49 research outputs found

    Prerequisites for the development of the concept of health-forming technologies in the process of adaptive physical education of school-age children with hearing impairment

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    Prerequisites for the development of the concept of health-forming technologies in the process of adaptive physical education of school-age children with hearing impairment Prerequisites for the development of the concept of health-forming technologies in the process of adaptive physical education of school-age children with hearing impairment National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Kyiv. Actuality. The leading position of the contemporary issues of health-forming activity of children and youth presented in the form of a methodological basis for the formation of a positive motivation for a healthy lifestyle of the younger generation, especially with specific disabilities in the state of health, separates the central component of this process from the humanistic approach, the essence of which is creating a favorable situation for the readiness of the present youth to perceive and adequately respond to the educational activities of the school and social environment that are implemented in the process of their physical education. Objectives of the study: determination of priority directions of optimization of the process of physical education of students with hearing impairments, selection of rational means and methods that fully satisfy the specific needs of this contingent based on the study of their interests not only during physical education, but also correctional activities, self-organized motor activity Research results. The data obtained during the study showed that most children with hearing impairments understood the problems of their own health and had a desire to carry out activities aimed at improving their level, defining for themselves as the main criterion the physical state of their organism. The results of the questionnaire survey of 236 schoolchildren aged 13 to 19 years with different established hearing disorders supplemented the systematization of preconditions and scientifically substantiated the necessity of developing the concept of health-forming technologies in the process of adaptive physical education of children of school age with hearing impairments. Conclusions. The generalization of the research results substantiates the necessity of developing innovative technologies for optimizing the process of physical education of children with hearing impairments and may be represented by the following recommendations: the preconditions of this process should be based on objective results of comprehensive and comprehensive research; the central component must take into account the needs and peculiarities of the manifestation of the motivational sphere of this contingent

    The Formation оf theoretical knowledge of students in the discipline of "Physical Education" in the process of professional and applied physical training

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    Relevance. The analysis of literature testifies about the authors' opinion on the direct relationship between physical health indicators and indicators of theoretical knowledge of physical education. The authors emphasize that students prefer to perform tasks from other disciplines which, in their opinion, are more important and significant for obtaining profession al education than physical education. The research task is to systematize the results of practical experience regarding the ways of providing theoretical information on physical culture in the practice of physical education of students and to determine the level of theoretical knowledge of students of the "Musical Art" specialty. Research Results. Nowadays, students' youth do not see the need to acquire knowledge of physical education. There arises a problem of finding innovative ways of providing theoretical information on physical culture and raising the level of theoretical knowledge of students in thisfield. There was conducted the estimation of theoretical knowledge of students of the "Musical Art" specialty and used a questionnaire of 24 questions that contained 4 answers. The students of the 1st and 2nd years (boys and girls) were devided into groups according to the levels of theoretical knowledge: low, medium and adequate. Conclusions. The conducted analysis of the literature and the data of the recording experiment became a prerequisite for the development of the information and methodological project "Symphony of Health", that will create real opportunities to enhance the theoretical training of students through the use of innovative and interactive means of providing theoretical information and the control of knowledge assessment. Prospects for further research will be related to the implementation of the informational and methodological project "Symphony of Health" in the process of physical education of students of the "Musical Art" specialty. The applied interactive teaching methods will be aimed at forming theoretical knowledge, increasing the motivation to cognitive activity and physical education lessons

    A modern view on the use of information technologies in the process of physical education of student youth

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    Vitaliy Kashuba, Inna Asaulyuk, Anna Dyachenko Modern view on the use of information technologies in the process of physical education of student youth. National University of Physical Education and Sports of Ukraine, Kyiv; Vinnytsia Mykhailo Kotsiubynskyi State Pedagogical University, Vinnytsia. Topicality The determination of the effectiveness of information technologies for the formation of the informational educational environment of students' physical education in the system of education and beyond, the identification of the general theoretical basis of learning, for the didactic development of approaches to the introduction of information technologies into the field of physical education of students is the subject of a separate study. Research Objectives To systematize the results of practical experience in the use of information technologies in the practice of physical education of students and determine the ways of the introduction of these technologies in the educational process of students of the speciality "Music". Research Results Considering the tendencies of the development of modern society, its strong informatization, which is connected with the necessity of an increasing involvement of information technologies in the field of education, the authors of the study proposed a series of information technologies of educational and controlling formats. Among the advantages of using information technologies is that the use of information models contributes to the formation of cognitive independence of students while clearly structured main and secondary educational material provides specificity, generalization, and extension of knowledge. Conclusions The analysis of the literature and the data of the ascertaining experiment have become a prerequisite for the development of an information and methodological project "Symphony of Health", which will be divided into the sections "Theoretical Information", "Practical Recommendations", "Homework" and create the preconditions for strengthening the theoretical preparedness of students and increasing the efficiency of the process of physical education. Prospects for further research will be related to the implementation of the informational and methodological project "Symphony of Health" in the process of physical education of students of the speciality "Music"

    Technology of biogeometric profile control of children posture in senior preschool age during physical rehabilitation process

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    Actuality. One of the main determinants of the effectiveness of physical rehabilitation process of children 5-6 years old with functional disorders of the musculoskeletal system is the regular monitoring of biogeometric profile state of their posture. Only in this case, it is possible to receive feedback, timely correction and direction of the physical rehabilitation process in order to achieve the main goal - to obtain the maximum health effect. The research objective is to develop a monitoring technology for the biogeometric profile of children posture in 5-6 years old during the physical rehabilitation process, in the conditions of pre-school educational establishments. Research results. The monitoring technology for the biogeometric profile state of posture of children 5-6 years old is experimentally grounded basing on the research results. This technology consists of information-methodical, diagnostic, analytical and prognostic correction-prophylactic blocks and of two modules - express-controlling and analytical. The developed technology for monitoring the level of the biogeometric profile state of children posture of 5-6 years old contains methodological and organizational approaches and allows us to assess the adequacy of correctional and prophylactic measures and to introduce differentiated health programs into the physical rehabilitation practice, basing on the received quantitative data. Conclusions. The diagnostic technology of the biogeometric profile state of the child’s posture can be used during the physical rehabilitation process in the following areas: the development of individual and group programs for correction of disorders in the body spatial organization of children 5-6 years old; providing the necessary geometry of the masses of the whole body and its individual biolinks; development of recommendations for the rational use of motion inertia of the mass of the whole body of children 5-6 years old and the masses of its individual biolinks in order to economize various motor actions and to solve various motor tasks effectively, for example, the formation of static dynamical posture. Prospects for further research are related to the development and implementation of the concept on correction and prevention of functional disorders of child’s musculoskeletal system in the senior preschool age during physical rehabilitation process

    Biomechanical analysis of hook technique at close reach of athletes specializing in hand-to-hand combat

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    Topicality. Today, according to many experts, one of the promising ways to solve the problem of improving the efficiency of athletes’ training is the development and mastering of their motor techniques, which is an important and integral component of a holistic system of sports training, as technique is one of the decisive factors determining athlete’s motor potential. The study, formation, improvement and development of the most rational models of sport technique are closely related to the use of modern video recording systems.The task of the research is to analyse the hook technique at close reach of athletes who specialize in hand-to-hand combat.Research methods. To achieve the set tasks, we have used such research methods as analysis of scientific and methodological literature as well as documentary materials, methods of registration and analysis of athlete's movements (system of video recording and analysis of athlete's movements, 3D recording of human movements "Qualisys Motion Capture"). The results obtained during the study have been processed using the methods of mathematical statistics.Results of the research. The hook technique at close reach in hand-to-hand combat is conventionally divided into three phases: the initial position, the phase of swing or propulsion (movement of the hand hitting the opponent), as well as the phase of strike (impact). In each phase, separate tasks are solved, but all of them, one way or another, are aimed at developing maximum strength, achieving it at the time of impact with an accurate hit on target.Conclusions. Modern video recording systems allow obtaining objective quantitative characteristics of the athlete's body movement, which fully satisfies the necessary metrological requirements for biomechanical analysis.Experimental studies have shown that the hook technique at close reach is individual for athletes of different qualification. However, we have identified general trends inherent in this group of athletes. For example, we have established a premature peak of the speed increase in the hitting links before the strike (impact), which was characteristic of all qualified athletes. The obtained data allowed us to establish that for high-skilled athletes the velocity modules of their certain joints at different points in time may differ. However, there is a general dynamics of change in the resulting speed, which may be associated with a certain and established sequence of biolinks inclusion and joints extension during the hook

    Peculiarities of the unit of practical application of correction technology of the students’ physical condition in the process of vocational and applied physical training

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    Relevance. On the basis of analysis and generalization of professional scientific and methodical literature, practical experience of domestic and foreign scientists, it has been established that the low level of physical preparedness of future musicians arises an obstacle to the way of the performing technique improvement, and causes a high degree of need of certain physical qualities devepolement. The research task reflects the gradual achievement of the goal and provided the description of the "practical direction" block features of the correction technology of the physical condition of the students of "Musical Arts"specialty. Research results. In the article, basing on the analysis of scientific methodological literature and own practical experience, the problems of the process of students’ physical training of "Music Art" specialties are formed. The key component of the correction technology of the students’ physical condition is presented – the block of "Practical direction". The main goal of the work within the framework of the "Practical direction" block was chosen the correction of physical preparedness level of students of "Musical Arst" specialty. Conclusions. Implementation of the newest approaches to the planning and organizing of educational and extra-curricular activities on the physical education of students of "Musical Arts" specialty will enhance the efficiency of the process of professional and applied physical training. Prospects for further research will be related to the research of the implementation effectiveness of the correction technology of the physical condition of students of "Musical Arts" specialty as a component of the concept of students’ professional and applied physical training of the creative group of professions

    The control of a state of the static and dynamical posture of a person doing physical exercises

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    Actuality. The huge growth of interest in studying the state of human standing, according to researchers, is the result of epoch-making transformation of the human motor mode. Objectives of research: to provide information about development of diagnostics technologies of the state of the static and dynamic position of a person in the process of physical education. Results of research. Movements are the vital human potential that ensures the normal functioning of its organism as a complex biological system. The human musculoskeletal system performs many functions, the most important of them is to provide protection, support and movement of the body. The static and dynamical posture is characterized by the vertical position of the body, which is in equilibrium while changing it’s posture dynamicly and over time. In this case, the vertical position of the human body is evaluated as a certain harmony of interrelated spatial characteristics of the body. A special place among the methods for assessing the state of static and dynamic posture is videometry. Conclusions. The phenomenon of the human body still attracts the huge attention of researchers. A special place in the reflection of the shape of the human body is the state of static and dynamical posture. The state of static and dynamical posture of a person is a resalt of phylogeny and ontogenesis processes. It should be noted that the active use of videoometry method is very useful while analyzing the diagnostic approaches of static and dynamical posture of a person. The further research will be associated with the development of information and methodological system aimed on measuring the state of spatial organization of the human body in the process of physical education

    On the use of optoelectronic motion registration systems in biomechanical analysis of strike techniques

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    Topicality. Sports and technical skills, as an element of a holistic process of sports training, occupy one of the priority places in the overall structure of sports skills. The study, formation, improvement and development of the most rational models of sport technique are closely related to the use of modern video recording systems.The task of the study is to analyse the knee strike technique, applied by the athletes of different qualifications with the help of "Qualisys" optoelectronic system.Results of the research. Analysis of highly skilled athletes’ competitive activities shows that a knee strike is mainly used in close combat. Much less often such a strike can be put in a jump from a long or average distance. In our work, we have analysed the technique of right knee strike, performed from the starting position characteristic of close combat.Conclusions. When studying the biokinematic structure of the knee strike technique, used by athletes of different qualification, differences in the dynamics of changes in the speed of the lower extremity joints on athlete’ impact side of were found, which indicates higher coordination of movements, performed by highly skilled athletes. Thus, regarding highly qualified athletes the peaks of the maximum speed of their ankle and knee joints coincide in time, contrary to the skilled athletes. The speed of the skilled athletes’ ankle and hip joints at certain times is higher than those of highly skilled. However, the maximum value of speed of the highly skilled athletes’ strike link, as a rule, is higher on average by0.5 m ∙ s-1. The general patterns include the reduction of the resulting knee speed for athletes of different qualification at the time of strike performance in reference to the maximum values that precede the strike interaction

    Characteristics of biomechanical properties of child's foot 5-6 years old in the physical rehabilitation process

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    Actuality. Pre-school age is the most responsible period in the physical development process and in a child's personality formation. The disorders in the motor function of the foot are the most common among the various pathologies of a child’s lower extremities. Many researchers have found that unfixed disorders with child's foot can eventually lead to serious changes throughout the organism and cause pathology. The study of the foot support-spring function peculiarities of children 5-6 years old in the physical rehabilitation process is not sufficiently highlighted in the available special literature. Research objective: to study the support-spring properties of a child’s foot 5-6 years old as a development precondition for the technology of the correction of unfixed disorders in children’s support-motional apparatus with physical rehabilitation using. Research results. It was established that the foot length of preschool children was within the age norm, the minimum length was 135.1 mm, and the maximum one was 201.2 mm. The obtained average statistical data of the metatarsal angle α ° and the heel angle β ° in children 5-6 years old indicate the heterogeneity of the group; the range of the metatarsal angle was in the interval from 0.24° tо 21.52° and the range of the heel angle was from 12.46° to 32.38 ° respectively. We have not established statistically significant differences at the level p> 0.05 in all indicators of the foot support-spring functions of children 5-6 years old with posture disorders and with normal posture. Conclusions. There are three main functions which characterize a normal foot: spring, balancing and pushing. The development process of the support-motional apparatus of children 5-6 years old is influenced by various factors and is subjected to some changes, including pathological. The disorders of the foot motor function occupy the first place among the various pathologies of the lower extremities in children of preschool age. It is known that, in the preschool age, the foot is in the stage of intensive development; its formation has not yet been completed, so any adverse actions can lead to the certain functional changes. Prospects for further research are related to the development and implementation of the concept for the correction and prevention of functional disorders in the support-motional apparatus of senior preschool aged children in the physical rehabilitation process

    The control of a state of the static and dynamical posture of a person doing physical exercises

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    Actuality. Movements are the vital human potential that ensures the normal functioning of its organism as a complex biological system. Humans as a biological object during its development is subjected to numerous influences of the external environment, and it often leads to significant changes in internal processes and interactions in its body. Objectives of research: to provide information regarding the peculiarities of development different kindes of technologies for diagnostics the level of biomechanical properties of the human foot. Results of research. The foot as one of the most important organs of human walking in the conditions of natural locomotives performs not only the support function, but also provides the organization of spring interactions of the human body with a resisting surface. Different diseases and damage of organs of the locomotor system are often accompanied by serious functional disorders of the human motor apparatus, decreased muscle strength and tone, loss the ability of normal movement, and ultimately leads to permanent loss of disability and invalidity. Conclusions. The human body in the orthogonal position has a system of complex mechanisms that provide support conditions through the morphofunctional components of the lower limb, in particular, the foot. The foot is the most important structural element of the musculoskeletal system, which provides its stato-motor function and is an integral morphofunctional object, on which the motor function of a person depends. It was considered biomechanical control as a way of determining the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the motor function of the lower limbs of a person in the course of the age development. The further research will be associated with the development of information and methodological system aimed on measuring the state of spatial organization of the human body in the process of physical education