60 research outputs found

    Does the school bag affect the health of the primary school children?

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    Za djecu prvi koraci u osnovnu Å”kolu predstavljaju velike i značajne promjena u načinu životu. Veliki broj znanstvenika slaže se da Å”kolska torba može imati utjecaj po zdravlje djeteta u osnovnoj Å”koli. Osobito je to vidljivo u prvim razredima u kojima je najloÅ”iji omjer mase torbe i tjelesne mase djeteta. Posljednjih godina značajno raste broj djece osnovne Å”kole i adolescenata koji se javljaju liječniku sa simptomima bola u kralježnici. Ovaj problem, koji se pripisuje upravo neprimjerenoj Å”kolskoj torbi, predstavlja jedan od najčeŔćih razloga posjete liječniku i sve veći razlog izbivanja iz Å”kole. U istraživanjima se najčeŔće spominje atipična bol bez jasnih uzroka koja danas predstavlja veliki javnozdravstveni problem koji se viÅ”e ne može zanemarivati. Osim atipične pojave boli u kralježnici vrlo često se pojavljuje i bol u donjim ekstremitetima, a osobito u području stopalima. Problem Å”kolske torbe dodatno potencira prisutnost kombinacija viÅ”e faktora kao Å”to su nedovoljna tjelesna aktivnost, masa, način i vrijeme noÅ”enja koji skupno dodatno pojačavaju negativni utjecaj po zdravlje. Iz pregleda područja vidljivo je da u svijetu nema jasnih stavova te da se problemu pristupa drugačije od zemlje do zemlje. Nama jasnih definiranih smjernica. Mnoge zemlje nisu prepoznale važnost problema usprkos preporukama WHO. Nažalost Republika Hrvatska je jedna od njih.For children, the first steps in primary school represent major and significant changes in lifestyle. A large number of scientists agree that a school bag can have an impact on a childā€™s health in primary school. This is especially evident in the first grades where the worst ratio is the weight of the bag and the body weight of the child. In recent years, the number of primary school children and adolescents going to the doctor for symptoms of back pain has increased significantly. This problem, which is attributed precisely to an inappropriate school bag, is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor and a growing reason for dropping out of school. Research most often mentions atypical pain without clear causes, which today is a major public health problem that can no longer be ignored. In addition to the atypical occurrence of pain in the spine, pain in the lower extremities, and especially in the area of the feet, also occurs very often. The problem of the school bag is further exacerbated by the presence of combinations of several factors such as insufficient physical activity, weight, manner and time of carrying, which collectively further enhance the negative impact on health. An overview of the area shows that there are no clear views in the world and that the problem is approached differently from country to country. The guidelines are not clearly defined. Many countries have not recognized the importance of the problem despite WHO recommendations. Unfortunately, the Republic of Croatia is one of them

    Biomechanical assessment of lumbal syndrome rehabilitation

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    Lumbalni bolni sindrom (LBS) kronični je zdravstveni problem koji ugrožava tjelesnu funkciju, a posebno utječe na hod. U ovom smo radu pokazali na koje prostornovremenske parametre utječu bolovi u križima te kako i hoće li se isti oporaviti nakon primjene minimalno invazivne operacije kralježnice (MISS) i fizioterapije. Analizirali smo prostorno-vremenske parametre hoda grupe od 20 bolesnika s bolovima u križima, tjedan dana prije (grupa 1) i 3-5 tjedana nakon minimalne invazivne operacije kralježnice i fizioterapije (grupa 2). Kontrolnu grupu (grupa 3) činili su 10 zdravih osoba slične dobi i masa. Prosječna brzina hoda bila je značajno niža u grupi 1 nego u grupi 2 (P = 0,04) i u kontrolnoj ā€“ grupi 3 (P = 0,03). Duljina koraka bila je značajno manja u grupi 1 nego u kontrolnoj grupi 3 (P = 0,04) i u grupi 2 (P = 0,04). Srednja vrijednost upitnika Roland Morris i indeksa invaliditeta Oswestry bila je statistički značajno veća u grupi 1 nego u grupi 2, (P = 0,003), odnosno (P = 0,002). Studija je pokazala značajno nižu vertikalnu reakcijsku silu tla u grupi 1 nego u kontrolnoj grupi 3 (P = 0,02). Svi prostorno-vremenski parametri i sila reakcije podloge pokazali su razlike između grupa, ali je najznačajnija razlika utvrđena u brzini hodanja, duljini koraka i vertikalnoj sili reakcije podloge (GRF). Takav rezultat ukazuje na značajno smanjenje invalidnosti i bolova nakon operacije i fizioterapije.The lower back pain syndrome (LBP) is a chronic health problem that compromises physical function, and especially affects the walk. In this paper we have shown which spatio-temporal parameters are affected by low back pain and how and whether the same recover after minimal invasive surgery (MISS) and physiotherapy. We have analysed the group of 20 patients with low back pain, with kinetics and kinematics measures, one week before (group 1) and 3-5 weeks after minimal invasive surgery and physiotherapy (group 2). For control group (group 3) we provided the same measurements in 10 healthy people of the similar age and weight. The average walking speed was significantly lower in the group 1 than in the group 2 (P=0.04), and in control group (P=0.03). The step length was significantly less in the group 1 than in control group (P=0.04) and in the group 2 (P=0.04). The mean value of Roland Morris Questionnaire and Oswestry Disability Index was statistically significantly higher in the group 1 than in the group 2, (P=0.003) and (P=0.002), respectively. The study has showed significantly lower vertical ground reaction force in the group 1 than in control group (P=0.02). All of the spatio-temporal parameters and ground reaction force have shoved difference between groups, but the most significant difference has been found for the walking speed, step length and vertical ground reaction force (GRF). Such result indicates significant decrease of disability and pain after surgery and physiotherap

    Does the school bag affect the health of the primary school children?

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    Za djecu prvi koraci u osnovnu Å”kolu predstavljaju velike i značajne promjena u načinu životu. Veliki broj znanstvenika slaže se da Å”kolska torba može imati utjecaj po zdravlje djeteta u osnovnoj Å”koli. Osobito je to vidljivo u prvim razredima u kojima je najloÅ”iji omjer mase torbe i tjelesne mase djeteta. Posljednjih godina značajno raste broj djece osnovne Å”kole i adolescenata koji se javljaju liječniku sa simptomima bola u kralježnici. Ovaj problem, koji se pripisuje upravo neprimjerenoj Å”kolskoj torbi, predstavlja jedan od najčeŔćih razloga posjete liječniku i sve veći razlog izbivanja iz Å”kole. U istraživanjima se najčeŔće spominje atipična bol bez jasnih uzroka koja danas predstavlja veliki javnozdravstveni problem koji se viÅ”e ne može zanemarivati. Osim atipične pojave boli u kralježnici vrlo često se pojavljuje i bol u donjim ekstremitetima, a osobito u području stopalima. Problem Å”kolske torbe dodatno potencira prisutnost kombinacija viÅ”e faktora kao Å”to su nedovoljna tjelesna aktivnost, masa, način i vrijeme noÅ”enja koji skupno dodatno pojačavaju negativni utjecaj po zdravlje. Iz pregleda područja vidljivo je da u svijetu nema jasnih stavova te da se problemu pristupa drugačije od zemlje do zemlje. Nama jasnih definiranih smjernica. Mnoge zemlje nisu prepoznale važnost problema usprkos preporukama WHO. Nažalost Republika Hrvatska je jedna od njih.For children, the first steps in primary school represent major and significant changes in lifestyle. A large number of scientists agree that a school bag can have an impact on a childā€™s health in primary school. This is especially evident in the first grades where the worst ratio is the weight of the bag and the body weight of the child. In recent years, the number of primary school children and adolescents going to the doctor for symptoms of back pain has increased significantly. This problem, which is attributed precisely to an inappropriate school bag, is one of the most common reasons for visiting a doctor and a growing reason for dropping out of school. Research most often mentions atypical pain without clear causes, which today is a major public health problem that can no longer be ignored. In addition to the atypical occurrence of pain in the spine, pain in the lower extremities, and especially in the area of the feet, also occurs very often. The problem of the school bag is further exacerbated by the presence of combinations of several factors such as insufficient physical activity, weight, manner and time of carrying, which collectively further enhance the negative impact on health. An overview of the area shows that there are no clear views in the world and that the problem is approached differently from country to country. The guidelines are not clearly defined. Many countries have not recognized the importance of the problem despite WHO recommendations. Unfortunately, the Republic of Croatia is one of them

    Maternal Pre-Pregnancy Nutritional Status and Physical Activity Levels and a Sports Injury Reported in Children: A Seven-Year Follow-Up Study

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    Objective: Our aim was to analyze dose-response associations between maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and physical activity levels with childhood sports injury rates. Methods: Participants included pre-pregnant mothers (n = 4811) and their children at the age of 7 years (n = 3311). Maternal anthropometry (height, weight, and body mass index), time spent in physical activity, and education level were recorded. All sports injuries were defined as injuries reported in the past year by the children at the age of 7 years. Results: Children whose mothers were overweight/obese in the pre-pregnancy period were 2.04 (OR = 2.04, 95% CI = 1.12-3.71) times more likely to report a sports injury at the age of 7 years. Underweight mothers exhibited a 74% decrease in the odds of their children reporting a sports injury at follow-up (OR = 0.26, 95% CI = 0.10-0.68). Finally, an increase in maternal physical activity across the last three quartiles was associated with a lower odds of sports injuries. Conclusions: The risk of reporting a sports injury was greater for children whose mothers were overweight/obese in the pre-pregnancy period. However, there was a lower risk with both maternal underweight status and increasing minutes of physical activity.Objective: Our aim was to analyze dose-response associations between maternal pre-pregnancy body mass index and physical activity levels with childhood sports injury rates. Methods: Participants included pre-pregnant mothers (n = 4811) and their children at the age of 7 years (n = 3311). Maternal anthropometry (height, weight, and body mass index), time spent in physical activity, and education level were recorded. All sports injuries were defined as injuries reported in the past year by the children at the age of 7 years. Results: Children whose mothers were overweight/obese in the pre-pregnancy period were 2.04 (OR = 2.04, 95% CI = 1.12-3.71) times more likely to report a sports injury at the age of 7 years. Underweight mothers exhibited a 74% decrease in the odds of their children reporting a sports injury at follow-up (OR = 0.26, 95% CI = 0.10-0.68). Finally, an increase in maternal physical activity across the last three quartiles was associated with a lower odds of sports injuries. Conclusions: The risk of reporting a sports injury was greater for children whose mothers were overweight/obese in the pre-pregnancy period. However, there was a lower risk with both maternal underweight status and increasing minutes of physical activity


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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je opis i standardiziranje postupka koriÅ”tenja osnovnih biomehaničkih tehnika za istovremeno dobivanje kinematičkih, kinetičkih i EMG podataka kod vježbi dubinskih skokova. Mjerenje dubinskih skokova izvrÅ”eno je koriÅ”tenjem piezoelektrične platforme za mjerenje sile reakcije podloge, uređaja za mjerenje EMG aktivnosti muskulature i akvizicijom video signala na temelju kojih je kasnije učinjena kinematička analiza.Dubinske skokove izvodilo je pet ispitanika, skakača u dalj, koji su vrhunski natjecatelji, a analizirane vježbe često su primjenjivane u tehnologiji atletskog treninga.Analizirane biomehaničke varijable iskazuju visoku zahtjevnost izvođenih zadataka na lokomotorni sustav ispitanika. Rezultati ukazuju na veliku vertikalnu silu reakcije podloge na svim razinama opterećenja (visinama saskoka), Å”to je pokazatelj da se koriÅ”tenim vježbama dubinskih skokova uspjeÅ”no može ostvariti opterećenje kao i kod skokova u dalj (vrijednosti vertikalne sile rakcije podloge kreću se od 3500 do 6300N). Rezultati horizontalne sile reakcije podloge očekivano su niži zbog znatno manje horizontalne brzine kretanja skakača i ne prelaze 1500N. Prema rezultatima EMG aktivnosti muskulature odrazne noge moguće je zaključiti kako je priprema u smislu predaktivacije muskulature neposredno prije doskoka izuzetno važna kako bi se izveo dobar skok. Maksimalne vrijednosti EMG aktivnosti muskulature postizane su, najčeŔće u trenutku kontakta s podlogom. Analiziranim vježbama dubinskih skokova uspjeÅ”no se može simulirati kretna struktura odraza koja se pojavljuje kod skoka u dalj iz zaleta, i jednako tako izazvati zadovoljavajuće opterećenje neuromuskularnog sustava.The goal of the research was to give a description and to standardize implementation procedures of the basic biomechanical techniques for simultaneous acquisition of kinematic, kinetic and EMG data on the drop jump exercises. Data collection was done by simultaneous employment of piezoelectric platform, used for measuring ground reaction force, an EMG device for measuring muscular activity and video signal acquisition, on the basis of which the kinematic analysis was later performed. Then the signals were used to interpreting and describing the drop jump exercises. Five top-quality long jumpers performed the drop jump exercises, which were frequently used in the technology of the athletics training. The EMG results of the take-off leg muscle activity indicated that the voluntary preparation in terms of muscle preactivation just prior to landing is crucial for a good jump performance. The maximum values of EMG activity were most frequently achieved in the very moment of establishing contact with the ground. The analysed biomechanical variables set high demands on the locomotor system of the examinees. The results indicated the high vertical ground reaction force at all levels, suggesting that the applied exercises generated loads equal to the long jump specific loads in actual performance (values of the vertical ground reaction force ranged from 3500 to 6300N). The obtained horizontal ground reaction force was expectedly lower (not exceeding 1500N) due to the lower horizontal speed of movement


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    U radu su promatrane danas dvije najčeŔće koriÅ”tene tehnike rekonstrukcije koje za transplantat koriste polutetivasti ili vitki miÅ”ić (m. gracillis i m. semitendinosus) ili srediÅ”nju trećinu patelarne tetive. Cilj istraživanja bio je utvrditi postoje li kvalitativne neuromuskularne promjene i odstupanja od zdravog obrasca pokreta izražene u povrÅ”inskom elektromiografskom signalu te u kojoj se mjeri one razlikuju ovisno o koriÅ”tenoj operativnoj tehnici jednu godine nakon rekonstrukcijeACL-a. Ispitanici su bili raspoređeni u tri homogene skupine. Prvu eksperimentalnu skupinu (n=5) činili su ozlijeđeni sportaÅ”i nogometaÅ”i koji su bili tretirani tehnikom rekonstrukcije ACL-a patelarnim transplantatom (PAT). Drugu eksperimentalnu skupinu (n=5) činili su ozlijeđeni sportaÅ”i nogometaÅ”i koji su bili tretirani tehnikom rekonstrukcije ACL-a tetivnim transplantatom miÅ”ića gracillisa i semitendinosusa (STG). Treću, kontrolnu skupinu činili su potpuno zdravi nogometaÅ”i (MODEL). Prag miÅ”ićne aktivacije određen je kao 30% maksimalne amplitude srednje anvelope elektromiografskog signala pojedinog miÅ”ića u kontrolnoj skupini. Rezultati godinu dana nakon rekonstrukcije pokazuju statistički značajno kraće vrijeme aktivnosti miÅ”ića vastus lateralis u fazi leta grupe PAT(.0249, p=.05 i .005051, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na Model, kasniji kraj aktivnosti miÅ”ića vastus medialis grupe STG u fazi odraza (.0179, p=.05 i .005051, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na Model te kraće vrijeme aktivnosti miÅ”ića vastus lateralis u prvoj fazi doskoka grupe PAT (.0132, p=.05 i .015873, p=.05, uz primjenu Bonferroni korekcije) u odnosu na grupu STG. Rezultati pokazuju neuromuskularne promjene kod eksperimentalnih skupina nakon rekonstrukcija i potpune rehabilitacije. Na temelju rezultata ovog istraživanja nismo u mogućnost ustvrditi koja je od prezentiranih tehnika rekonstrukcije ACL-a primjerenija.This study aimed at comparing two most commonly used ACL reconstruction techniques in Croatia. Subjects were chosen amongst patients who were all active soccer players operated on by the same physician and rehabilitated in the same clinic, by the same therapist. They were divided into two groups according to ACL reconstruction technique used: PAT group (n = 5) was treated byACL reconstruction using patellar tendon graft and STG group (n = 5) was treated byACLreconstruction technique using gracillis and semitendinosus tendon graft. Control group (MODEL) comprised of completely healthy active soccer players. One year after the reconstruction our subjects performed one legged vertical jump using their injured leg and surface electromyographic signals of muscles rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, vastus medialis and biceps femoris were recorded.Vertical jump cycle was divided into five phases based on vertical force platform measurements. Muscle activity threshold was defined at 30% of maximum amplitude of mean envelope of individual muscles in MODEL group and several variables describing muscle activity were defined. Nonparametric statistical methods (KruskalWallis test and consecutive Mann Whitney tests with Bonferroni correction) showed some statistically significant differences: shorter activity period of the muscle vastus lateralis in the flight phase for the PAT group (.0249, p=.05 and .005051, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction), delayed end of vastus medialis muscle activity in the take off phase for the STG group (.0179, p=.05 and .005051, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction) when compared to MODEL group and longer activity of the muscle vastus lateralis in the STG group (.0132, p=.05 and .015873, p=.05, with Bonferroni correction) with respect to the PATgroup in the landing1 phase. Based on this we are unable to conclude which of these two surgery techniques should be preferred


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    Moderni pristup dijagnostici ljudskog kretanja, za potrebe medicinskih, kao i raznih sportskih primjena, bazira se na laboratorijskim biomehaničkim mjerenjima i analizama. Eksperimentalni podaci obuhvaćaju prostorne kinematičke veličine, silu reakcije podloge i viÅ”ekanalnu povrÅ”insku elektromiografiju (EMG). Inverznim dinamičkim pristupom ostvaruje se matematička procjena unutarnjih sila i momenata sila u zamiÅ”ljenim srediÅ”tima zglobova. Prikazan je postupak u okviru suvremeno opremljenog laboratorija na KinezioloÅ”kom fakultetu gdje se mogu mjeriti i biomehanički analizirati različite kretne strukture. Postupak je ilustriran primjerom iz sportske traumatologije gdje je u prvom redu namjera procijeniti funkciju koljenskog zgloba u cilju poboljÅ”ane dijagnostike i liječenja. Tu kombiniramo mjerenja hoda sa specifično dizajniranim testovima. Opisani pristup (uz nedostatak joÅ” nekih metoda kao Å”to su, u prvom redu, mjerenje potroÅ”nje kisika i pedobarografija) predstavlja ā€žstate-of-the-artā€œ metodologiju analize ljudskog kretanja za čije je učinkovito koriÅ”tenje bitna inter-disciplinarna suradnja liječnika specijalista sa biomehaničarima: kineziolozima i tehničkim stručnjacima.Modern approach to human movement diagnostics, for both medical as well as for various sportive application purposes, resides on laboratory biomechanical measurements and analyses. Experimental data encompass spatial kinematic variables, ground reaction force, and multi-channel surface electromyography (EMG). Through inverse dynamic approach mathematical estimation of internal forces and moments in virtual joint centres is accomplished. A procedure is presented in realms of a modern equipped laboratory facility at the Faculty of Kinesiology, where various movement patterns may be measured and analysed biomechanically. An example from the area of sports traumatology is taken for illustration. The aim was to evaluate the function of the knee joint as well as to improve the diagnostic and treatment procedures. Measurement of gait, in addition to certain specifically designed tests, was used. The approach described (lacking some methods such as the oxygen consumption measurement and pedobarography) represents a ā€žstate-of-the-artā€œ methodology in the area of human movement analysis. For its efficient use, it is essential for inter-disciplinary collaboration to take place, primarily collaboration between medical specialists, biomechanicians, kinesiologists and technical experts


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    Cilj ovog istraživanja je opis i standardiziranje postupka koriÅ”tenja osnovnih biomehaničkih tehnika za istovremeno dobivanje kinematičkih, kinetičkih i EMG podataka kod vježbi dubinskih skokova. Mjerenje dubinskih skokova izvrÅ”eno je koriÅ”tenjem piezoelektrične platforme za mjerenje sile reakcije podloge, uređaja za mjerenje EMG aktivnosti muskulature i akvizicijom video signala na temelju kojih je kasnije učinjena kinematička analiza.Dubinske skokove izvodilo je pet ispitanika, skakača u dalj, koji su vrhunski natjecatelji, a analizirane vježbe često su primjenjivane u tehnologiji atletskog treninga.Analizirane biomehaničke varijable iskazuju visoku zahtjevnost izvođenih zadataka na lokomotorni sustav ispitanika. Rezultati ukazuju na veliku vertikalnu silu reakcije podloge na svim razinama opterećenja (visinama saskoka), Å”to je pokazatelj da se koriÅ”tenim vježbama dubinskih skokova uspjeÅ”no može ostvariti opterećenje kao i kod skokova u dalj (vrijednosti vertikalne sile rakcije podloge kreću se od 3500 do 6300N). Rezultati horizontalne sile reakcije podloge očekivano su niži zbog znatno manje horizontalne brzine kretanja skakača i ne prelaze 1500N. Prema rezultatima EMG aktivnosti muskulature odrazne noge moguće je zaključiti kako je priprema u smislu predaktivacije muskulature neposredno prije doskoka izuzetno važna kako bi se izveo dobar skok. Maksimalne vrijednosti EMG aktivnosti muskulature postizane su, najčeŔće u trenutku kontakta s podlogom. Analiziranim vježbama dubinskih skokova uspjeÅ”no se može simulirati kretna struktura odraza koja se pojavljuje kod skoka u dalj iz zaleta, i jednako tako izazvati zadovoljavajuće opterećenje neuromuskularnog sustava.The goal of the research was to give a description and to standardize implementation procedures of the basic biomechanical techniques for simultaneous acquisition of kinematic, kinetic and EMG data on the drop jump exercises. Data collection was done by simultaneous employment of piezoelectric platform, used for measuring ground reaction force, an EMG device for measuring muscular activity and video signal acquisition, on the basis of which the kinematic analysis was later performed. Then the signals were used to interpreting and describing the drop jump exercises. Five top-quality long jumpers performed the drop jump exercises, which were frequently used in the technology of the athletics training. The EMG results of the take-off leg muscle activity indicated that the voluntary preparation in terms of muscle preactivation just prior to landing is crucial for a good jump performance. The maximum values of EMG activity were most frequently achieved in the very moment of establishing contact with the ground. The analysed biomechanical variables set high demands on the locomotor system of the examinees. The results indicated the high vertical ground reaction force at all levels, suggesting that the applied exercises generated loads equal to the long jump specific loads in actual performance (values of the vertical ground reaction force ranged from 3500 to 6300N). The obtained horizontal ground reaction force was expectedly lower (not exceeding 1500N) due to the lower horizontal speed of movement


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    Moderni pristup dijagnostici ljudskog kretanja, za potrebe medicinskih, kao i raznih sportskih primjena, bazira se na laboratorijskim biomehaničkim mjerenjima i analizama. Eksperimentalni podaci obuhvaćaju prostorne kinematičke veličine, silu reakcije podloge i viÅ”ekanalnu povrÅ”insku elektromiografiju (EMG). Inverznim dinamičkim pristupom ostvaruje se matematička procjena unutarnjih sila i momenata sila u zamiÅ”ljenim srediÅ”tima zglobova. Prikazan je postupak u okviru suvremeno opremljenog laboratorija na KinezioloÅ”kom fakultetu gdje se mogu mjeriti i biomehanički analizirati različite kretne strukture. Postupak je ilustriran primjerom iz sportske traumatologije gdje je u prvom redu namjera procijeniti funkciju koljenskog zgloba u cilju poboljÅ”ane dijagnostike i liječenja. Tu kombiniramo mjerenja hoda sa specifično dizajniranim testovima. Opisani pristup (uz nedostatak joÅ” nekih metoda kao Å”to su, u prvom redu, mjerenje potroÅ”nje kisika i pedobarografija) predstavlja ā€žstate-of-the-artā€œ metodologiju analize ljudskog kretanja za čije je učinkovito koriÅ”tenje bitna inter-disciplinarna suradnja liječnika specijalista sa biomehaničarima: kineziolozima i tehničkim stručnjacima.Modern approach to human movement diagnostics, for both medical as well as for various sportive application purposes, resides on laboratory biomechanical measurements and analyses. Experimental data encompass spatial kinematic variables, ground reaction force, and multi-channel surface electromyography (EMG). Through inverse dynamic approach mathematical estimation of internal forces and moments in virtual joint centres is accomplished. A procedure is presented in realms of a modern equipped laboratory facility at the Faculty of Kinesiology, where various movement patterns may be measured and analysed biomechanically. An example from the area of sports traumatology is taken for illustration. The aim was to evaluate the function of the knee joint as well as to improve the diagnostic and treatment procedures. Measurement of gait, in addition to certain specifically designed tests, was used. The approach described (lacking some methods such as the oxygen consumption measurement and pedobarography) represents a ā€žstate-of-the-artā€œ methodology in the area of human movement analysis. For its efficient use, it is essential for inter-disciplinary collaboration to take place, primarily collaboration between medical specialists, biomechanicians, kinesiologists and technical experts

    Biomehanički aspekt uspjeŔnosti rehabilitacijskog procesa operiranog segmenta slabinske kralježnice

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