41 research outputs found

    TD-60 links RalA GTPase function to the CPC in mitosis

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    TD-60 (also known as RCC2) is a highly conserved protein that structurally resembles the Ran guanine exchange factor (GEF) RCC1, but has not previously been shown to have GEF activity. TD-60 has a typical chromosomal passenger complex (CPC) distribution in mitotic cells, but associates with integrin complexes and is involved in cell motility during interphase. Here we show that TD-60 exhibits GEF activity, in vitro and in cells, for the small GTPase RalA. TD-60 or RalA depletion causes spindle abnormalities in prometaphase associated with abnormal centromeric accumulation of CPC components. TD-60 and RalA apparently work together to contribute to the regulation of kinetochore–microtubule interactions in early mitosis. Importantly, several mitotic phenotypes caused by TD-60 depletion are reverted by the expression of a GTP-locked mutant, RalA (Q72L). The demonstration that a small GTPase participates in the regulation of the CPC reveals a level of mitotic regulation not suspected in previous studies

    Deceleration of Fusion–Fission Cycles Improves Mitochondrial Quality Control during Aging

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    Mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy play a key role in ensuring mitochondrial quality control. Impairment thereof was proposed to be causative to neurodegenerative diseases, diabetes, and cancer. Accumulation of mitochondrial dysfunction was further linked to aging. Here we applied a probabilistic modeling approach integrating our current knowledge on mitochondrial biology allowing us to simulate mitochondrial function and quality control during aging in silico. We demonstrate that cycles of fusion and fission and mitophagy indeed are essential for ensuring a high average quality of mitochondria, even under conditions in which random molecular damage is present. Prompted by earlier observations that mitochondrial fission itself can cause a partial drop in mitochondrial membrane potential, we tested the consequences of mitochondrial dynamics being harmful on its own. Next to directly impairing mitochondrial function, pre-existing molecular damage may be propagated and enhanced across the mitochondrial population by content mixing. In this situation, such an infection-like phenomenon impairs mitochondrial quality control progressively. However, when imposing an age-dependent deceleration of cycles of fusion and fission, we observe a delay in the loss of average quality of mitochondria. This provides a rational why fusion and fission rates are reduced during aging and why loss of a mitochondrial fission factor can extend life span in fungi. We propose the ‘mitochondrial infectious damage adaptation’ (MIDA) model according to which a deceleration of fusion–fission cycles reflects a systemic adaptation increasing life span

    Mitotic redistribution of the mitochondrial network by Miro and Cenp-F

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    Although chromosome partitioning during mitosis is well studied, the molecular mechanisms that allow proper segregation of cytoplasmic organelles in human cells are poorly understood. Here we show that mitochondria interact with growing microtubule tips and are transported towards the daughter cell periphery at the end of mitosis. This phenomenon is promoted by the direct and cell cycle-dependent interaction of the mitochondrial protein Miro and the cytoskeletal-associated protein Cenp-F. Cenp-F is recruited to mitochondria by Miro at the time of cytokinesis and associates with microtubule growing tips. Cells devoid of Cenp-F or Miro show decreased spreading of the mitochondrial network as well as cytokinesis-specific defects in mitochondrial transport towards the cell periphery. Thus, Miro and Cenp-F promote anterograde mitochondrial movement and proper mitochondrial distribution in daughter cells