6 research outputs found

    Average concentrations (n = 3) of antibiotics in vicinity of drug formulation facilities (ng L<sup>−1</sup>).

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    <p><i>P1a:</i> upstream Kahuta industrial estate (KIE); <i>P1b:</i> downstream KIE; <i>P2–P4:</i> drug formulation facilities in and around Lahore (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062712#pone-0062712-g001" target="_blank">Fig. 1</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062712#pone.0062712.s002" target="_blank">Table S2</a>); <i>( )</i>: RSD (relative standard deviation).</p

    Average concentrations (R1–3, R5–7, SD n = 3; C1 and C2 n = 2; R4, R8–10, D n = 1) of antibiotics in rivers, dam, canal and vicinity of hospitals (ng L<sup>−1</sup>).

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    <p><i>ATB:</i> antibiotics; <i>R1–R10:</i> river sites; <i>D:</i> dam; <i>C1–C2:</i> lahore branch canal; <i>SD:</i> sewage drain near hospitals (see <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062712#pone-0062712-g001" target="_blank">Fig. 1</a> and <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0062712#pone.0062712.s003" target="_blank">Table S3</a>); <i>( )</i>: RSD (relative standard deviation); <i>LOQ</i>: Limit of quantification.</p

    Map of the region with sampling sites indicated.

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    <p>R1–R10 are rivers, D is the Rawal dam, C1–C2 is the Lahore branch canal, SD is the sewage drain nearby hospitals and P1–P4 are the drug formulation facilities; *: sites where sediment samples are also taken along with water samples.</p

    Levels of antibiotic resistance genes (<i>sulI, dfrA1, erm B, tetA and tetB</i>) and integrons (<i>intl1</i>) at eight sampling sites (n = 1, pooled samples).

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    <p>Levels of antibiotic resistance genes (<i>sulI, dfrA1, erm B, tetA and tetB</i>) and integrons (<i>intl1</i>) at eight sampling sites (n = 1, pooled samples).</p

    Evaluation of resazurin microtiter plate assay and HPLC- photodiode array analysis of the roots of <i>Asparagus adscendens</i>

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    <p><i>Asparagus adscendens</i> Roxb. (Asparagaceae), is native to the Himalayas<b>.</b> The present study, for the first time, was undertaken to explore the antimicrobial potential, to determine the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) values of the methanol extract of the roots of <i>A. adscendens</i> and its solid-phase extraction (SPE) fractions using resazurin microtitre assay against Gram-positive and negative bacterial-registered strains and to carry out HPLC-photodiode array analysis of the SPE fractions. The methanol extract and all SPE exhibited considerable level of antibacterial potential against Gram-positive bacteria (MIC: 2.5–0.009 mg/mL) than against Gram-negative bacteria (MIC: 1.25–2.5 mg/mL). The use of microtitre plates has the advantage of lower cost, fast and quantitative results. Like other <i>Asparagus</i> species, the presence of phenolic compounds in all SPE fractions was evident in the HPLC-PDA data.</p

    Cytotoxicity, <i>In vitro</i> anti-Leishmanial and fingerprint HPLC- photodiode array analysis of the roots of <i>Trillium govanianum</i>

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    <p><i>Trillium govanianum</i> Wall. ex D. Don (Melanthiaceae <i>alt.</i> Trilliaceae), commonly known as ‘nagchhatry’ or ‘teen patra’, distributed from Pakistan to Bhutan about 2500–3800 m altitude is indigenous to Himalayas region. In folk medicine the plant has been reported for the treatment of wound healing, sepsis and in various sexual disorders<i>.</i> This paper reports, for the first time, to evaluate the cytotoxicity, <i>in vitro</i> anti-leishmanial (promastigotes) and fingerprint HPLC-photodiode array analysis of the MeOH extract of the roots of <i>T. govanianum</i> and its solid phase extraction fractions. Reverse phase HPLC-PDA based quantification revealed the presence of significant amount of quercetin, myrecetin and kaemferol ranging from 0.221to 0.528 μg/mg DW. MeOH extract revealed distinguishable protein kinase inhibitory activity against <i>Streptomyces</i> 85E strain with 18 mm bald phenotype. The remarkable toxicity profile against brine shrimps and leishmanial was manifested by MeOH extract with LC<sub>50</sub> 10 and 38.5 μg/mL, respectively.</p