122 research outputs found

    The Adventures of Hlapić in Burgenland Croatian

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    The paper presents the results of a digital comparative text analysis of the Croatian original and the Burgenland editions of a children’s classic performed in combination with research methods of Translation Studies. The Croatian children’s novel of 1913, Čudnovate zgode šegrta Hlapića [The Strange Adventures of Hlapić the Apprentice] by Ivana Brlić-Mažuranić (1874–1938), appeared in Burgenland Croatian in 1960 and again, with minor alterations, in 2000. Burgenland Croatian is the language of the Croatian minority predominantly positioned in Austria, considered to be a regional variant of Croatian. These two languages are similar, but they still differ in structural and semantic elements as they have been separately developing since the 15th century. The similarities allowed for a digital comparative text analysis of the linguistic aspects of source and target texts, including their linguistic complexity. The results of the digital analysis demonstrate the applicability of digital linguistics methodology in analyzing translated and rewritten literary texts when source and target language idioms are similar, especially in determining the stylistic differences between source and target texts. The results of the analysis of culture-specific items rendered in two target texts, as compared to the original, indicate there exist not many differences on the language text levels between the analyzed source and target texts, yet some discrepancies between the two editions of the translation into the Burgenland Croatian have been detected, and thus explained in the historical and cultural context of their appearance

    Clustering of Lyman alpha emitters at z ~ 4.5

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    We present the clustering properties of 151 Lyman alpha emitting galaxies at z ~ 4.5 selected from the Large Area Lyman Alpha (LALA) survey. Our catalog covers an area of 36' x 36' observed with five narrowband filters. We assume that the angular correlation function w(theta) is well represented by a power law A_w = Theta^(-beta) with slope beta = 0.8, and we find A_w = 6.73 +/- 1.80. We then calculate the correlation length r_0 of the real-space two-point correlation function xi(r) = (r/r_0)^(-1.8) from A_w through the Limber transformation, assuming a flat, Lambda-dominated universe. Neglecting contamination, we find r_0 = 3.20 +/- 0.42 Mpc/h. Taking into account a possible 28% contamination by randomly distributed sources, we find r_0 = 4.61 +/- 0.6 Mpc/h. We compare these results with the expectations for the clustering of dark matter halos at this redshift in a Cold Dark Matter model, and find that the measured clustering strength can be reproduced if these objects reside in halos with a minimum mass of 1-2 times 10^11 Solar masses/h. Our estimated correlation length implies a bias of b ~ 3.7, similar to that of Lyman-break galaxies (LBG) at z ~ 3.8-4.9. However, Lyman alpha emitters are a factor of ~ 2-16 rarer than LBGs with a similar bias value and implied host halo mass. Therefore, one plausible scenario seems to be that Lyman alpha emitters occupy host halos of roughly the same mass as LBGs, but shine with a relatively low duty cycle of 6-50%.Comment: 23 pages in preprint format, 4 figures, ApJ accepte

    Construction of a new day hospital in Zadar using recycled aggregate concrete

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    U radu je prikazan pilot projekt primjene recikliranog agregata tijekom izgradnje nove zgrade dnevne bolnice OB Zadar. Projekt je uključivao rušenje postojeće bolnice i korištenje nastalog građevnog otpada kao recikliranog agregata u izgradnji dijela nove zgrade. Mehaničkom obradom nastalog otpada dobivena je frakcija 16/32 mm agregata te je on ispitan u skladu s normama HRN EN 206 i HRN EN 12620. Pripremljene su četiri mješavine betona i provedena ispitivanja svojstava u svježem stanju (konzistencija, gustoća, količina pora) i očvrsnulom stanju (tlačna čvrstoća, modul elastičnosti, kapilarno upijanje, vodonepropusnost, skupljanje uslijed sušenja). Ostvareni rezultati potvrđuju da se uzimanjem u obzir normi za reciklirani agregat te poznavanjem porijekla, za dane uvjete trajnosti može pripremiti beton svojstava istovrijednih običnom betonu.This paper presents the pilot project of application of recycled aggregate during construction of a new day hospital in Zadar. The project included the demolition of an existing hospital building and the use of generated construction waste as recycled aggregate in the construction of a part of the building. The 16/32 mm fraction of aggregate was obtained by mechanical processing of the generated waste which was then tested in accordance with the HRN EN 206 and HRN EN 12620 standards. Four concrete mixes were prepared, and the fresh (slump, density, air content) and hardened properties were tested (compressive strength, modulus of elasticity, capillary absorption, water permeability, drying shrinkage). The obtained results confirm that by complying with the standards for recycled aggregates and knowing their origin it is possible to produce concrete with properties equivalent to those of ordinary concrete for specified durability conditions

    Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI in malignant pleural mesothelioma : prediction of outcome based on DCE-MRI measurements in patients undergoing cytotoxic chemotherapy

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    The malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) response rate to chemotherapy is low. The identification of imaging biomarkers that could help guide the most effective therapy approach for individual patients is highly desirable. Our aim was to investigate the dynamic contrast-enhanced (DCE) MR parameters as predictors for progression-free (PFS) and overall survival (OS) in patients with MPM treated with cisplatin-based chemotherapy. Methods: Thirty-two consecutive patients with MPM were enrolled in this prospective study. Pretreatment and intratreatment DCE-MRI were scheduled in each patient. The DCE parameters were analyzed using the extended Tofts (ET) and the adiabatic approximation tissue homogeneity (AATH) model. Comparison analysis, logistic regression and ROC analysis were used to identify the predictors for the patient\u27s outcome. Results: Patients with higher pretreatment ET and AATH-calculated Ktrans and ve values had longer OS (P≤.006). Patients with a more prominent reduction in ET-calculated Ktrans and kep values during the early phase of chemotherapy had longer PFS (P =.008). No parameter was identified to predict PFS. Pre-treatment ET-calculated Ktrans was found to be an independent predictive marker for longer OS (P=.02) demonstrating the most favourable discrimination performance compared to other DCE parameters with an estimated sensitivity of 89% and specificity of 78% (AUC 0.9, 95% CI 0.74-0.98, cut off > 0.08 min-1). Conclusions: In the present study, higher pre-treatment ET-calculated Ktrans values were associated with longer OS. The results suggest that DCE-MRI might provide additional information for identifying MPM patients that may respond to chemotherapy


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    Ponašanje je najbrži način adaptacije životinje na promene kojese dešavaju u njenom organizmu ili u životnom okruženju. To je vidljiva osobinaživotinja. Zbog toga, veterinari mogu da koriste znanje o ponašanju životinja umnogim granama veterinarske prakse i veterinarske nauke. Poznavanje ponašanjaživotinja može biti od pomoći u dijagnostici u veterinarskoj praksi. Osim toga, znanjeo ponašanju životinja može se primeniti u svim postupcima postupanja sa životinjamakao i pri njihovom obuzdavanju, prilikom kliničkog pregleda životinja, u procesimaučenja i obuke životinja, u usmeravanju kretanja životinja, hranjenju, reprodukcijii mnogim drugim aktivnostima. Smeštajni sistemi i sve vrste obogaćivanja uslovaživota su proizvodi primenjene nauke o ponašanju životinja. Veterinari moraju znatikako da spreče poremećaje u ponašanju i patološke oblike ponašanja životinja, alii kako da ih leče. Takođe, oni treba da znaju kako da primene znanje o ponašanjuživotinja za dobrobit životinja. Dalje, nauka o ponašanju životinja može se primenitiu kontroli divljači i štetočina na humaniji način, kao i u očuvanju vrsta. Postojemnogi drugi primeri primene znanja o ponašanju životinja u veterinarskoj praksi, akoji su izneti u ovom radu


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    Behavior is the fastest way of animal adaptation to changes that occur in itsorganism or in its habitat. This is a visible feature of animals. Therefore, veterinarianscan use knowledge about animal behavior in many branches of veterinary practice andveterinary science. Knowledge of animal behavior can also be helpful in diagnosticsin veterinary practice. In addition, knowledge of animal behavior can be applied inall animal treatment procedures, as well as in their restraint, animal examination,animal learning and training, animal tracking, feeding, reproduction and many otheractivities. Accommodation systems and all kinds of enrichment of living conditionsare part of applied animal behavior science. Veterinarians must know how to preventbehavioral disorders and pathological forms of animal behavior, but also how totreat them. They also need to know how to apply knowledge about animal behaviorto protect animal welfare. Applied animal behavior science can be applied to controlgame animals and pests in a more humane way as well as in conservation of species.There are many other examples of application of animal behavioral knowledge inveterinary practice, as it is presented in this paper


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    Background: Given the high prevalence of internalizing disorders among adolescents, it is necessary to define the factors affecting the development and course of psychopathology. Nolen Hoeksema demonstrated the effect of rumination on the development of various forms of psychopathology in adults, while recent data suggest that cognitive control may be a factor underlying this relationship. The aim of this study is to investigate the relation between cognitive control impairments and symptoms of depression through rumination in adolescents suffering from internalizing psychiatric disorders. Subjects and methods: The study included 100 adolescents of both genders diagnosed with internalizing psychiatric disorders at the Unit for Child and Adolescent Psychiatry at University Hospital Center Osijek. During psychodiagnostic assessment, subjects completed Youth self report, CANTAB Intra-dimensional/extra-dimensional (IED) task, The Ruminative Response Scale, and Beck Depression Inventory-II. Results: The results indicate a clinically significant level of internalizing symptoms and a clinically and subclinically high level of depressive symptoms. The results also show a high positive correlation between internalizing symptoms, rumination, and depressive symptoms, as well as a positive correlation between female gender and internalizing symptoms, rumination, and depressive symptoms. Significant predictors of depression are female gender and rumination while cognitive control has not been detected as a significant predictor. Conclusion: The results of the study emphasize the importance of rumination in the prediction of depressive symptoms in internalizing psychiatric disorders among adolescents and, accordingly, the importance of rumination as a clinical variable in terms of implications in the prevention and treatment of internalizing psychopathology