20 research outputs found

    Biotechnology policy implementation from a systems perspective

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    This study utilizes Viable System Model (VSM) in diagnosing one policy implementation call Malaysian Biotechnology policy. The policy implementation is viewed from the innovation theory, which regards research and development (R&D) as the core of innovation commercialization, which in turn become the nucleus for a firm’s growth. Subsequently, the growth of firms as a group can lead to an industry’s development. This study conducted interviews with the agencies involved in the policy implementation and took advantage of the extensive information relating to the agencies that are available in the public domain, by using content analysis as the study’s methodology. This study enhances the understanding on the full use of VSM; it provides policy makers and implementers a guide in improving existing systems or designing new ones, while researchers are afforded an applicable theoretical conceptualization from a systems thinking perspective

    Functions and inter-relationships of operating agencies in policy implementation from a viable system perspective

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    Existence of supporting entities and their cohesive operations are important elements in industry development policy undertaken in emerging economies, which are characterized by heavy government interventions and involved many agencies and institutions. One of the models that emphasizes on cohesiveness as a precondition for viability is the viable system model (VSM). In this study, we adopt the VSM in combination with theories of innovation and innovation system as our conceptual framework to describe and explain the functions and relational structure that exist among agencies/institutions and that of the agencies with their environment elements within one policy level system implementation. We select a biotechnology industry development policy for our analysis, the implementation of which has been designated as a strategic vehicle to support the economic development goals of an emerging economy. The findings, which generate a model of the policy-level system implementation, explain the operating agencies’ functions and their inter-relationships. The emergent model provides policy makers and implementers recommendations for improvements, as well as offers future researchers potential for comparison between existing performance of a policy implementation against its expected performance targets. The study concludes that the biotechnology industry development is an effort by the Malaysian government to institutionalize biotechnology businesses and industry. The perspective of systems thinking, in combination with theories of institutionalization, innovation and innovation system, provide important foundations in explaining technology-based industry development. All these findings highlight that the knowledge gain in explaining and interpreting the problem in focus is worthwhile, although the use of VSM as a research tool demands considerable efforts

    Monitoring of policy implementation: convergent mobile and fixed technologies as emergent enablers

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    Based on the viable system model (VSM), a system viability refers to the capability of a system to exist and maintain its sustainability within an environment. In this framework, monitoring function supports the gathering of relevant information directly from the operating units and feeding them into the formal control function. In turn, the control function uses the information to produce reports for the higher level functions of intelligence and policymaking, which later utilise these information for their decision making. Given its role, monitoring function supports the viability of a system, especially in large-scale policy-based system. However, studies on the functions of a system monitoring are generally lacking, leading to the lack of understanding on how to conduct monitoring in a viable system implementation. The objectives of this study are a) to discuss the role of monitoring in a viable system framework, and b) to conceptualize the function of monitoring within a policy-based system that is enabled by technologies. To achieve these objectives, this study reviews the literature on monitoring (in relation to VSM framework), on research process in general, as well as on technology adoption. This conceptual exploration generates an emergent viable system model that can guide future researchers in conducting an action research of monitoring function implementation

    Developing a cybernetics approach to analysing inclusive growth constraints

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    Inclusive and sustainable economic growth supports the transformation of society towards a better quality of life and well-being. Therefore, it is crucial to diagnose the binding factors to growth. However, existing frameworks of growth diagnostics and inclusive growth analytics, which are widely used to analyse growth problems, mainly focused on a snapshot of growth constraints of a selected location at a particular point of time. Applications of these frameworks are not fully capable of addressing the dynamic nature of growth. Moreover, most existing applications of growth frameworks are mainly predictive studies, thus they do not fully support the effort of identifying the root cause of growth problem. This calls for a more comprehensive approach to diagnosing growth problems. Building upon the existing growth diagnostics and inclusive growth analytics frameworks, as well as on cybernetics and systems-based approach, we develop a cybernetics approach to analysing inclusive growth constraints. This approach enables analysis of the dynamic nature of growth, which supports the identification of growth constraint variables and mapping of their relationships, based on data gathered about the location

    A cybernetics approach to inclusive growth analysis: a case of one district

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    Societal transformation towards greater quality of life and well-being requires an inclusive perspective of development. Existing perspectives toward inclusive growth are mainly static. As such, applications of the existing static models are limited as they do not capture the dynamic nature of growth. This problem can be remedied by viewing inclusive growth from a dynamic perspective by means of explaining the dynamic elements of growth and its constraints. Using a cybernetics approach, we illustrate an application of a dynamic inclusive growth analysis of a district. In this study, we define the system-in-focus (inclusive growth in a district) to be viewed from a human activity system. This cybernetics analysis is found to be useful in identifying the growth constraints variables in the district as well as the relationships between them

    IT transfer program in the creation of innovative and loyal IT professionals in Malaysia

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    Mobility and turnover among IT professionals is a lost to Malaysian organizations since it disrupts project schedules and increases retraining cost and time. One major reason for leaving the current job is a small opportunity for self and career advancement in the former organization. To meet this professionals’ demand, this paper suggests organizations in Malaysia to develop and implement a learning mechanism through the creation of Information Technology Transfer (ITT) Program. The case studies in Malaysia have identified that a good ITT program can play an important role towards creating and maintaining pool of knowledge and professional workers. It is also helpful in supporting organizations to establish longer-term IT transfer and new learning strategies and provide personalized coaching to IT professionals no matter where they are at the moment of need. The program can be fully benefited if it is built with specific and well-planned objectives, design and delivery, monitoring and evaluation mechanism, and benefits

    Penggunaan hasil pemikiran sistem dalam perancangan: daripada paradigma sistem keras kepada paradigma sistem lembut.

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    An effi cient and effective information technology transfer from developed countries to Malaysia is an important issue as a prerequisite to support the ICT needs of the country to become not only a ICT user but also a ICT producer. One of the factors that infl uences successful information technology transfer is managing the process of how technology transfer occurs in one environment. It involves managing interaction between all parties concerned which requires an organized strategy and action toward accomplishing technology transfer objective in an integrated and effective mode. Using a conceptual framework based on the Actor Network Theory (ANT), this paper will analyse a successful information technology transfer process at a private company which is also a supplier of information technology (IT) products to the local market. This framework will explain how the company has come up with a successful technology transfer in a local environment. Our study shows that the company had given interest to its relationships with all the parties involved in the transfer process. The technology transfer programme and the strategy formulated take into account the characteristics of technology and all those involved.

    Information and communication technology (ICT) and economic growth in Iran: causality analysis

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    Iran is currently implementing policy measures to increase the contribution of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) to economic performance. However, little attention is given to examining whether ICT investment contributes to the economic growth of Iran. Concerning the importance of the causal link between these two variables to national policy implications, the present study employs a Granger causality analysis to examine the cause and effect relationship between ICT infrastructure and output growth in a multivariate setting that includes labor and capital variables. The results indicate that a long-run equilibrium relationship exists between ICT development and economic growth. Furthermore, the findings provide evidence of significant uni-directional short-run causality running from economic growth to ICT development in the Iranian economy. In terms of policy implications, the findings support the idea that this relationship is sustainable. However, in the short-run, investing in other important sectors and promoting ICT-use should be a priority for boosting the development of the national economy and ICT

    Pembangunan dan perlaksanaan perkhidmatan eKerajaan: analisis amalan eKerajaan berpusat rakyat dari perspektif ANT (Actor Network Theory)

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    Ramai yang percaya bahawa pendekatan pelaksanaan eKerajaan berpusat rakyat boleh membawa kepada peningkatan penggunaan dalam kalangan rakyat. Namun praktis amalannya kurang diberi perhatian dalam susastera pelaksanaan eKerajaan. Kertas ini cuba meneroka amalan eKerajaan berpusat rakyat dalam pelaksanaan inisiatif eKerajaan ke atas satu kajian kes Majlis Perbandaran di Selangor. Analisis dibuat mengguna kerangka konsep yang terdiri daripada gabungan Actor Network Theory (ANT), model proses pembangunan sistem eKerajaan, pendekatan berpusat pengguna dan reka bentuk berpusat pengguna. Data dan maklumat didapat daripada laman sesawang agensi, temu duga, dokumen formal dari agensi dan arahan pekeliling sektor awam Malaysia. Kajian mendapati pelaksanaan inisiatif eKerajaan masih lebih mirip kepada pendekatan berpusat agensi. Keperluan perkhidmatan dan aspirasi rakyat tidak diambil kira secara formal dan tiada panduan kerja untuk menggalak penglibatan pengguna rakyat. Kajian mencadangkan pelaksanaan inisiatif ekerajaan berpusat rakyat memerlukan amalan pengurusan bersepadu interaksi ramai aktor, amalan penglibatan rakyat, sokongan sistem penilaian dan maklum balas pengguna rakyat yang kerap. Kajian lanjut dengan mengguna kerangka kerja jaringan aktor yang bersepadu perlu dilakukan untuk membina garis panduan bagi membantu agensi awam mengamal amalan tersebut.