2 research outputs found

    Fossa posterior fossa yerleşimli glioblastoma

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    A 63-year-old woman operated eight months ago for glioblastoma (GB) located in posterior fossa was admitted to emergency room for stuporous, nausea, vo-miting and headache. CT and MR showed recurrence of posterior fossa cystic-necrotic tumour without any other intracranial contrast enhancing lesion. Tumour was removed near totally. Perseverative cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) fistula from the incision was occurred and contaminated by multidrug resistant Acinetobacter ba-umannii. Two months after the tumour removal she was expired because of the septicaemia. GB located in posterior fossa is uncommon in both adults and child-ren; and it appears as two different subsets: de novo (primary type) and secondary glioblastomas. Although our patient's immunohistochemical findings werenot enough to demonstrate the tumour subset, we have thought that her tumour was de novo because of no other brain involvement, staining with GFAP, vimentin, and nearly absent p53 mutation

    İntradural lomber disk hernisi: Nadir bir olgu sunumu

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    A 65-year-old man was admitted with radiating pain in right leg and saddle type anaesthesia with urination, defecation and ejaculation problems. Spinal MRI revealed a disc fragment that hugely extruded towards central spinal channel with marked cranial migration at L4-5 level on the T2 weighted sagittal image. It also demonstrated abrupt loss of continuity of the posterior longitudinal ligament (PLL). Then, he was taken for surgery. After a durotomy was performed, two pieces of cartilagenous tissue were removed en bloc. Three months later, his urination, defecation, ejaculation returned to nearly normal; and postoperative MRI revealed that operative site was clean and there was no residual disc material. We would like to emphasis on two points of MR findings about which increase the suspicious for intradural extension of these disc fragments. The first point is abrupt loss of continuity of the posterior longitudinal ligament. The second point is a sharp beak-like appearance on T2 weighted axial imaging. Prognosis is related to complete removal of the herniated material, cleaning of the intervertebral space, duration and characterization of the symptomatology