5 research outputs found

    Characterisation and radioimmunotherapy of L19-SIP, an anti-angiogenic antibody against the extra domain B of fibronectin, in colorectal tumour models

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    Angiogenesis is a characteristic feature of tumours and other disorders. The human monoclonal antibody L19- SIP targets the extra domain B of fibronectin, a marker of angiogenesis expressed in a range of tumours. The aim of this study was to investigate whole body distribution, tumour localisation and the potential of radioimmunotherapy with the L19-small immunoprotein (SIP) in colorectal tumours. Two colorectal tumour models with highly different morphologies, the SW1222 and LS174T xenografts, were used in this study. Localisation and retention of the L19-SIP antibody at tumour vessels was demonstrated using immunohistochemistry and Cy3-labelled L19-SIP. Whole body biodistribution studies in both tumour models were carried out with 125I-labelled L19-SIP. Finally, 131I-labelled antibody was used to investigate the potential of radioimmunotherapy in SW1222 tumours. Using immunohistochemistry, we confirmed extra domain B expression in the tumour vasculature. Immunofluorescence demonstrated localisation and retention of injected Cy3-labelled L19-SIP at the abluminal side of tumour vessels. Biodistribution studies using a 125I-labelled antibody showed selective tumour uptake in both models. Higher recorded values for localisation were found in the SW1222 tumours than in the LS174T (7.9 vs 6.6 %ID g−1), with comparable blood clearance for both models. Based on these results, a radioimmunotherapy study was performed in the SW1222 xenograft using 131I-Labelled L19-SIP (55.5 MBq), which showed selective tumour uptake, tumour growth inhibition and improved survival. Radio- and fluorescence-labelled L19-SIP showed selective localisation and retention at vessels of two colorectal xenografts. Furthermore, 131I-L19-SIP shows potential as a novel treatment of colorectal tumours, and provides the foundation to investigate combined therapies in the same tumour models

    Engineering a vascular-targeting antibody-interferon-gamma fusion protein for cancer therapy

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    A number of cytokines are either approved drugs or are in advanced clinical trials, yet these biopharmaceuticals do not typically localize efficiently in solid tumors and manifest their therapeutic potential at the expense of severe side effects. The targeted delivery of cytokines to solid tumors is a promising avenue for increasing the therapeutic index of these biopharmaceuticals. We engineered a fusion protein between scFv(L19), a human antibody fragment specific to the EDB domain of fibronectin, and a cysteine-free mutant of murine interferon-gamma. The resulting fusion protein was capable of targeting new blood vessels in solid tumors, and the targeting efficiency was strikingly increased in tumor-bearing knockout mice lacking the interferon-gamma receptor. ScFv(L19)-interferon-gamma displayed a strong antitumor effect in both subcutaneous and metastatic murine F9 teratocarcinomas, but was not efficacious as single agent when used to treat C51 and CT26 tumors. The potency of this fusion protein could be substantially enhanced by combination with doxorubicin and other immunocytokines. These findings are of clinical relevance, as the EDB domain is a marker of angiogenesis, with identical sequence in mouse and man, which is abundantly expressed in a variety of aggressive solid tumors but is undetectable in most normal tissues