131 research outputs found

    Development and Evaluation of a System for AR Enabling Realistic Display of Gripping Motions Using Leap Motion Controller

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    AbstractAugmented Reality (AR) in the traditional systems have a problem that the drawn objects are always displayed in the foreground because 3D models by AR are superimposed later than the picture of the actual world. This paper proposed a system to produce a realistic picture of AR in accordance with every depth. We developed a prototype system to verify the effect of the method. The prototype system was developed by focusing on a human hand. This paper utilized a Leap Motion Controller as a motion capture device to acquire the depth data of the hand and fingers

    Fluoride Ion Interactions in Alkali-Metal Fluoride-Diol Complexes

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    The activity of F⁻ is an important factor in the design of both inorganic and organic reactions involving fluorine compounds. The present study investigates interactions of F⁻ with diols in alkali-metal fluoride–diol complexes. Increases in the reactivities of alkali-metal fluorides and their solubilities in alcohols is observed with increasing cation size. The difference in alkali-metal ion size produces different structural motifs for F⁻-diol complex salts. The CsF complex salt with ethylene glycol (EG), CsF-EG, has a layered structure, whereas the Rb and K complex salts, (RbF)₅-(EG)₄ and (KF)₅-(EG)₄, form columnar structures. Comparison of the CsF complex salts with three different diols— EG, 1, 3-propylene glycol (PG₁₃), and 1, 4-butylene glycol (PG₁₄)—revealed that the diol chain length affects the bridging mode in their layered structures. EG bridges two OH oxygen atoms within the same CsF layer in CsF-EG, whereas PG₁₃ and BG₁₄ bridge two OH oxygen atoms in different CsF layers in (CsF)₂-PG₁₃ and CsF-BG₁₄, respectively. The F⁻ ion coordination environment involves interactions between alkali-metal ions and H atom(s) in the diol OH groups, where the F⁻···H interactions are more dominant than the F···M⁺ interaction, based on Hirshfeld surface analyses. The O–H bond weakening observed by infrared spectroscopy also reflects the strengths of the F⁻···H interactions in these complex salts

    Isoparorchis hypselobagri (Trematoda: Isoparorchiidae) from freshwater fishes in western Japan, with a review of its host-parasite relationships in Japan (1915-2013)

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    Specimens of Isoparorchis hypselobagri (Billet, 1898) were collected from the following freshwater fishes in western Japan: Anguilla japonica (Anguillidae) from Shimane and Ehime prefectures; Silurus asotus (Siluridae) from Hiroshima and Yamaguchi prefectures; Acanthogobius flavimanus (Gobiidae) from Shimane Prefecture; Candidia temminckii (Cyprinidae), Pungtungia herzi (Cyprinidae), Rhinogobius fluviatilis (Gobiidae), and Rhinogobius sp. (Gobiidae) from Hiroshima Prefecture. The collection of I. hypselobagri from A. japonica, A. flavimanus, R. fluviatilis, and Rhinogobius sp. represents new host records, and the parasite is reported for the first time from Hiroshima, Yamaguchi, and Ehime prefectures. Host-parasite relationships of I. hypselobagri infecting Japanese freshwater fishes are reviewed based on the literature published in 1915-2013

    Accurate and molecular-size-tolerant NMR quantitation of diverse components in solution.

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    木質バイオマス中の各成分の物質量を正確に決定する手法の開発に成功 --木質バイオマスからの効率的なバイオエネルギー・製品原料の獲得にはずみ--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2016-02-18.Determining the amount of each component of interest in a mixture is a fundamental first step in characterizing the nature of the solution and to develop possible means of utilization of its components. Similarly, determining the composition of units in complex polymers, or polymer mixtures, is crucial. Although NMR is recognized as one of the most powerful methods to achieve this and is widely used in many fields, variation in the molecular sizes or the relative mobilities of components skews quantitation due to the size-dependent decay of magnetization. Here, a method to accurately determine the amount of each component by NMR was developed. This method was validated using a solution that contains biomass-related components in which the molecular sizes greatly differ. The method is also tolerant of other factors that skew quantitation such as variation in the one-bond C-H coupling constant. The developed method is the first and only way to reliably overcome the skewed quantitation caused by several different factors to provide basic information on the correct amount of each component in a solution

    Shedding light on the base-pair opening dynamics of nucleic acids in living human cells

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    生細胞中の核酸のダイナミクスに光を当てる --生細胞中における挙動は試験管中とは異なる--. 京都大学プレスリリース. 2022-11-30.Base-pair opening is a fundamental property of nucleic acids that plays important roles in biological functions. However, studying the base-pair opening dynamics inside living cells has remained challenging. Here, to determine the base-pair opening kinetics inside living human cells, the exchange rate constant (kex) of the imino proton with the proton of solvent water involved in hairpin and G-quadruplex (GQ) structures is determined by the in-cell NMR technique. It is deduced on determination of kex values that at least some G-C base pairs of the hairpin structure and all G-G base-pairs of the GQ structure open more frequently in living human cells than in vitro. It is suggested that interactions with endogenous proteins could be responsible for the increase in frequency of base-pair opening. Our studies demonstrate a difference in dynamics of nucleic acids between in-cell and in vitro conditions

    Non-coding RNA suppresses FUS aggregation caused by mechanistic shear stress on pipetting in a sequence-dependent manner

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    Fused in sarcoma/translocated in liposarcoma (FUS/TLS) is a multitasking RNA/DNA binding protein. FUS aggregation is implicated in various neurodegenerative diseases. RNA was suggested to modulate phase transition of FUS. Here, we found that FUS transforms into the amorphous aggregation state as an instant response to the shear stress caused by usual pipetting even at a low FUS concentration, 100 nM. It was revealed that non-coding RNA can suppress the transformation of FUS into aggregates. The suppressive effect of RNA on FUS aggregation is sequence-dependent. These results suggested that the non-coding RNA could be a prospective suppressor of FUS aggregation caused by mechanistic stress in cells. Our finding might pave the way for more research on the role of RNAs as aggregation inhibitors, which could facilitate the development of therapies for neurodegenerative diseases