49 research outputs found

    Croatian Accession to the European Union: Institutional Challenges

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    An efficient system for the protection of civil and human rights is essential for the achievement of the ideals that are a precondition for joining the European Union (EU). This paper analyses the origins of the crisis of the Croatian judicial system and the factors that have brought the length of court proceedings into the centre of professional and political debates. Strategies for accelerating civil proceedings featured in current attempts at reform are presented, with an emphasis on the ongoing procedural reforms in litigation, enforcement and bankruptcy proceedings. At the end doubts are expressed about whether it is possible to make any important advances with the operations planned. Without an efficient judiciary, however, it is impossible to have a complete transition to the model of the democratic liberal state, and a dysfunctional judicial system can bring the implementation of economic reforms into question as well. To this extent, then, a thoroughgoing reform is of first-rate importance for the creation of the preconditions necessary for EU membership.justice, length of court proceedings, Croatia, accession, European Union

    Fazni prijelaz prvoga reda u 1d Pottsovom modelu s dugodosežnim međudjelovanjem

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    The first-order phase transition in the one-dimensional q-state Potts model with long-range interactions decaying with distance as 1/r 1+Ļƒ , has been studied by Monte Carlo numerical simulations for 0 2. On the basis of thefinite-size scaling analysis of interface free energy āˆ†FL, specific heat and Binderā€™s fourth order cumulant, we obtain the first-order transition which occurs for Ļƒ below a threshold value Ļƒc (q ).U jednodimenzijskom Pottsovom modelu qā€“stanja s dugodosežnim međudjelovanjima koja opadaju s udaljenoŔću kao 1/r 1+Ļƒ , Monte Carlo simulacijama je promatran fazni prijelaz prvog reda za 0 2. Na temelju scaling analize slobodne energije međuplohe, specifične topline i Binderovog kumulanta četvrtog reda, dobivamo prijelaz prvoga reda za Ļƒ manji od granične vrijednosti Ļƒc(q)

    Fazni prijelaz prvoga reda u 1d Pottsovom modelu s dugodosežnim međudjelovanjem

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    The first-order phase transition in the one-dimensional q-state Potts model with long-range interactions decaying with distance as 1/r 1+Ļƒ , has been studied by Monte Carlo numerical simulations for 0 2. On the basis of thefinite-size scaling analysis of interface free energy āˆ†FL, specific heat and Binderā€™s fourth order cumulant, we obtain the first-order transition which occurs for Ļƒ below a threshold value Ļƒc (q ).U jednodimenzijskom Pottsovom modelu qā€“stanja s dugodosežnim međudjelovanjima koja opadaju s udaljenoŔću kao 1/r 1+Ļƒ , Monte Carlo simulacijama je promatran fazni prijelaz prvog reda za 0 2. Na temelju scaling analize slobodne energije međuplohe, specifične topline i Binderovog kumulanta četvrtog reda, dobivamo prijelaz prvoga reda za Ļƒ manji od granične vrijednosti Ļƒc(q)

    Jacques Friedel (1921. āˆ’ 2014.)

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    Fazni prijelaz drugog reda izazvan zamrznutim nasumičnim razrjeđenjem u 3D

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    The effect of the quenched random dilution on the ferromagnetic transitions, in particular, the conversion from the first- to second-order transition is discussed. The new results are presented for the diluted three-dimensional three-state Potts model. The critical exponents of the disorder-induced second-order phase transition are derived by the finite-size scaling analysis of the moments of the energy and the largest cluster, obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations.Raspravlja se učinak nasumičnog, zamrznutog razrjeđenja na feromagnetske prijelaze, posebice na promjenu iz prijelaza prvog u onaj drugog reda. Prikazani su novi rezultati za razrijeđeni trodimenzijski Pottsov model s tri stanja. Kritični eksponenti faznog prijelaza drugog reda izazvanog neredom izvedeni su ljestvičnom analizom momenata energije i najvećeg grozda, dobivenih Monte Carlo simulacijama

    Fazni prijelaz drugog reda izazvan zamrznutim nasumičnim razrjeđenjem u 3D

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    The effect of the quenched random dilution on the ferromagnetic transitions, in particular, the conversion from the first- to second-order transition is discussed. The new results are presented for the diluted three-dimensional three-state Potts model. The critical exponents of the disorder-induced second-order phase transition are derived by the finite-size scaling analysis of the moments of the energy and the largest cluster, obtained from the Monte Carlo simulations.Raspravlja se učinak nasumičnog, zamrznutog razrjeđenja na feromagnetske prijelaze, posebice na promjenu iz prijelaza prvog u onaj drugog reda. Prikazani su novi rezultati za razrijeđeni trodimenzijski Pottsov model s tri stanja. Kritični eksponenti faznog prijelaza drugog reda izazvanog neredom izvedeni su ljestvičnom analizom momenata energije i najvećeg grozda, dobivenih Monte Carlo simulacijama

    Legal position of persons deprived of legal capacity

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    Poslovna sposobnost je svojstvo osobe da vlastitim očitovanjem volje postiže dopuÅ”tene pravne učinke. LiÅ”enjem poslovne sposobnosti osoba gubi sposobnost samostalno nastupati u pravnom prometu u opsegu određenom odlukom o liÅ”enju. Cilj ovog rada bio je analizirati određena imovinska prava osoba liÅ”enih poslovne sposobnosti u hrvatskom pravu, uključujući zastupanje, sklapanje ugovora, pravnu (ne)valjanost pravnih poslova, oporučnu sposobnost i nasljeđivanje. Rezultati su pokazali da je potreban osobit oprez kod određivanja opsega ograničenja, kao i da postoji nedovoljna usklađenost obveznog, parničnog procesnog i obiteljskog prava. U radu se iznose prijedlozi koji bi de lege ferenda mogli pomoći u otklanjanju uočenih nedoumica i proturječja u pogledu pravnog položaja osoba liÅ”enih poslovne sposobnosti.Legal capacity is a particularly complex issue because it affects all areas of life, from choosing where to live to signing an employment contract, casting a vote or managing the property. Legal capacity is the ability of a person to take legally valid decisions and to enter into binding contractual relations. It makes a person a subject of law and a holder of legal rights and obligations. The aim of this study was to analyse certain rights which are important for the property protection of persons deprived of legal capacity including representation, validity of civil affairs, entering into the agreement, disposed of assets, testamentary disposition and inheritance. The results have shown that particular caution is needed when determining the scope of the restriction, as well as insufficient compatibility of the law of obligations, civil procedure and family law. The paper makes some proposals de lege ferenda regarding the observed contradictions and dilemmas in Croatian legislation