7 research outputs found

    The Study on Work Load Calibration by Using Step Test and Ergometer

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    The study on Work Load Calibration by using Step Test and Ergometer test was carried out in order to find the best way 10 calibrate the data measurement and to predict human work load by using heart rate data. This study was conducted on four male subjects. but the data analysis has just been done to three subjects due one of the subject was insufficient performance. The sport tester PE3000 heart rate monitor is used for measuring the heart rate data which will be useful for predicting the work load on each activity. The linear regression method is also used to predict the work load based on the heart rate data, so that the best alternative scenario data input will be able to determined by comparing the correlation coefficient or coefficient of determination

    Biodiesel Reactor Design with Glycerol Separation to Increase Biodiesel Production Yield

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    The study consisted of reactor design used for transesterification process, effect of glycerol separation ontransesterification reaction, determination of biodiesel quality, and mass balance analysis. The reactor was designed byintegrating circulated pump/stirrer, static mixer, and sprayer that intensify the reaction in the outer tank reactor. The objective was to reduce the use of methanol in excess and to shorten the processing time. The results showed that thereactor that applied the glycerol separation was able to compensate for the decreased use of the reactant methanol from 6:1 to 5:1 molar ratio, and changed the mass balance in the product, including: (i) the increase of biodiesel productionfrom 42.37% to 49.34%, and (ii) the reduction of methanol in excess from 42.37% to 32.89%. The results suggested that the efficiency of biodiesel production could be increased with the glycerol separation engineering

    Aplikasi Pengolah Citra dengan Basis Fitur Warna “Rgb” untuk Klasifikasi Buah Manggis

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    Pada proses sortasi dan grading buah manggis seringkali dijumpai kerancuan penilaian karena keterbatasan operator sortir dalam melakukan penginderaan, khususnya pada warna kematangan buah. Kerancuan penilaian tersebut akan berdampak pada derajat penerimaan produk di mata konsumen. Penelitian untuk mengatasi kerancuan telah dilakukan dengan mengembangkan metode pengklasifikasian buah manggis berbasis acuan citra fitur warna RGB melalui kamera pemindai yang lebih objektif. Penelitian lapangan dilakukan pada bulan Juni hingga Oktober 2007, di Koperasi Arta Mukti, kecamatan Puspahiang, Kabupaten Tasikmalaya. Penelitian rancang bangun piranti lunak untuk mengolah fitur warna RGB dilaksanakan di Laboratorium Sistem & Manajemen Keteknikan Pertanian, Fakultas Teknologi Industri Pertanian, Universitas Padjadjaran. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan, bahwa metode proses pengolahan citra dengan aplikasi fitur warna RGB ini secara teknis dapat digunakan sebagai metode alternatif dalam menilai kematangan buah menurut lama waktu setelah buah manggis dipanen. Metode ini juga dapat digunakan dalam mengantisipasi kerancuan yang mungkin terjadi bila dilakukan dengan cara manual yang mengandalkan indra manusia akibat perbedaan persepsi para penilai (operator sortir)

    Penerapan Logika Fuzzy Pada Penilaian Mutu Teh Hitam Orthodox

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    In testing quality process of the orthodox black tea by using tea organoleptic expert, there is often found a problem of tester sensoric restriction. Based on this conditon the research has been carried out by using fuzzy modelling technique, which aimed to explore ruther more about how fuzzy method can concordance with fuzzy range value on black olthodox tea assesment. So that, it could be more objective on quality evalualion. The research has beld on May to June 2005 in tea plantation facility of PTPN Vlll Malabar. Pangalengan, and Tea and Cinchona Research Center (Pusat Penelitian Ten dan Kina -PPTK) Gembung, Cieidey, West Java. This fuzzy method can keep a record experience of the orthodox black tea tester and also correct the result of the determination done by the tester, Based on the parametrik LSD test and non-parametrik Mann-Whitney, there is no significant value diference In the result of the determination done by the tester and by using the fuzzy logic. So that the fuzzy logic method can be used as a method in orthodox black tea quality determination. But The method can not be used if there is a far diference in the tea determination between one tester to the others. Tbe best defuzzification method for tea quality detemination in this occasion is Smallest of Maximum (SOM) method

    Penggunaan Media Sosial dengan Pendekatan Model Aida Bagi Roti Bund dalam Meningkatkan Minat Beli Konsumen

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    The internet offers many benefits for small and medium businesses to increase the marketing of their products. One of the rapidly developing internet technologies that have the potential to encourage small and medium business marketing is social media. Roti Bund must improve its marketing strategy using social media so that it attracts consumer buying interest. This study aims to determine whether there is a positive and significant influence between the Marketing Strategy through Social Media "Instagram" in Increasing Consumer Purchase Interest of Bund Bread and applying the use of social media by referring to the AIDA Model for Roti Bund. The use of the AIDA Model is used to assist Roti Bund in maximizing the use of social media, so that Roti Bund is able to more optimally market products / services through social media. The results showed that 59.6% of consumers' buying interest was really due to the factors of attention, interest, desire and action. variable attention has the most dominant effect on the increase in consumer buying interest. So in the use of Instagram that must be optimized is the attention variable first, that is, product posts that are posted must use quality, honest and reliable visualization in the use of images and captions and must have uniqueness that differentiates bakery bund posts from other companies' posts, captions as well. must be able to arouse the desire to know more about the product for example by explaining the benefits of the product