16 research outputs found

    An Analysis of Students Vocabulary in Using Antonyms of the Second Years Students at SMP Negeri 05 Tambusai

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    This research was descriptive qualitative, the kind of this research had purpose to make describe aboutsituation with objective. This research was done with some steps collected the data, analyzed the data, madeconclusion, and report. Based on the analyzed the data which by researcher, that skill of second years students ofSMP Negeri 5 Tambusai was Very Poor category and frequency were 10% of the students very poor category, poor category 7%, fair level with the percentage 12%. So, it can be concluded that the students of second years was fairlevel of vocabulary in antonyms

    A Study on the Speaking Skill at Second Year Students in Madrasah Aliyah Swasta Kepenuhan in Stating Expressions

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    This research was descriptive research. The total of number population were 42 students which devide into 3 class.the researcher random took as the sample which total 42 students. To select the sample the resercher used random sampling. The data of this research was score in stating expressions.From 42 students 25 students (59,52%) got average score. And 17 students (40,47) got fair. Based on the finding of the research,it can be suggested that (1) the English teacher should be spirit and never give up in teaching students. (2) the students should more seriously in studied

    Improving Students' VocabularyMasteryThrough Cartoon Movie at the Grade Fifth Students of SDN 016 Rambah Samo.

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    This research is conducted to improve students' vocabulary mastery at fifth grade of Elementary school 016 Rambah Samotrought Cartoon movie. This research used Classroom Action Research (CAR) which conducted to solve the students' problem in Vocabulary Mastery. This research conducted in two cycles, in every cycle consist of plan, action, observation and reflection. The data were gathered through qualitative and quantitative data. The finding of this research indicated that the implementation of cartoon movie was successful since there an improvement ofstudents vocabulary mastery. Based on the finding mentioned, the researcher suggests that English teacher could implement cartoon movie media in teaching English vocabulary mastery