33 research outputs found

    トルコ中部の内陸塩性湖沼の珪藻遺骸群衆 : 第四紀後期における古塩分変動の定量的復元への応用

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    In arid and semi-arid areas, like inner Anatolia, small change in precipitation and evaporation rates can have marked effects on the water environment of inland lakes at closed basins. This study demonstrates the importance of detailed diatom analyses in attempt to identify lake level and lake water quality changes of inland lakes in Turkey. An important first step in using diatoms as salinity indicators is to obtain quantitative data on their ecological characteristics, such as optima and tolerances along salinity gradients. We took 51 samples of living diatoms from 38 lakes and rivers in the central part of Turley, and calculated an abundance-weighted mean salinity (AWM) for each toxin (Kashima, 1996). On the basis of a strong relationship between diatom composition and salinity, we defined the diatom-based transfer functions for salinity reconstruction, and then applied them to Late Quaternary sediments in Turkey. Our drilling surveys were done at Kaman Kalehoyük, Lake Tuz, Konya Basin and in Akgöl Marsh and its surrounding areas. The results show that there was a number of alternations between fresh and saline conditions during the Late Quaternary (Kashima et al., in press)

    Characteristics of the 1960 Chilean Tsunami Deposits in the Bay of Kesennuma

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