56 research outputs found

    Effects of Friedreich's ataxia (GAA)(n)·(TTC)(n) repeats on RNA synthesis and stability

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    Expansions of (GAA)(n) repeats within the first intron of the frataxin gene reduce its expression, resulting in a hereditary neurodegenerative disorder, Friedreich's ataxia. While it is generally believed that expanded (GAA)(n) repeats block transcription elongation, fine mechanisms responsible for gene repression are not fully understood. To follow the effects of (GAA)(n)·(TTC)(n) repeats on gene expression, we have chosen E. coli as a convenient model system. (GAA)(n)·(TTC)(n) repeats were cloned into bacterial plasmids in both orientations relative to a promoter, and their effects on transcription and RNA stability were evaluated both in vitro and in vivo. Expanded (GAA)(n) repeats in the sense strand for transcription caused a significant decrease in the mRNA levels in vitro and in vivo. This decrease was likely due to the tardiness of the RNA polymerase within expanded (GAA)(n) runs but was not accompanied by the enzyme's dissociation and premature transcription termination. Unexpectedly, positioning of normal- and carrier-size (TTC)(n) repeats into the sense strand for transcription led to the appearance of RNA transcripts that were truncated within those repetitive runs in vivo. We have determined that these RNA truncations are consistent with cleavage of the full-sized mRNAs at (UUC)(n) runs by the E. coli degradosome

    Transcriptional control in the prereplicative phase of T4 development

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    Control of transcription is crucial for correct gene expression and orderly development. For many years, bacteriophage T4 has provided a simple model system to investigate mechanisms that regulate this process. Development of T4 requires the transcription of early, middle and late RNAs. Because T4 does not encode its own RNA polymerase, it must redirect the polymerase of its host, E. coli, to the correct class of genes at the correct time. T4 accomplishes this through the action of phage-encoded factors. Here I review recent studies investigating the transcription of T4 prereplicative genes, which are expressed as early and middle transcripts. Early RNAs are generated immediately after infection from T4 promoters that contain excellent recognition sequences for host polymerase. Consequently, the early promoters compete extremely well with host promoters for the available polymerase. T4 early promoter activity is further enhanced by the action of the T4 Alt protein, a component of the phage head that is injected into E. coli along with the phage DNA. Alt modifies Arg265 on one of the two α subunits of RNA polymerase. Although work with host promoters predicts that this modification should decrease promoter activity, transcription from some T4 early promoters increases when RNA polymerase is modified by Alt. Transcription of T4 middle genes begins about 1 minute after infection and proceeds by two pathways: 1) extension of early transcripts into downstream middle genes and 2) activation of T4 middle promoters through a process called sigma appropriation. In this activation, the T4 co-activator AsiA binds to Region 4 of σ70, the specificity subunit of RNA polymerase. This binding dramatically remodels this portion of σ70, which then allows the T4 activator MotA to also interact with σ70. In addition, AsiA restructuring of σ70 prevents Region 4 from forming its normal contacts with the -35 region of promoter DNA, which in turn allows MotA to interact with its DNA binding site, a MotA box, centered at the -30 region of middle promoter DNA. T4 sigma appropriation reveals how a specific domain within RNA polymerase can be remolded and then exploited to alter promoter specificity

    A beta subunit mutation disrupting the catalytic function of Escherichia coli RNA polymerase.

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    Effects on host genome and structure

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    Motion and enzymatic degradation of DNA in the atomic force microscope.

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    The dynamics and enzymatic degradation of single DNA molecules can now be observed with the atomic force microscope. A combination of two advances has made this possible. Tapping in fluid has reduced lateral forces, which permits the imaging of loosely adsorbed molecules; and the presence of nickel ions appears to form a relatively stable bridge between the negatively charged mica and the negatively charged DNA phosphate backbone. Continuous imaging shows DNA motion and the process of DNA degradation by the nuclease DNase I. It is possible to see DNase degradation of both loosely adsorbed and tightly adsorbed DNA molecules. This method gives images in aqueous buffer of bare, uncoated DNA molecules with lengths of only a few hundred base pairs, or approximately 100 nm in length