6 research outputs found

    Analysis of Importance of Psychology Today in Africa

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    This paper examines the contribution of the discipline in Africa It is argued that psychology has a significant role to play in solving educational social psychological health and other related problems affecting developing countries Due to problems of urbanization Modernization and westernization the need for adequately trained indigenous psychologists who can skillfully analyze and suggest solution has been underscored The use of proper methodological designs suitable to the African environment will have to be employed in order to avoid the pitfalls heretofore encountered by researchers in the interpretation of results arising from biased techniques The complexity and diversity of cultures in African countries should enrich the research base for psychological investigations which should in turn lead to wideranging solutions to the ensuring problem The challenge and role of psychology to development in Africa cannot therefore be gainsai

    Loneliness and Depression among University Students in Kenya

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    The purpose of this research was to examine the predictive role of attachment styles on loneliness and depression The sample consisted of 652 313 females 339 males university students Data were collected by using the relationship scales questionnaire UCLA-R loneliness scale and Beck depression inventory To analyze data Pearson product-moment correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis was employed Attachment styles were found to be significantly correlated to loneliness and depression A significant relationship was also found between loneliness and depression A significant effect of attachment styles on loneliness and depression was detecte

    An Analysis of Trinitarian Foundation of Catholic Teaching on Christian Marriage

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    As is indicated by the title this article is going to illustrate how the Catholic teaching on questions relevant to Christian marriage e g indissolubility monogamy prohibition of unlawful sexual intercourse adultery homosexuality lesbianism Paedophilia use of contraceptives etc is rooted in the inner life of God himself i e the trinity For this purpose an interpretation of the Catholic doctrine on the trinity will be briefly presented by taking the marital act licitly performed in sacramental marriage as point of departur

    An Evaluation of Teaching in Kenya

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    Abstract The aim and purpose of this paper is focusing on effective teaching and teaching practice perspective with a view to providing insight into its concept, dimensions, models, objectives, roles and suggest the way forward. Teaching is a complex activity. Its mastery requires systematic training. In Kenya, teacher education institutes have developed a teacher education component referred to as teaching practice which is used to provide pedagogical competence and professional experience to novice teachers. Through teaching practice student teachers are required to do actual teaching in the classroom, solve problems that arise during the lessons and assess learning outcomes. There is of course, no substitute for teaching practice. Teaching practice occupies a key position in the programme of teacher education. It is a culminating experience in teacher preparation. It provides opportunity to beginning teachers to become socialized into the profession. Student teaching, or practice teaching, is the chance for prospective teachers to get into a classroom, be in charge, lesson plan and experience what it is like to have a classroom of students to be responsible for, all under the supervision of a more experienced teacher. A student teaching experience can be positive and beneficial, full of lessons learned, or negative and unhelpful. Teaching practice is an embedded and essential, component of any teacher education programme in Kenya

    Ethnocentrism a Challenge to Evangelization in the World: Meaning and implications to religion

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    Historical Survey of the Concept of Ecumenical Movement its Model and Contemporary Problems

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    Abstract The term "ecu menical" in theology today generally refers to the movement wh ich seeks to achieve external unity among the world's denominationally divined churches. The orig inal meaning of the word (fro m oikeo: to dwell, inhabit; and oikos: house, household; oikoumene: the whole inhabited earth [Lk. 4: 5]) has lapsed into disuse, as did the later development of the sense of a co mmon basic attitude or into disuse, as did the later develop ment of the sense of a co mmon basic attitude or doctrinal consensus by the "inhabitants" of the surface of the earth or the members of the church. A more modern, co mprehensive meaning has since been developed: "ecumenical" means the entirety of the church, which, looking back to its common orig inal tradit ional and looking forward to its hope, seeks a commonality in doctrine and in the life of faith. Movement toward unity or cooperation among the Christian churches