471 research outputs found

    NNLO QCD contributions to the flavor non-singlet sector of F2(x,Q2){\bf {F_2(x,Q^2)}}

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    We present the results of our QCD analysis for nonsinglet unpolarized quark distributions and structure function F2(x,Q2)F_2(x,Q^2). New parameterizations are derived for the nonsinglet quark distributions for the kinematic wide range of xx and Q2Q^2. The analysis is based on the Jacobi polynomials expansion of the structure function. The higher twist contributions of proton and deuteron structure function are obtained in the large xx region. Our calculations for nonsinglet unpolarized quark distribution functions based on the Jacobi polynomials method are in good agreement with the other theoretical models. The values of ΛQCD\Lambda_{QCD} and αs(Mz2)\alpha_s(M_z^2) are determined.Comment: 29 pages, 8 figure

    Fixation of theoretical ambiguities in the improved fits to xF3xF_3 CCFR data at the next-to-next-to-leading order and beyond

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    Using the results for the NNLO QCD corrections to anomalous dimensions of odd xF3xF_3 Mellin moments and N3^3LO corrections to their coefficient functions we improve our previous analysis of the CCFR'97 data for xF3xF_3. The possibility of extracting from the fits of 1/Q21/Q^2-corrections is analysed using three independent models,including infrared renormalon one. Theoretical quetion of applicability of the renormalon-type inspired large-β0\beta_0 approximation for estimating corrections to the coefficient functions of odd xF3xF_3 and even non-singlet F2F_2 moments are considered. The comparison with [1/1] Pad\'e estimates is given. The obtained NLO and NNLO values of αs(MZ)\alpha_s(M_Z) are supporting the results of our less definite previous analysis and are in agreement with the world average value αs(MZ)≈0.118\alpha_s(M_Z)\approx 0.118. We also present first N3^3LO extraction of αs(MZ)\alpha_s(M_Z). The interplay between higher-order perturbative QCD corrections and 1/Q21/Q^2-terms is demonstrated. The results of our studies are compared with those obtained recently using the NNLO model of the kernel of DGLAP equation and with the results of the NNLO fits to CCFR'97 xF3xF_3 data, performed by the Bernstein polynomial technique.Comment: The errors in the coefficients CF3(3)(n)C_{F_3}^{(3)}(n) of (αs/4π)3QCDcorrectionstotheMellinmomentsofxF3structurefunctionweredetected.TheapplicationofthecorrectedresultsinthefitsresultedindecreaseofN\alpha_s/4\pi)^3 QCD corrections to the Mellin moments of xF_3 structure function were detected. The application of the corrected results in the fits resulted in decrease of N^3LOvaluesofLO values of \Lambda_{\bar{MS}}^{(4)}$ in Tables 6,11,12 by 3 MeV only (details are in the enclosed Erratum (in press)

    Application of new multiloop QCD input to the analysis of xF3xF_3 data

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    The new theoretical input to the analysis of the experimental data of the CCFR collaboration for F3F_3 structure function of νN\nu N deep inelastic scattering is considered. This input comes from the next-to-next-to-leading order corrections to the anomalous dimensions of the Mellin moments of the F3F_3 structure function. The QCD scale ΛMS‾(4)\Lambda_{\overline{MS}}^{(4)} is extracted from higher-twist independent fits. The results obtained demonstrate the minimization of the influence of perturbative QCD contributions to the value of ΛMS‾(4)\Lambda_{\overline{MS}}^{(4)}Comment: 7 pages, Based on contributions to Proceedings of Quarks-2000 Int. Seminar, Pushkin, May 2000, Russia and ACAT'2000 Workshop, Fermilab, October 2000, USA; definite shortcomings are eliminated, resulys unchange

    Scale Setting Using the Extended Renormalization Group and the Principle of Maximum Conformality: the QCD Coupling Constant at Four Loops

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    A key problem in making precise perturbative QCD predictions is to set the proper renormalization scale of the running coupling. The extended renormalization group equations, which express the invariance of physical observables under both the renormalization scale- and scheme-parameter transformations, provide a convenient way for estimating the scale- and scheme-dependence of the physical process. In this paper, we present a solution for the scale-equation of the extended renormalization group equations at the four-loop level. Using the principle of maximum conformality (PMC) / Brodsky-Lepage-Mackenzie (BLM) scale-setting method, all non-conformal {βi}\{\beta_i\} terms in the perturbative expansion series can be summed into the running coupling, and the resulting scale-fixed predictions are independent of the renormalization scheme. Different schemes lead to different effective PMC/BLM scales, but the final results are scheme independent. Conversely, from the requirement of scheme independence, one not only can obtain scheme-independent commensurate scale relations among different observables, but also determine the scale displacements among the PMC/BLM scales which are derived under different schemes. In principle, the PMC/BLM scales can be fixed order-by-order, and as a useful reference, we present a systematic and scheme-independent procedure for setting PMC/BLM scales up to NNLO. An explicit application for determining the scale setting of Re+e−(Q)R_{e^{+}e^-}(Q) up to four loops is presented. By using the world average αsMSˉ(MZ)=0.1184±0.0007\alpha^{\bar{MS}}_s(M_Z) =0.1184 \pm 0.0007, we obtain the asymptotic scale for the 't Hooft associated with the MSˉ\bar{MS} scheme, ΛMSˉ′tH=245−10+9\Lambda^{'tH}_{\bar{MS}}= 245^{+9}_{-10} MeV, and the asymptotic scale for the conventional MSˉ\bar{MS} scheme, ΛMSˉ=213−8+19\Lambda_{\bar{MS}}= 213^{+19}_{-8} MeV.Comment: 9 pages, no figures. The formulas in the Appendix are correcte

    Next-to-next-to-leading order fits to CCFR'97 xF3xF_3 data and infrared renormalons

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    We briefly summarize the outcomes of our recent improved fits to the experimental data of CCFR collaboration for xF3xF_3 structure function of νN\nu N deep-inelastic scattering at the next-to-next-to-leading order. Special attention is paid to the extraction of αs(MZ)\alpha_s(M_Z) and the parameter of the infrared renormalon model for 1/Q21/Q^2-correction at different orders of perturbation theory. The results can be of interest for planning similar studies using possible future data of Neutrino Factories.Comment: 3 pages, presented at WG3 of 4th NuFact'02 Workshop, London 1-6 July, 200

    The order O(αˉ αˉs)O(\bar{\alpha}~\bar{\alpha}_s) and O(αˉ2)O(\bar{\alpha}^2) corrections to the decay width of the neutral Higgs boson to the bˉb\bar{b}b pair

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    We present the analytical expressions for the contributions of the order O(αˉ αˉs)O(\bar{\alpha}~\bar{\alpha}_s) and O(αˉ2)O(\bar{\alpha}^2) corrections to the decay width of the Standard Model Higgs boson into the bˉb\bar{b}b-pair. The numerical value of the mixed QED and QCD correction of order O(αˉ αˉs)O(\bar{\alpha}~\bar{\alpha}_s) is comparable with the previously calculated terms in the perturbative series for Γ(H0→bˉb)\Gamma(H^0\to\bar{b}b).Comment: LaTeX 5 pages, accepted for publication in Pisma Zh. Eksp. Teor. Fiz. v 66, N5 (1997

    The Generalized Crewther Relation in QCD and its Experimental Consequences

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    We use the BLM scale-fixing prescription to derive a renormalization-scheme invariant relation between the coefficient function for the Bjorken sum rule for polarized deep inelastic scattering and the RR-ratio for the e+e−e^+e^- annihilation cross section. This relation provides a generalization of the Crewther relation to non-conformally invariant gauge theories. The derived relations allow one to calculate unambiguously without renormalization scale or scheme ambiguity the effective charges of the polarized Bjorken and the Gross-Llewellen Smith sum rules from the experimental value for the effective charge associated with RR-ratio. Present data are consistent with the generalized Crewther relations, but measurements at higher precision and energies will be needed to decisively test these fundamental relations in QCD.Comment: 16 pages, LATEX fil
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