9 research outputs found

    Analisis Efisiensi Produksi dan Keuntungan USAhatani Jagung di Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur Sumatera Selatan

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    This research aims to: identify the factors that affect corn's farming, analyze the efficiency of corn production and know the advantages of corn's farming in East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency of South Sumatera. This research was located in Bunga Mayang and Jayapura Subdistrict of East Ogan Komering Ulu Regency. The Farmer respondets were drawn by simple random sampling. The data was analyzed by Cobb-Douglas production function, production analysis by using value of NPMxi/Pxi and farmer profit analysis. The results showed that production of maize farming in the District of East OKU in the year of 2012-2013 were affected by land area (X1), seeds(X2) and labor(X5). Technically, the use of inputs in corn farming in the study site was in the region I (increasing returns to scale); thus, it was considered as inefficient use of inputs. Corn farming in the District of East OKU was profitable in which R/C >1 and the revenue generated was Rp17,014,306.00/hectare

    Dampak El Nino terhadap Produksi dan Pendapatan Agroindustri Berbasis Singkong di Desa Karang Anyar Kecamatan Gedongtataan Kabupaten Pesawaran

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    This study aims to study the impact of El Nino on the production and revenues of cassava based on agroindustry in Karang Anyar Village, Gedongtataan Sub-district of Pesawaran District. The location was chosen purposively. The sample size was 37 kelanting industries and 13 cassava chips industries. The data of this research were collected from February to March 2016. The data was analyzed by income analysis and income statement analysis in addition to the middle test value. The study showed that there was significant difference on average production of cassava based on agroindustry between normal and El Nino seasons. There was also significant different on average income of cassava based on agroindustry between normal and El Nino season. There was significant difference on average total cost of cassava based on agroindustry between normal and El Nino seasons and there was significant difference on input and output prices of cassava based on agroindustry between normal and El Nino season

    Keunggulan Komparatif Dan Kompetitif Dalam Produksi Padi Di Kabupaten Lampung Tengah Propinsi Lampung

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    This objective of tis research was to: 1) Determine whether the Central Lampung District has a comparative advantage and competitive advantage in rice production. 2) Determine how the sensitivity of changes in output prices and input prices to the comparative and competitive advantage in rice production. Location of the study was conducted at the Rama Utama Village and Ramayana Village, Seputih Raman Subdistrict of Central Lampung District. This research was conducted by survey and interview methods to farmers by using a questionnaire that had been prepared. Respondents in this research is rice farmer in the Seputih Raman subdistrict of Central Lampung District, totally 73 farmers were selected by simple random sampling method (simple random sampling). Types of data used are primary and secondary data obtained through direct interviews and offices or agencies. To answer the first objective analysis was used Policy Analysis Matrix (PAM) and to answer the second objective was used sensitivity analysis. Results showed that: 1) rice farming in Central Lampung District has a comparative advantage and competitive advantage with a value of PCR (Private Cost Ratio) equal to 0.4635 and the value of the DRC (Domestic Resource Cost) of 0.4368 so that feasible and profitable to be conducted. 2) comparative and competitive advantage of rice production in Central Lampung District is sensitive to changes in output prices. Increase or decrease of output prices will affect the comparative and competitive advantage of of rice production in Central Lampung District

    Kajian Ketahanan Pangan Rumah Tangga Pedesaan Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Status Gizi Masyarakat Di Kabupaten Lampung Selatan

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    The objective of this study to analyze the dominant factors that potentially could affect the food security of households in the village of Trimomukti, Candipuro District and the village of Kelawi, Bakauheni District, South Lampung Regency; look for the dominant factors that potentially could affect the nutritional status of children and how the relationship between household food security levels with nutritional status of children in the region. Results showed the average household energy adequacy in both villages is still highly dependent on food energy contribution of cereals, especially rice. Based on logistic regression model, Greater the number of members in a household with low income and food expenditure against revenue high, and obtained a principal food source rice from membeli or aid and subsidies as well as from the community Kelawi Village will have greater opportunities for prisoners vulnerable to lack of food.Based on ordinal logistic regression model, increasing age of a toddler with food consumption of energy sources that do not meet the need and the ratio of food expenditure of households on incomes greater, the chances these children will experience moderate malnutrition will be higher and even worse. Seen the relationship between household food security with nutrition status, if a food is resistant to household, the nutritional status of children under five will get better. Regional differences in factors that contribute to the adequacy of the village of rice per capita did not have a significant influence on household level food security and nutritional status of children

    Proyeksi Produksi dan Konsumsi Telur Ayam Ras di Provinsi Lampung

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    Poultry egg is one of the important animal protein resource. Consequently, their availability in a society has to be predicted for several years. In Lampung Province, the local government forecasts the poultry egg production just for one year. It causes the production of poultry egg, as well as their availability, is unknown for long term. Therefore, the aim of this study is to project the production and to project the consumption of the poultry egg. Both projections are compared in order to know its sufficiency. The prediction was done by the ordinary least square method with the time series data 2000-2013. The result showed that the average product (AP) was 16.75 kgs/head/year. However, during the epidemic of the avian infulenza (2003-2007), the AP had been decreasing, i.e. 15.99 kgs/head/year. The poultry egg production in 2013 was 51.39 thousand tons and the average growth rate was 3.64% per year. Meanwhile, the poultry egg consumption of Lampung Province in 2013 was 51.33 thousand tons and the average growth rate was 2.48% per year. Since the growth rate of production is higher than the growth rate of consumption, the production will be larger than the consumption starting in 2026

    Alih Fungsi Lahan Padi Menjadi Karet di Daerah Irigasi Way Rarem Pulung Kencana Kabupaten Tulang Bawang Barat

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    This research aims to determine the factors that affect the paddy converted land of the rubber plant, the economic value of the land (land rent) and welfare of farmers whose paddy fields converted into rubber plant functions. This research was conducted at the Regional Irrigation Way Rarem Pulung Kencana West Tulang Bawang regency. Data were taken from March to April 2015. The sampling technique is done with Simple Random Sampling Method. The sample consisted of 54 people consisting of farmers in the district Tulang Bawang Tengah are 27 samples, farmers in Sub Tumijajar are 15 samples, and farmers in District Tulang Bawang Udik are 12 samples. Data analized with multiple linear regression, revenue analysis, and to determine the level of welfare of farmers based on criteria of Sajogyo and the Central Bureau of Statistics. The results showed that (1) the factors that affect the paddy converted land into rubber plant functions at the Regional Irrigation Way Rarem Pulung Kencana West Tulang Bawang is the area of ​​land and the percentage of irrigated paddy field throughout the year, (2) the economic value of the land (land rent) farming rubber 2.85 times larger than the land rent paddy rice farming, (3) based on the criteria Sajogyo (1997), 87,04 percent of respondents are categorized quite prosperous, while based on the criteria of the Central Bureau of Statistics (2007), all the farmers' respondents are belong to prosperous category

    Faktor-faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Ekspor Cpo Provinsi Lampung

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    This research objective was to analyze the factors that affect the CPO exports of Lampung Province. The research was conducted in Lampung Province and used secondary data. The data was collected in July 2012 from several departments and agencies related to this research. The factors that affect the CPO export in Lampung Province were analyzed by using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) method. The results of this study indicated that the CPO export of Lampung Province was positively affected by the CPO production, the International price of CPO, and palm oil prices. In addition, it was negatively affected by the domestic CPO prices and CPO export tax of Lampung Province