93 research outputs found
Helminth fauna of Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769 from the Belgrade area, Serbia
The aims of this study were to provide baseline knowledge about intestinal parasites in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) that inhabit the Belgrade area, and to analyze the associations among helminths. Of 302 trapped rats, 52% were females and 48% males, with 39% and approx. 37% of juvenile-subadult individuals, per sex, respectively. The following parasites were detected (with their respective prevalence): Cestoda - Hymenolepis diminuta (30.46%) and Rodentolepis fraterna (12.58%); Nematoda - Heterakis spumosa (36.75%), Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (16.22%), Capillaria sp. (5.96%), Trichuris muris (5.96%), Syphacia muris (4.30%) and Strongylus sp. larvae (0.33%). Flukes (Trematoda) were not recorded. Of all examined rats, 68.54% were found to harbor at least one parasite species, with higher prevalence in male hosts and in adult individuals. There were no age-related differences in the prevalence of infection with individual helminth species. Multiple infections occurred with up to four species per rat showing different combinations of parasite infections. These are the first records of the gastrointestinal helminth fauna of Norway rats in Serbia.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303
Immune-related health-relevant changes in natural populations of Norway rat (Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769): White blood cell counts, leukocyte activity, and peripheral organ infiltration
Basic immune-related health-relevant changes (total and differential white blood cell counts and activity, leukocyte tissue infiltration, and related pathohistology) were assessed in wild Norway rats from urban habitats. Comparative measurements were conducted in individuals of several laboratory strains of Norway rat in order to gain insight into environmental effects on the health of wild rats. Changes in leukocyte counts and activity along with tissue infiltration were noted only in wild rats, indicating systemic as well as tissue inflammation in these animals. Coincidence of these changes with chronic inflammatory pulmonary and kidney disease was observed in the majority of affected rats.U radu su ispitane osnovne imunoloÅ”ke zdravstveno znaÄajne promene kod jedinki sivog pacova iz urbanih staniÅ”ta (ukupan broj i diferencijalni sastav, kao i aktivnost leukocita periferne krvi, tkivna infiltracija leukocita i patohistoloÅ”ke promene). Uporedo su raÄena ispitivanja na nekoliko laboratorijskih sojeva pacova da bi se stekao uvid u efekte spoljaÅ”nje sredine na zdravlje jedinki iz prirodnih populacija. Promene u broju i aktivnosti leukocita, kao i infiltracija u organe su primeÄene samo kod jedinki iz prirodnih populacija i ukazuju na sistemsku i tkivnu inflamaciju kod tih jedinki. Kod veÄine obolelih jedinki je pokazana povezanost ovih promena i hroniÄnih inflamatornih oboljenja pluÄa i bubrega.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303
Characteristics of local pulmonary response following intranasal application of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia
In this study, histopathology of local pulmonary response following intranasal inoculation of different doses of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia in laboratory rats was evaluated. Development of response was evaluated on days seven and twenty one, following conidia inoculation by cell infiltration and by presence of A. fumigatus conidia in homogenates of lung tissue. Total and differential peripheral blood leukocyte counts and state of leukocyte adhesion/aggregation were monitored to estimate the presence of systemic response in infected individuals. Mycological examination revealed the presence of conidia in lung tissue homogenates of infected animals, with high number of non-germinating spores on day twenty one, following the inoculation of lower conidia dose. Histopathological examination revealed the presence of lymphocytes perivascularly and in vascular lumen in the lungs. Presented data demonstrate pulmonary immune response following A. fumigatus conidia administration
Characteristics of local pulmonary response following intranasal application of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia
In this study, histopathology of local pulmonary response following intranasal inoculation of different doses of Aspergillus fumigatus conidia in laboratory rats was evaluated. Development of response was evaluated on days seven and twenty one, following conidia inoculation by cell infiltration and by presence of A. fumigatus conidia in homogenates of lung tissue. Total and differential peripheral blood leukocyte counts and state of leukocyte adhesion/aggregation were monitored to estimate the presence of systemic response in infected individuals. Mycological examination revealed the presence of conidia in lung tissue homogenates of infected animals, with high number of non-germinating spores on day twenty one, following the inoculation of lower conidia dose. Histopathological examination revealed the presence of lymphocytes perivascularly and in vascular lumen in the lungs. Presented data demonstrate pulmonary immune response following A. fumigatus conidia administration.Aspergillus fumigatus je oportunistiÄka gljiva koja najÄeÅ”Äe dovodi do pulmonarnih aspergiloza kod imunokompromitovanih organizama. U ovom radu su prikazani rezultati istraživanja izazivanja infekcije aspergilusom kod pacova. U cilju dobijanja podataka o prisustvu i karakteristikama lokalnog inflamatornog odgovora u pluÄima odreÄen je diferencijalni sastav leukocita periferne krvi i testirana je njihova aktivnost, izvrÅ”eni su histopatoloÅ”ki pregled pluÄa i provera prisustva spora A. fumigatus u homogenatima pluÄa. NaÅ”i podaci su pokazali prisustvo lokalnog odgovora u pluÄima posle 7 dana dok podaci dobijeni posle 21 dan ne pokazuju znaÄajne razlike u odnosu na kontrolnu grupu. PoveÄani broj neklijajuÄih spora u homogenatu pluÄa sedmog dana nakon inokulacije može da se objasni prisustvom limfocitnog infiltrata u pluÄima i aktivnoÅ”Äu limfocita in situ. PoveÄan broj klijajuÄih spora 21. dana nakon inokulacije može da bude posledica kapaciteta malog broja preostalih spora da klijaju.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303
Basic indices of spleen immune activity in natural populations of Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus berkenhout, 1769) in Serbia
Basic parameters of spleen immune activity (spleen weight, histomorphology of splenic compartments, and mitogen-induced splenocyte proliferative capacity in vitro) were evaluated in adult individuals of wild Norway rats from urban habitats and compared to the same data obtained in laboratory rat strains. A wider range of relative spleen mass and differential histomorphological characteristics, together with differences in the level and pattern of responsiveness of splenocytes to exogenous stimulation, were noted in spleens of wild Norway rats. Evidence of both enhanced and low-level immune-relevant spleen activity in wild rats demonstrates the complexity of changes in spleen immune activity in rats from natural populations.Ispitivani su osnovni parametri imunske aktivnosti u slezini (masa slezine, histomorfologija i sposobnost Äelija slezine da profileriÅ”u u odgovoru na mitogen u in vitro uslovima) kod adultnih jedinki sivog pacova iz urbanih staniÅ”ta i poreÄeni sa podacima dobijenim kod laboratorijskih sojeva pacova. Kod jedinki iz prirodnih populacija je zapažen veÄi opseg relativnih masa slezine, razliÄite histomorfoloÅ”ke karakteristike i razlike u nivou i naÄinu odgovara Äelija slezine na egzogenu stimulaciju u poreÄenju sa jedinkama laboratorijskih sojeva. Ovi podaci ukazuju na kompleksne promene u imunskoj aktivnosti slezine kod jedinki iz prirodnih populacija.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303
Helminth fauna of Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758 from the suburban area of Belgrade, Serbia
The helminth fauna of the house mouse (Mus musculus Linnaeus, 1758) was studied on the basis of 429 host individuals from the suburban area of Belgrade. Eleven helminth species were recorded: three cestode species - Catenotaenia pusilla, Rodentolepis fraterna, and Cysticercus (= Strobilocercus) fasciolaris [larval stage of Taenia taeniaeformis (Batsch, 1821)]; and eight nematode species - Heligmosomoides polygyrus, Syphacia sp., Aspiculuris tetraptera, Syphacia obvelata, Heterakis spumosa, Trichuris muris, Mastophorus muris, and Gongylonema sp. Within the general helminth fauna, H. polygyrus was found to be the most prevalent species (39.2%) and caused the highest infection intensity. Prevalences of A. tetraptera, C. pusilla, and S. obvelata ranged from 12.8% to 6.1%, while the remaining species showed prevalences ranging from 4.9% (for Syphacia sp.) to 0.2% (for Gongylonema sp.). All the species found in males were also present in females, with the exceptions of M. muris and Gongylonema sp. No significant differences were found between males and females regarding prevalence (P%), mean infection intensity (MI), or mean abundance (MA).Helmintofauna kuÄnog miÅ”a (Mus musculus) istraživana je kod 429 jedinki izlovljenih sa suburbanog podruÄja Beograda (selo Jabuka, 15 km severoistoÄno od Beograda), a prisustvo 3 vrste pantljiÄara (Cestoda) i 8 vrsta valjkastih crva (Nematoda) utvrÄeno je u 262 jedinke (61.1%). Od pantljiÄara su bile prisutne Catenotaena pusilla, Rodentolepis fraterna i larveni stadijum Taenia taeniaeformis - Cysticercus (= Strobilocercus) fasciolaris, a od valjkastih crva Helygmosomoides polygirus, Syphacia sp., S. obvelata, Aspiculuris tetraptera, Heterakis spumosa, Trichuris muris, Mastophorus muris i Gongylonema sp. Dominantna vrsta bila je H. polygyrus sa prevalencom od 39,2% i prouzrokovala je najviÅ”i intenzitet infekcije. Za A. tetraptera, C. pusilla i S. obvelata prevalence su iznosile od 12,8 do 6,1%, a za ostale vrste helminata od 4,9 (za Syphacia sp.) do 0,2% (za Gongylonema sp.). Sve vrste naÄene u mužjacima kuÄnog miÅ”a bile su naÄene i u ženkama, izuzimajuÄi M. muris i Gongylonema sp. Nisu naÄene statistiÄki znaÄajne razlike izmeÄu mužjaka i ženki kuÄnog miÅ”a u pogledu prevalence (P%) i srednjih vrednosti intenziteta infekcije (MI) i abundancije (MA).Projekat ministarstva br. 14303
Helminth fauna of Rattus norvegicus Berkenhout, 1769 from the Belgrade area, Serbia
The aims of this study were to provide baseline knowledge about intestinal parasites in Norway rats (Rattus norvegicus) that inhabit the Belgrade area, and to analyze the associations among helminths. Of 302 trapped rats, 52% were females and 48% males, with 39% and approx. 37% of juvenile-subadult individuals, per sex, respectively. The following parasites were detected (with their respective prevalence): Cestoda - Hymenolepis diminuta (30.46%) and Rodentolepis fraterna (12.58%); Nematoda - Heterakis spumosa (36.75%), Nippostrongylus brasiliensis (16.22%), Capillaria sp. (5.96%), Trichuris muris (5.96%), Syphacia muris (4.30%) and Strongylus sp. larvae (0.33%). Flukes (Trematoda) were not recorded. Of all examined rats, 68.54% were found to harbor at least one parasite species, with higher prevalence in male hosts and in adult individuals. There were no age-related differences in the prevalence of infection with individual helminth species. Multiple infections occurred with up to four species per rat showing different combinations of parasite infections. These are the first records of the gastrointestinal helminth fauna of Norway rats in Serbia.Projekat ministarstva br. 14303
The possibility of use of some essential oils in rodenticidal baits
JokiÄ, G., VukÅ”a, M., ÄedoviÄ, S., StojniÄ, B., Kataranovski, D
Age structure of yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis Melchior, 1834) in two samples obtained from live traps and owl pellets
The age structure of yellow-necked mouse (Apodemus flavicollis Melchior 1834) has been analyzed in individuals obtained by two methods: Trapping with Sherman live traps and obtainment of skulls from long-eared owl (Asio otus Linnaeus, 1758) pellets (predator diet analysis). One hundred and forty-four mice were analyzed for the degree of wear of the surface of molar crowns, and an additional 74 measurements were performed on captive-born Apodemus flavicollis individuals. We used a refined model of comparison that included seven classes of mouse age, rather than four classes, as suggested by other authors.Uzrasna struktura Apodemus flavicollis (Melchior, 1834) analizirana je na uzorku pribavljenom primenom dve metode: izlovljavanjem Å ermanovim klopkama i prikupljanjem lobanja miÅ”eva iz gvalica sove Asio otus Linnaeus. Kod ukupno 144 jedinke studiran je stepen izrabljenosti molarnih krunica; izvrÅ”ena su i 74 dodatna merenja kod jedinki gajenih u laboratorijskim uslovima. Tokom istraživanja koriÅ”Äen je redefinisani model kombinacije sedam uzrasnih klasa miÅ”eva (a ne Äetiri, kako su ranije sugerisali pojedini struÄnjaci).Projekat ministarstva br. 156
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