9 research outputs found

    Between Autonomy and Paternalism: Attitudes of Nursing Personnel Towards Jehovah’s Witnesses’ Refusal of Blood Transfusion

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    Objectives: The study describes the attitudes of Polish nursing personnel towards Jehovah’s Witnesses’ (JWs’) refusal to receive blood and blood products.Methods: We developed an online survey assessing nurses’ knowledge and attitudes towards JWs’ refusal of blood transfusion in a life-threatening condition. It also examined nurses’ attitudes towards ethical and legal issues associated with JWs’ refusal of blood transfusions. These questions were explored using a sample of 202 Polish nurses.Results: Nurses’ knowledge of JWs’ stance towards blood transfusions is inadequate and they tended to be ill-disposed towards JWs’ refusal of blood transfusions. Although most nurses respected adult JW patients’ autonomy and supported their right to refuse blood, in the case of JW children they are guided by paternalism. Nurses’ attitudes were affected by whether they had children, whether they declared themselves religious, their level of education and prior experience with patients who had refused a blood transfusion.Conclusion: Since most nurses felt unprepared to care for JW patients, this study reveals an urgent need to train nurses in transcultural nursing and increase nurses’ cultural competencies, and that this should be incorporated into medical curricula

    Dysfunctions associated with dementia and their treatment

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    [u]International UnderstAID project shows[/u] the role of physiotherapist in patients with dementia as divided into two branches: helping to resolve the physical problems and solving the problems related to dementia. The role of physiotherapist in dementia treatment may be divided into two branches: helping to resolve the physical problems and solving the problems related to dementia. The physical problems consider such aspects as musculoskeletal disorders, mobility dysfunction and pain. Referring to musculoskeletal problems, the interventions of physical therapists should included whole-body progressive resistance exercise training, strengthening, “range-of-motion” and stretching exercises and transfer training. Mobility disorders are associated with physical symptoms such as: rigidity, balance problem, shuffling gait. Decreased mobility can be based on unrelieved pain. These are some crucial scales which are designed to detected the pain. For instance, The Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, massage or exercises can be provide to reduce the pain in patients with dementia. Physiotherapy in dementia treatment influences not only physical functions but also the maintenance or progression of cognitive abilities of demented elderly subject

    Importance of selection of transport technology for the optimalization of internal transport proces in the complete zone

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    Celem artykułu jest zaprezentowanie istotności dobru technologii transportu wewnętrznego w strefie kompletacji. Omówiono zagadnienia dotyczące procesu kompletacji, znaczenia transportu wewnętrznego w tym procesie, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem ilości czasu poświęcanego na przemieszczanie. W wyniku potrzeby optymalizacji czasu poświęcanego na przemieszczanie w strefie kompletacji scharakteryzowano i zaprezentowano dobór odpowiedniej technologii transportu wewnętrznego dla tego procesu. Ze względu na dużą ilość kryteriów jakie należy przeanalizować przed podjęciem decyzji o zastosowaniu danej technologii, skupiono się tylko na wybranych. Literatura przedmiotu szeroko traktuje o doborze technologii. W dobie informatyzacji dąży się do usprawniania wszystkich możliwych procesów poprzez automatyzację procesów, co nie zawsze jest konieczne. W artykule zaprezentowane zostały również wady technologii automatycznych.The aim of the article is to present the significance of the good of internal transport technology in the picking zone. Issues regarding the picking process and the importance of internal transport in this process are discussed, with particular emphasis on the amount of time devoted to shipment. As a result of the need to optimize the time spent on moving in the picking zone, the selection of an appropriate internal transport technology for this process has been characterized and presented. Due to the large number of criteria to be analyzed before deciding to use a given technology, only the selected ones were focused. The literature on the subject is widely regarded as the choice of technology. In the era of computerization, the aim is to improve all possible processes by automating processes, which is not always necessary. The article also presents the disadvantages of automatic technologies

    Zastosowanie pedobarografii przez kadry pielęgniarskie oraz specjalistów leczenia ran – możliwości i ograniczenia

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    Pedobarography is a very important diagnostic procedure. It is applicable in the prevention and treatment of changes arising as a result of increased pressure. In particular, it is widely used as a part of procedures preventing plantar foot wounds. It also facilitates early detection of changes in foot structure resulting from degradation of tissues, especially in patients with diabetes, circulatory disorders, and neuropathy. The aim of this study was to indicate directions of pedobarography applications in the field of prevention and treatment of overload changes as well as factors favouring and limiting its use by nursing staff and wound care specialists in Poland. This study provides an analysis of normative documents in the area of the guaranteed healthcare benefits fund and education standards concerning nursing staff.

    Nursing care of the patient with hyperthyroidism

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    Przełom tyreotoksyczny jest stanem bezpośredniego zagrożenia życia i bezwzględnym wskazaniem do hospitalizacji. Dlatego bardzo ważna jest edukacja chorych pod kątem zapobiegania i wczesnego reagowania na nasilające się objawy, a także pod kątem konieczności systematycznego przyjmowania zaleconych leków. Praca licencjacka pod tytułem: „Opieka pielęgniarska nad pacjentem z nadczynnością tarczycy” jest próbą ukazania najbardziej istotnych problemów pielęgniarskich, występujących u pacjentów hospitalizowanych z tego powodu. Pierwszy i drugi rozdział niniejszej pracy zawiera ogólne wiadomości na temat nadczynności tarczycy, jej objawów, diagnostyki i sposobów leczenia. W kolejnym rozdziale została poruszona kwestia opieki pielęgniarskiej, która ma istotny wpływ na poprawę stanu zdrowia osoby chorej. Przedstawiono w nim historię choroby pacjentki, przeprowadzone skale i problemy pielęgnacyjne, które wystąpiły w czasie hospitalizacji. Opisane zostały również interwencje pielęgniarskie w odniesieniu do konkretnych problemówTurning point tyreotoksic is a state of the direct threat to life and an absolute reading for the hospitalization. Therefore an education of sick persons is very important with respect to preventing and early reacting to intensifying manifestations. As well as, under the angle, necessities of systematic accepting recommended medicines. Thesis under the title: „ nursing above the patient with hyperthyroidism ” is an attempt to portray the most substantial problems nursing, appearing at patients hospitalized for this reason. The first and second chapter of this work contains general messages about the hyperthyroidism of her manifestations, diagnostics and courses of treatment. In the next chapter an issue of the nursing which has the significant influence on the improvement was brought up states of health of the ill person. In it a medical record of the patient, conducted scales and nursing problems which appeared during the hospitalization were presented. Nursing intervention was also described with reference to specific problems

    Aspects of Improvement in Exploitation Process of Passenger Means of Transport

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    Effective exploitation of means of transport in transport companies is one of the most important ways of achieving competitive advantage. Mentioned problem is particularly important in the market of passenger transport services in large agglomerations, because it has a social aspect in addition to the economic dimension. In addition, most often the studies concern single objects of exploitation, while the subject of research are groups of objects of passenger transport means. The main objective of the study is to analyze and evaluate the system of exploitation of passenger transport means and to propose solutions for its improvement. On the basis of the theory of exploitation systems, quantitative utilitarian models have been built, which have been verified by applications using data obtained from Municipal Communication Company (MPK) in Wroclaw. Originality and innovation in the recognition of the research problem consist in applying to the analysis and evaluation of the Ishikawa diagram exploitation system, Pareto-Lorenzo analysis, and FMEA (Failure Mode and Effects Analysis) methods. On the other hand, a QFD (Quality Function Deployment) diagram was used to build a model of improvement of the exploitation system, with the use of which the target values of parameters for the operation of MPK passenger transport in Wroclaw were determined. The applied methods, techniques, and research tools are rarely used in the field of testing of vehicle operation systems. The work has a very practical character and built models can be used in other urban agglomerations in order to improve the operation of passenger transport means

    Dysfunctions associated with dementia and their treatment

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    [u]International UnderstAID project shows[/u] the role of physiotherapist in patients with dementia as divided into two branches: helping to resolve the physical problems and solving the problems related to dementia. The role of physiotherapist in dementia treatment may be divided into two branches: helping to resolve the physical problems and solving the problems related to dementia. The physical problems consider such aspects as musculoskeletal disorders, mobility dysfunction and pain. Referring to musculoskeletal problems, the interventions of physical therapists should included whole-body progressive resistance exercise training, strengthening, “range-of-motion” and stretching exercises and transfer training. Mobility disorders are associated with physical symptoms such as: rigidity, balance problem, shuffling gait. Decreased mobility can be based on unrelieved pain. These are some crucial scales which are designed to detected the pain. For instance, The Pain Assessment in Advanced Dementia. Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation, massage or exercises can be provide to reduce the pain in patients with dementia. Physiotherapy in dementia treatment influences not only physical functions but also the maintenance or progression of cognitive abilities of demented elderly subject

    Condition of informal caregivers in long-term care of people with dementia

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    Introduction Caregivers of demented relatives devote their time and attention in order to help the beloved members of the family. Those who are informal caregivers require support in order to avoid being overburdened. Many such caregivers may suffer from chronic health problems, for instance, depression. Objective The aim was to assess the factors of depression in caregivers, and to discover the determinants of depression among informal family caregivers of demented individuals. Material and Methods Forty-one caregivers in the research group were administered a questionnaire which included the caregivers’ demographics. Caregiver’s level of depression was measured by the scale of the Centre for Epidemiology Scale for Depression. The relationship between depression and demographic features was analyzed. Data were analyzed using STATISTICA 8.1 (StatSoft). Analysis of the results was performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality. Pearson correlation coefficient was also used. Results Referring to The Centre for Epidemiology Scale for Depression, the average score in the study group was 18 ± 7.49. There was no statistically significant relationship between the level of depression and such factors as caregiver’s age, time of care of demented relative, and type of kinship and pain. Conclusions Although there was no relationship between the level of depression and demographic features, the problem with quality of life, worries and grief which may appear, seemed to be sufficient reason for organizing the prevention of depression for all informal caregivers of persons with dementia

    Condition of informal caregivers in long-term care of people with dementia

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    Introduction Caregivers of demented relatives devote their time and attention in order to help the beloved members of the family. Those who are informal caregivers require support in order to avoid being overburdened. Many such caregivers may suffer from chronic health problems, for instance, depression. Objective The aim was to assess the factors of depression in caregivers, and to discover the determinants of depression among informal family caregivers of demented individuals. Material and Methods Forty-one caregivers in the research group were administered a questionnaire which included the caregivers’ demographics. Caregiver’s level of depression was measured by the scale of the Centre for Epidemiology Scale for Depression. The relationship between depression and demographic features was analyzed. Data were analyzed using STATISTICA 8.1 (StatSoft). Analysis of the results was performed using the Kolmogorov-Smirnov test of normality. Pearson correlation coefficient was also used. Results Referring to The Centre for Epidemiology Scale for Depression, the average score in the study group was 18 ± 7.49. There was no statistically significant relationship between the level of depression and such factors as caregiver’s age, time of care of demented relative, and type of kinship and pain. Conclusions Although there was no relationship between the level of depression and demographic features, the problem with quality of life, worries and grief which may appear, seemed to be sufficient reason for organizing the prevention of depression for all informal caregivers of persons with dementia