186 research outputs found

    BRS 185 soybean.

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    BRS 185 is a soybean cultivar developed by Embrapa Soybean for sowing in Parana State. It flowers and reaches maturity 53 and 121 days after germination and yields 3,090 kg/ha. BRS 185 is resistant to stem canker, frog-eye leaf spot, bacterial pustule and moderately resistant to powdery mildew.Autoria: DOMITTI [i.e. DOMIT], L. A

    Desenvolvimento de cultivares de soja com tolerância à deficiência hídrica.

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    Caracterização dos ambientes. Caracterização genética. Estratégias de melhoramento. Lançamento comercial de cultivares tolerantes à seca

    BRS 183 soybean.

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    BRS 183 is an early maturing soybean cultivar developed by Embrapa Soybean for sowing in Parana State. It flowers and reaches maturity 53 and 118 days after germination and yields 3,038 kg/ha. BRS 183 is resistant to stem canker, frog-eye leaf spot, bacterial pustule and moderately resistant to powdery mildew

    BRS 184 soybean.

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    BRS 184 is a soybean cultivar developed by Embrapa Soybean for sowing in Parana State. It flowers and reaches maturity 53 and 121 days after germination and yields 3,210 kg/ha. BRS 184 is resistant to stem canker, frog-eye leaf spot, bacterial pustule and moderately resistant to powdery mildew

    Resistance to soybean cyst nematode: genetics and breeding in Brazil.

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    The soybean cyst nematode (SCN), Heterodera glycines Ichinohe, is one of the most important diseases in Brazil that causes losses in practically all Brazilian growing regions. Breeding for SCN resistance has become a priority for all soybean breeding programs, since genetic resistance is probably the only practical SCN control method. The oligogenic basis of resistance in soybean and the genetic diversity of nematode populations that can suffer selection pressure from resistant varieties are the challenges to be managed by researchers. The most common strategy to introduce SCN resistance in Brazil has been the selection of lines derived from populations resulting from crosses including adapted genotypes and North-American cultivars with resistance derived from ?Peking? (?Pickett?, ?Sharkey?, ?Centennial?, ?Padre?, ?Forrest?, ?Gordon?, among others) and/or from PIs 88788 (?Bedford?, ?Linford?, ?Fayette?, ?Leflore?, etc), 90763 (?Cordell?) and 437654 (?Hartwig?). Resistance of more than 60 Brazilian soybean cultivars was developed from few sources that normally provide resistance to race 3 or to races 1 and 3. A few varieties adapted to Central Brazil, the savannah area, have resistance to most races, except races 4+ and 14+ which are specific to Brazil and broke the resistance from ?Hartwig?. There are very few resistant varieties adapted to the Southern Region, where the demand for new resistant varieties is likely to increase in the near future. Selection assisted by molecular markers for SCN resistance is already a routine in some breeding programs and will become absolutely necessary to improve the selection efficiency and increase the genetic gains for this trait

    Breeding specialty soybean cultivars for processing and value-added utilization at Embrapa in Brazil.

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    Through traditional genetic breeding, specialty characters are introduced into soybean, to make it more suitable for differents uses. To attend this special market, Embrapa Soybean released for commercial cultivation the cultivars BRS 213, BRS 257, BRS 216, BRS 267 and BRSMG 790A for production in organic or in conventional systems. The cultivars BRS 213 and BRS 257 are null lipoxygenases enzymes, and can prevent the development of the beany flavor observed in soybean products. These cultivars make available excellent raw materials for soyfood processing. The cultivar BRS 216 has high protein content and small seed size (10g/100 seeds), what makes it suitable for ?natto? (Japanese fermented food), and for production of soybean sprouts, as ?moyashi?. The cultivar BRS 258, is a conventional cultivar, highly productive that has mild flavor and seeds with yellow hilum. Cultivars BRS 267 and BRSMG 790A presents large seed size (>25g/100seeds), and superior flavor. These cultivars are suitable for ?tofu?, flours and soymilk. BRS 267 and BRSMG 790A can also be consumed as green vegetable soybean (edamame), when harvested at R6 stage (developed grains, but immature). Among Brazilian soybean cultivars there are differences for isoflavone content, and to increase concentration of isoflavones it is suggested sowing them in locations where average temperatures are cooler during the seed filling period

    BRSGO Caiapônia: extensão de indicação para o estado de Rondônia.

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    Editores técnicos: Adilson de Oliveira Junior, Odilon Ferreira Saraiva, Regina Maria Villas Bôas de Campo Leite, César de Castro, Jussara Flores de Oliveira Arbues, Wellington Cavalcanti

    BRS Pérola: cultivar de soja indicada para o Maranhão, Piauí e Tocantins.

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    Cultivares de soja com elevado potencial produtivo são requeridas todos os anos pelos agricultores. A Embrapa Soja vem desenvolvendo cultivares de soja produtivas e adaptadas às diferentes regiões edafoclimáticas do Brasil. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar a cultivar BRS Pérola, desenvolvida pela Embrapa Soja em convênio com a Fapcen, indicada para o cultivo nos estados do Maranhão, norte do Tocantins e sudoeste do Piauí. A BRS Pérola é uma cultivar de soja convencional, do grupo de maturidade relativo 8.8, tipo de crescimento determinado, flor branca, pubescência marrom médio e cor de hilo marrom. Nas safras 2007/08, 2008/09, 2009/10 e 2010/11 ela foi avaliada em experimentos de Valor de Cultivo e Uso em diferentes locais no MA, PI, TO, decidindo-se então pelo seu lançamento. A cultivar apresenta elevado potencial produtivo, ficando acima das três cultivares testemunhas utilizadas nos experimentos (BRS Tracajá, M-Soy 8866 e P98C81), com rendimento médio de 3.652 kg/ha, ao passo que a média das testemunhas foi de 3.436 kg/ha, indicando ainda resistência às principais doenças da soja e estabilidade na altura de plantas, proporcionando a sua semeadura em áreas de baixas altitudes. A BRS Pérola é uma excelente opção de cultivar de soja convencional para o mercado