18 research outputs found

    Are animal-related injuries in rural areas a social problem? A survey from Poland

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    Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the mechanisms of animal-related injuries in Polish rural areas, and to evaluate the effects of such injuries on subjects’ health and social life Material and Methods Data concerning animal-related injuries were collected from 102 patients (45 females and 57 males, mean age 45.01±11.4 years) on the basis of a questionnaire. The study was conducted in the rural area of central Poland. Moreover, to assess the severity of injuries to the head and neck region, the Facial Injury Severity Scale (FISS) was applied. Results The most commonly affected body areas are the upper and lower limbs, which explains the fact that most subjects do not recognize the injury-related deformity as an aesthetic defect.Statistical correlations were observed in several aspects, amongst others: – women were significantly more likely than men to consider undergoing surgical procedures to eliminate/reduce post-traumatic deformities and scars (p<0.05); – injury-related deterioration in appearance resulted in limitations of patients’ social life (p<0.0001)

    Implantoprosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with severe form of hemophilia B: a case report

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    The preparation of patients with hemophilia before surgical operations and dental procedures constitutes a significant clinical challenge. This article presents the implantoprosthetic rehabilitation of a patient with severe hemophilia B (factor IX activit

    How do patients assess outcomes of treatment of prognathism?

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    The aim of the study was to analyze the results of patients’ subjective self-assessment of surgical treatment of prognathism. Materials and methods. The study included 35 patients who underwent extraoral vertical ramus osteotomy. Each patient responded to 12 questions contained in the questionnaire created by the authors. Results. All respondents positively assessed their appearance after surgery. In most cases they pointed out the positive impact of treatment on their self-confidence (82.9% of responses). The vast majority of respondents felt improvement in biting off food (91.4%). Conclusions. Patients positively evaluate the outcome of surgical treatment with extraoral vertical ramus osteotomy. The subjective improvement of the facial appearance, as well as chewing and articulation functions took place after the treatment

    Analysis of complications after blood components’ transfusions

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    Complications after blood components still constitute an important clinical problem and serve as limitation of liberal-transfusion strategy. The aim of the study was to present the 5-year incidence of early blood transfusions complications and to assess their relation to the type of the transfused blood components. Material and methods. 58,505 transfusions of blood components performed in the years 2006-2010 were retrospectively analyzed. Data concerning the amount of the transfused blood components and the numbers of adverse transfusion reactions reported to the Regional Blood Donation and Treatment Center (RBDTC) was collected. Results. 95 adverse transfusion reactions were reportedto RBDTC 0.16% of alldonations (95/58 505) - 58 after PRBC transfusions, 28 after platelet concentrate transfusions and 9 after FFP transfusion. Febrile nonhemolytic and allergic reactions constitute respectively 36.8% and 30.5% of all complications. Conclusion. Nonhemolyticand allergic reactions are the most common complications of blood components transfusion and they are more common after platelet concentrate transfusions in comparison to PRBC and FFP donations

    Uraz penetrujący części twarzowej czaszki zadany kilofem – opis przypadku

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    Liczba zgonów z powodu urazów wzrasta. Penetrujące obrażenia części twarzowej czaszki występują stosunkowo rzadko i znacznie częściej dotyczą dzieci niż osób dorosłych. Ich epidemiologia jest różnorodna i zależy od regionu świata. W Polsce urazy spowodowane postrzałami, wybuchem petard i sztucznych ogni stanowią jedynie niewielki odsetek wszystkich obrażeń kości części twarzowej czaszki. Najczęstszymi przyczynami penetrujących urazów twarzy są wypadki komunikacyjne, pobicia i rany zadane ostrymi, wąskimi i długimi przedmiotami, które z łatwością przenikają przez kości części twarzowej czaszki. W pracy przedstawiono przypadek 50-letniego mężczyzny, który doznał urazu kości części twarzowej czaszki wskutek wbicia ciała obcego (kilofa) w okolicę podskroniową, łuku jarzmowego i prawego oczodołu. Omówiono i przedyskutowano zastosowaną metodę chirurgicznego leczenia pacjenta

    Penetrating trauma of the face and facial skeleton – a case series of six patients

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    Penetrating traumas of the facial skeleton are relatively rare; however, they can be dangerous and even life-threatening. The epidemiology of facial skeleton trauma is diverse and depends on the affected region, age, and the kind of foreign body that caused the injury. In Poland, the most common cause of penetrating traumas are accidents and assaults, and only rarely accidents are related to improper use of firecrackers or fireworks. The aim of this study is to present a literature review and our own experience with penetrating traumas of the face and the facial part of the cranium. Six cases with severe wounds and fractures of the facial skeleton were treated between the years 2000 and 2012 in our department. The applied treatment methods depended mainly on the general condition of the patients. In all cases, we achieved acceptable functional and aesthetic outcomes

    Influence of Internal Carotid Endarterectomy on Patients' Life Quality

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    Appropriate treatment of symptomatic carotid artery stenosis can reduce ischemic cerebral strokes' risk and in some cases eliminate neurological symptoms. Endarterectomy is the most common surgical treatment.The aim of the study was to examine the influence of carotid endarterectomy on neurological symptoms and patients' life quality.Material and methods. The material comprised of 102 patients who underwent endarterectomy. All of the patients were given a questionnaire with a list of neurological symptoms (vertigos, headaches, left hemiparesis, right hemiparesis, numbness, acroparaesthesia, single syncope, recurrent syncopies, diplopia, tinnitus, concentration disturbances and aphasia) and with a numerical life quality scale to fill in before and a year after the surgery.Results. Vertigo, headache, single and recurrent syncopies and aphasia as well as cerebral stroke and amaurosis fugax were significantly more rarely observed after endarterectomy. The mean value of patients' life quality evaluated on a 10-point Likert scale after the surgery increased (3.9 vs 6.3).Conclusions. A year after carotid endarterectomy patients' life quality improves which is connected with neurological symptoms' regression and no further symptoms' occurrence due to a preventive role of the surgery

    Penetrating trauma to the facial skeleton by pickaxe – case report

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    Number of deaths related with injuries suffered as a result of experienced traumas is increasing. Penetrating traumas of the facial skeleton occur relatively rarely and much more often concern rather children than adults. Epidemiology relating this kind of trauma differs depending on the region of the world. In Poland, gunshot injuries as well as traumas caused by explosions of firecrackers or fireworks amount only to a slight percentage among all facial skeleton traumas, and the most common reason for penetrating traumas lies in accidents or assault with the use of sharp, narrow and long objects that easily enter bones of the facial skeleton. The present study reported the case of 50-year-old man who suffered from trauma of the facial skeleton, which resulted from foreign body (pickaxe) penetration into the subtemporal area, zygomatic arch and the right orbital cavity. The surgical treatment method and final outcome was presented and discussed

    Uraz penetrujący twarzy i kości części twarzowej czaszki – opis sześciu przypadków

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    Urazy penetrujące części twarzowej szkieletu czaszki są stosunkowo rzadkie, ale mogą być wyjątkowo niebezpieczne dla zdrowia i życia poszkodowanego. Ich epidemiologia jest zróżnicowana i zależy od regionu, wieku pacjenta i rodzaju ciała obcego, które spowodowało uszkodzenie. Urazy te najczęściej powstają w wyniku wbicia ostrego, wąskiego, długiego ciała obcego w kości części twarzowej czaszki. W Polsce do tego rodzaju urazów najczęściej dochodzi podczas wypadków komunikacyjnych, pobić, wypadków przy pracy, rzadko na skutek innych przyczyn – w tym wybuchu petard/fajerwerków. Celem niniejszej pracy jest przedstawienie – na podstawie przeglądu piśmiennictwa oraz obserwacji własnych – zagadnień dotyczących urazów penetrujących twarz i kości części twarzowej czaszki. W latach 2000–2012, w Klinice Chirurgii Czaszkowo-Szczękowo-Twarzowej i Onkologicznej UM w Łodzi, leczono 6 chorych z rozległymi ranami i obrażeniami części twarzowej czaszki. Leczenie przedstawionych przypadków zależała głównie od stanu ogólnego pacjenta. W przypadku wszystkich pacjentów uzyskano zadowalający wynik czynnościowy i estetyczny

    Are animal-related injuries in rural areas a social problem? A survey from Poland

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    Objective The aim of this study was to analyze the mechanisms of animal-related injuries in Polish rural areas, and to evaluate the effects of such injuries on subjects’ health and social life Material and Methods Data concerning animal-related injuries were collected from 102 patients (45 females and 57 males, mean age 45.01±11.4 years) on the basis of a questionnaire. The study was conducted in the rural area of central Poland. Moreover, to assess the severity of injuries to the head and neck region, the Facial Injury Severity Scale (FISS) was applied. Results The most commonly affected body areas are the upper and lower limbs, which explains the fact that most subjects do not recognize the injury-related deformity as an aesthetic defect.Statistical correlations were observed in several aspects, amongst others: – women were significantly more likely than men to consider undergoing surgical procedures to eliminate/reduce post-traumatic deformities and scars (p<0.05); – injury-related deterioration in appearance resulted in limitations of patients’ social life (p<0.0001)