12 research outputs found

    An interpretation and guide to single-pass beam shaping methods using SLMs and DMDs

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    Exquisite manipulations of light can be performed with devices such as spatial light modulators (SLMs) and digital micromirror devices (DMDs). These devices can be used to simulate transverse paraxial beam wavefunction eigenstates such as the Hermite-Laguerre-Gaussian mode families. We investigate several beam shaping methods in terms of the wavefunctions of scattered light. Our analysis of the efficiency, behaviour and limitations of beam shaping methods is applied to both theory and experiment. The deviation from the ideal output from a valid beam shaping method is shown to be due to experimental factors which are not necessarily being accounted for. Incident beam mode shape, aberration, and the amplitude/phase transfer functions of the DMD and SLM impact the distribution of scattered light and hence the effectiveness and efficiency of a beam shaping method. Correcting for these particular details of the optical system accounts for all differences in efficiency and mode fidelity between experiment and theory. We explicitly show the impact of experimental parameter variations so that these problems may be diagnosed and corrected in an experimental beam shaping apparatus. We show that several beam shaping methods can be used for the production of beam modes in a single pass and the choice is based on the particular experimental conditions

    Microscope images of strongly scattering objects via vectorial transfer matrices: modeling and an experimental verification

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    We present an accurate and efficient method for calculating the image of a mesoscopic particle that is captured using a high-numerical-aperture objective lens. We test various scattering models of silica, plastic, and birefringent vaterite spheres in water. We show that the calculated images accurately replicate experimental observations. This method uses the idea that the optical system can be represented as a product of matrices acting on the electromagnetic field in a truncated Hilbert space representation. A general reusable matrix encapsulating the polarization, limited capture angle, or beam shaping in the microscope can be applied to find the image and not be limited to a particular particle shape or medium. We show that the image obtained from this method can be used to determine and match particle properties. We also use incoherent averaging on multiple T-matrices to produce polychromatic images. Data obtained using this method could be used as an input to track the general behavior of particles in suspension or within an optical trap

    Swimming force and behavior of optically trapped micro-organisms

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    We demonstrate how optical tweezers combined with a three-dimensional force detection system and high-speed camera are used to study the swimming force and behavior of trapped micro-organisms. By utilizing position sensitive detection, we measure the motility force of trapped particles, regardless of orientation. This has the advantage of not requiring complex beam shaping or microfluidic controls for aligning trapped particles in a particular orientation, leading to unambiguous measurements of the propulsive force at any time. Correlating the direct force measurements with position data from a high-speed camera enables us to determine changes in the particle’s behavior. We demonstrate our technique by measuring the swimming force and observing distinctions between swimming and tumbling modes of the Escherichia coli (E. coli) strain MC4100. Our method shows promise for application in future studies of trappable but otherwise arbitrary-shaped biological swimmers and other active matter

    Calibration of force detection for arbitrarily shaped particles in optical tweezers

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    Force measurement with an optical trap requires calibration of it. With a suitable detector, such as a position-sensitive detector (PSD), it is possible to calibrate the detector so that the force can be measured for arbitrary particles and arbitrary beams without further calibration; such a calibration can be called an "absolute calibration". Here, we present a simple method for the absolute calibration of a PSD. Very often, paired position and force measurements are required, and even if synchronous measurements are possible with the position and force detectors used, knowledge of the force-position curve for the particle in the trap can be highly beneficial. Therefore, we experimentally demonstrate methods for determining the force-position curve with and without synchronous force and position measurements, beyond the Hookean (linear) region of the trap. Unlike the absolute calibration of the force and position detectors, the force-position curve depends on the particle and the trapping beam, and needs to be determined in each individual case. We demonstrate the robustness of our absolute calibration by measuring optical forces on microspheres as commonly trapped in optical tweezers, and other particles such a birefringent vaterite microspheres, red blood cells, and a deformable "blob"

    Optically driven rotating micromachines

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    We review the basic theory and principles of optically driven micromachines, and present a series of simple heuristic principles for designing such micromachines. We discuss the relationship between symmetry and optical torque, and consider techniques to enhance or reduce reflection. Finally, we briefly survey some applications, and present a prototypical optically driven micromachine for use in microfluidic devices

    Particle Localization Using Local Gradients and Its Application to Nanometer Stabilization of a Microscope

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    Particle localization plays a fundamental role in advanced biological techniques such as single-molecule tracking, superresolution microscopy, and manipulation by optical and magnetic tweezers. Such techniques require fast and accurate particle localization algorithms as well as nanometer-scale stability of the microscope. Here, we present a universal method for three-dimensional localization of single labeled and unlabeled particles based on local gradient calculation of particle images. The method outperforms state-of-the-art localization techniques in high-noise conditions, and it is capable of 3D nanometer accuracy localization of nano- and microparticles with sub-millisecond calculation time. By localizing a fixed particle as fiducial mark and running a feedback loop, we demonstrate its applicability for active drift correction in sensitive nanomechanical measurements such as optical trapping and superresolution imaging. A multiplatform open software package comprising a set of tools for local gradient calculation in brightfield, darkfield, and fluorescence microscopy is shared for ready use by the scientific community