Smart. Analizie porównawczej poddano parametry czasowo-przestrzenne i kinematyczne chodu oraz zmiany energii całkowitej, potencjalnej, wypadkowej energii kinetycznej w czasie chodu. Uzyskane dla weterana wojennego wyniki znacznie odbiegały od wartości/zakresów normatywnych, wskazując na znaczne obrażenia aparatu ruch, które poniósł podczas wybuchu improwizowanego urządzenia wybuchowego.In the work the biomechanical evaluation of locomotion functions of a war veteran was made. The results of the quantitative gait analysis obtained for a war veteran were compared with the values obtained for a group of 56 healthy adults without locomotor disorders. Experimental studies were carried out using the BTS Smart optoelectronic system. The spatiotemporal and kinematic parameters of gait as well as changes in total energy, potential energy, kinetic energy and its components during gait were subjected to comparative analysis. The results obtained for a war veteran differed significantly from normative values / ranges, indicating significant injuries to the apparatus, which he suffered during the explosion of the improvised explosive device

    The effect of the pelvis position in the sagittal plane on loads in the human musculoskeletal system

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    Purpose: The research work aimed to perform the mathematical modelling-based assessment concerning the effect of the position of the pelvis in the sagittal plane on loads present in the musculoskeletal system in the standing position. Methods: The analysis of the effect of various positions of the pelvis was performed using the Free Posture Model in the AnyBody Modeling System software. Simulated positions involving various values of pelvis inclination ranged from the extreme pelvic retroposition (–7°) through normative values (0–23°) to the extreme pelvic anteversion (33°). Results: The lowest resultant reaction forces in the intervertebral joints recorded for an angle of inclination restricted within the range of 9–27° and segment L5–S1 amounted to less than 0.7 BW. A change in the pelvic inclination from the normative values towards retroposition or anteversion resulted in the increased muscular activity of the erector spinae, transverse abdominal muscles as well as internal and external oblique muscles. Regarding the lower limbs, changes in the activity were observed in the biceps femoris muscle, iliac muscle, gluteus minimus, gluteus medius and the gluteus maximus. Conclusion: The results obtained in the research-related tests confirmed that the pelvic inclination affects loads present in the musculoskeletal system. The abovenamed results will be used to develop therapeutic exercises aimed to reduce loads present in the musculoskeletal system. The aforesaid exercises will be used to teach participants how to properly position their pelvis and how to activate individual groups of muscles

    Selection of Kinematic and Temporal Input Parameters to Define a Novel Upper Body Index Indicator for the Evaluation of Upper Limb Pathology

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    Purpose: This work aimed to develop a novel indicator of upper limb manipulative movements. A principal component analysis (PCA) algorithm was applied to kinematic measurements of movements of the upper limbs performed during an everyday activity. Methods: Kinematics of the upper limb while drinking from a mug were investigated using the commercially available Xsens MVN BIOMECH inertial sensor-based motion capture system. The study group consisted of 20 male patients who had previously suffered an ischaemic stroke, whilst the reference group consisted of 16 males with no disorders of their motor organs. Based on kinematic data obtained, a set of 30 temporal and kinematic parameters were defined. From this, 16 parameters were selected for the determination of a novel indicator, the Upper Body Index (UBI), which served the purpose of assessing manipulative movements of upper limbs. Selection of the 16 parameters considered the percentage distribution of the parameters beyond the standard, the differences in mean values between the reference group and the study group, and parameter variability. Results: Analysis of kinematics allowed for the identification and selection of the parameters used in the development of the new index. This included 2 temporal parameters and 14 kinematic parameters, with the minimum and maximum angles of the upper limb joints, motion ranges in the joints, and parameters connected with movement of the spine recorded. These parameters were used to assess motion in the shoulder and elbow joints, in all possible planes, as well as spine movement. The values of the UBI indicator were as follows: in the case of the reference group: 13.67 ± 2.40 for the dominant limb, 13.71 ± 3.36 for the non-dominant limb; in the case of the stroke patient group: 130.86 ± 75.07 for the dominant limb, 155.58 ± 170.76 for the non-dominant limb. Conclusions: The developed UBI made it possible to discover deviations from the standard performance of upper limb movements. Therefore, the index may be applicable to the analysis of any sequence of movements carried out by the upper limb