12 research outputs found

    Randomized controlled trial of a good practice approach to treatment of childhood obesity in Malaysia: Malaysian childhood obesity treatment trial (MASCOT)

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    Context. Few randomized controlled trials (RCTs) of interventions for the treatment of childhood obesity have taken place outside the Western world. Aim. To test whether a good practice intervention for the treatment of childhood obesity would have a greater impact on weight status and other outcomes than a control condition in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Methods. Assessor-blinded RCT of a treatment intervention in 107 obese 7- to 11-year olds. The intervention was relatively low intensity (8 hours contact over 26 weeks, group based), aiming to change child sedentary behavior, physical activity, and diet using behavior change counselling. Outcomes were measured at baseline and six months after the start of the intervention. Primary outcome was BMI z-score, other outcomes were weight change, health-related quality of life (Peds QL), objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior (Actigraph accelerometry over 5 days). Results. The intervention had no significant effect on BMI z score relative to control. Weight gain was reduced significantly in the intervention group compared to the control group (+1.5 kg vs. +3.5 kg, respectively, t-test p < 0.01). Changes in health-related quality of life and objectively measured physical activity and sedentary behavior favored the intervention group. Conclusions. Treatment was associated with reduced rate of weight gain, and improvements in physical activity and quality of life. More substantial benefits may require longer term and more intensive interventions which aim for more substantive lifestyle changes

    Study on health and behavioural problems of adolescents - a school based intervention program

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    The process of urbanisation in Malaysia has lead to more mothers joining the working force as there are more jobs available (1). Studies show that increase in women’s participation in the work force correlates with increase in divorce rates (2). The breaking up of immediate family as well as the dwindling of extended family structure (3), leading to a more nucleated family are responsible to a significant extent for the present high magnitude of neglected adolescents (2). Adolescent boys and girls grow and develop without adequate love and guidance that they desperately require (4). Dysfunctions within the family and academic pressure from school-life are among the push factors for adolescent negative behaviour (5). At the same time, adolescents boys and girls are lured toward negative behaviour by environmental factors [pull factors] (6) such as the mass media and peer pressure , which resulted in an increase of juvenile delinquency, “bohsia” practices, out of wedlock pregnancy, prostitution, induced abortion, smoking, drug addiction and other negative activities (6). About 10 - 20% of adolescents experience psychosocial problems. They also lack adequate religious upbringing and “living skills” required to deal with problems of everyday life (4). There are a variety of programmes (7) which have been formulated to counter these problems but their focus has been symptomatic in nature and are not grassroot oriented nor cost effective. We believe that preventive (7) programmes (8,9) would be more suitable and effective for combating these issues. This project has been developed to identify adolescents with health and behavioural problems or are at high risk of such problems and to carry out comprehensive school- based prevention strategies starting from as early age as possible

    Penggunaan Video Pembelajaran Berbasis Model Word Square dalam Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Kelas IV di SD Negeri 1 Lurah

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    Kegiatan belajar dimaknai sebagai interaksi individu dengan lingkungannya, akan tetapi karena adanya pandemi Covid-19 para siswa diwajibkan untuk melakukan pembelajaran jarak jauh dari rumah. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah selain untuk meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa yang menurun juga untuk memperbaiki kemampuan atau kinerja guru dan memberikan ide dalam mengajar di masa pandemi Covid-19 agar pembelajaran dapat berjalan secara lancar dan tetap menyenangkan walau pembelajarannya dilakukan dari jarak jauh. Metode yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Hasil Penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan video pembelajaran berbasis Word Square dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar pada KD PPKN tentang keragaman suku bangsa dan agama di kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Lurah. Dalam data awal ketercapaian hasil belajar hanya sekitar 25%, pada siklus pertama meningkat menjadi 50%, dan pada siklus kedua meningkat menjadi 79%. Maka dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan video pembelajaran berbasis Word Square dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa pada KD PPKN tentang keragaman suku bangsa dan agama di kelas IV SD Negeri 1 Lurah