99 research outputs found

    Conformational dynamics of the human serotonin transporter during substrate and drug binding

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    The serotonin transporter (SERT) is responsible for re-uptake of serotonin into the presynaptic neuron and plays a key role in synaptic transmission. Here, the authors use hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry to probe the conformational dynamics of human SERT in the absence and presence of known substrates and targeted drugs

    Conformational heterogeneity of Savinase from NMR, HDX-MS and X-ray diffraction analysis

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    Background: Several examples have emerged of enzymes where slow conformational changes are of key importance for function and where low populated conformations in the resting enzyme resemble the conformations of intermediate states in the catalytic process. Previous work on the subtilisin protease, Savinase, from Bacillus lentus by NMR spectroscopy suggested that this enzyme undergoes slow conformational dynamics around the substrate binding site. However, the functional importance of such dynamics is unknown. Methods: Here we have probed the conformational heterogeneity in Savinase by following the temperature dependent chemical shift changes. In addition, we have measured changes in the local stability of the enzyme when the inhibitor phenylmethylsulfonyl fluoride is bound using hydrogen-deuterium exchange mass spectrometry (HDX-MS). Finally, we have used X-ray crystallography to compare electron densities collected at cryogenic and ambient temperatures and searched for possible low populated alternative conformations in the crystals. Results: The NMR temperature titration shows that Savinase is most flexible around the active site, but no distinct alternative states could be identified. The HDX shows that modification of Savinase with inhibitor has very little impact on the stability of hydrogen bonds and solvent accessibility of the backbone. The most pronounced structural heterogeneities detected in the diffraction data are limited to alternative side-chain rotamers and a short peptide segment that has an alternative main-chain conformation in the crystal at cryo conditions. Collectively, our data show that there is very little structural heterogeneity in the resting state of Savinase and hence that Savinase does not rely on conformational selection to drive the catalytic process

    Development of a PNGase Rc column for online deglycosylation of complex glycoproteins during HDX-MS

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    Protein glycosylation is one of the most common PTMs and many cell surface receptors, extracellular proteins, and biopharmaceuticals are glycosylated. However, HDX-MS analysis of such important glycoproteins has so far been limited by difficulties in determining the HDX of the protein segments that contain glycans. We have developed a column containing immobilized PNGase Rc (from Rudaea cellulosilytica) that can readily be implemented into a conventional HDX-MS setup to allow improved analysis of glycoproteins. We show that HDX-MS with the PNGase Rc column enables efficient online removal of N-linked glycans and the determination of the HDX of glycosylated regions in several complex glycoproteins. Additionally, we use the PNGase Rc column to perform a comprehensive HDX-MS mapping of the binding epitope of a mAb to c-Met, a complex glycoprotein drug target. Importantly, the column retains high activity in the presence of common quench-buffer additives like TCEP and urea and performed consistent across 114 days of extensive use. Overall, our work shows that HDX-MS with the integrated PNGase Rc column can enable fast and efficient online deglycosylation at harsh quench conditions to provide comprehensive analysis of complex glycoproteins

    Conformational Transitions in the Membrane Scaffold Protein of Phospholipid Bilayer Nanodiscs

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    Phospholipid bilayer nanodiscs are model membrane systems that provide an environment where membrane proteins are highly stable and monodisperse without the use of detergents or liposomes. Nanodiscs consist of a discoidal phospholipid bilayer encircled by two copies of an amphipathic alpha helical membrane scaffold protein, which is modeled from apolipoprotein A-1. Hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry was used to probe the structure and dynamics of the scaffold protein in the presence and absence of lipid. On nanodisc self-assembly, the entire scaffold protein gained significant protection from exchange, consistent with a large, protein-wide, structural rearrangement. This protection was short-lived and the scaffold protein was highly deuterated within 2 h. Several regions of the scaffold protein, in both the lipid-free and lipid-associated states, displayed EX1 unfolding kinetics. The rapid deuteration of the scaffold protein and the presence of correlated unfolding events both indicate that nanodiscs are dynamic rather than rigid bodies in solution. This work provides a catalog of the expected scaffold protein peptic peptides in a nanodisc-hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry experiment and their deuterium uptake signatures, data that can be used as a benchmark to verify correct assembly and nanodisc structure. Such reference data will be useful control data for all hydrogen exchange mass spectrometry experiments involving nanodiscs in which transmembrane or lipid-associated proteins are the primary molecule(s) of interest

    Conformational Analysis of Membrane Proteins in Phospholipid Bilayer Nanodiscs by Hydrogen Exchange Mass Spectrometry

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    The study of membrane protein structure and enzymology has traditionally been hampered by the inherent insolubility of membrane proteins in aqueous environments and experimental challenges in emulating an in vivo lipid environment. Phospholipid bilayer nanodiscs have recently been shown to be of great use for the study of membrane proteins since they offer a controllable, stable, and monodisperse model membrane with a native-like lipid bilayer. Here we report the integration of nanodiscs with hydrogen exchange (HX) mass spectrometry (MS) experiments, thereby allowing for analysis of the native conformation of membrane proteins. Gamma-glutamyl carboxylase (GGCX), an ~94 kDa transmembrane protein, was inserted into nanodiscs and labeled with deuterium oxide under native conditions. Analytical parameters including sample-handling and chromatographic separation were optimized to measure the incorporation of deuterium into GGCX. Coupling nanodisc technology with HX MS offers an effective approach for investigating the conformation and dynamics of membrane proteins in their native environment and is therefore capable of providing much needed insight into the function of membrane proteins

    Molecular architecture of the Jumonji C family histone demethylase KDM5B

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    Abstract The full length human histone 3 lysine 4 demethylase KDM5B (PLU-1/Jarid1B) has been studied using Hydrogen/Deuterium exchange mass spectrometry, homology modelling, sequence analysis, small angle X-ray scattering and electron microscopy. This first structure on an intact multi-domain Jumonji histone demethylase reveal that the so-called PLU region, in the central region of KDM5B, has a curved α-helical three-dimensional structure, that acts as a rigid linker between the catalytic core and a region comprising four α-helices, a loop comprising the PHD2 domain, two large intrinsically disordered loops and the PHD3 domain in close proximity. The dumbbell shaped and curved KDM5B architecture observed by electron microscopy is complementary to the nucleosome surface and has a striking overall similarity to that of the functionally related KDM1A/CoREST complex. This could suggest that there are similarities between the demethylation mechanisms employed by the two histone 3 lysine 4 demethylases at the molecular level

    Benzisothiazolinone Derivatives as Potent Allosteric Monoacylglycerol Lipase Inhibitors That Functionally Mimic Sulfenylation of Regulatory Cysteines

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    We describe a set of benzisothiazolinone (BTZ) derivatives that are potent inhibitors of monoacylglycerol lipase (MGL), the primary degrading enzyme for the endocannabinoid 2-arachidonoyl-sn-glycerol (2-AG). Structure-activity relationship studies evaluated various substitutions on the nitrogen atom and the benzene ring of the BTZ nucleus. Optimized derivatives with nanomolar potency allowed us to investigate the mechanism of MGL inhibition. Site-directed mutagenesis and mass spectrometry experiments showed that BTZs interact in a covalent reversible manner with regulatory cysteines, Cys201 and Cys208, causing a reversible sulfenylation known to modulate MGL activity. Metadynamics simulations revealed that BTZ adducts favor a closed conformation of MGL that occludes substrate recruitment. The BTZ derivative 13 protected neuronal cells from oxidative stimuli and increased 2-AG levels in the mouse brain. The results identify Cys201 and Cys208 as key regulators of MGL function and point to the BTZ scaffold as a useful starting point for the discovery of allosteric MGL inhibitors