23 research outputs found

    Atomic source selection in space-borne gravitational wave detection

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    Recent proposals for space-borne gravitational wave detectors based on atom interferometry rely on extremely narrow single-photon transition lines as featured by alkaline-earth metals or atomic species with similar electronic configuration. Despite their similarity, these species differ in key parameters such as abundance of isotopes, atomic flux, density and temperature regimes, achievable expansion rates, density limitations set by interactions, as well as technological and operational requirements. In this study, we compare viable candidates for gravitational wave detection with atom interferometry, contrast the most promising atomic species, identify the relevant technological milestones and investigate potential source concepts towards a future gravitational wave detector in space

    Suppression of inhomogeneous broadening in rf spectroscopy of optically trapped atoms

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    We present a novel method for reducing the inhomogeneous frequency broadening in the hyperfine splitting of the ground state of optically trapped atoms. This reduction is achieved by the addition of a weak light field, spatially mode-matched with the trapping field and whose frequency is tuned in-between the two hyperfine levels. We experimentally demonstrate the new scheme with Rb 85 atoms, and report a 50-fold narrowing of the rf spectrum

    An adaptive inelastic magnetic mirror for Bose-Einstein condensates

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    We report the reflection and focussing of a Bose-Einstein condensate by a new pulsed magnetic mirror. The mirror is adaptive, inelastic, and of extremely high optical quality. The deviations from specularity are less than 0.5 mrad rms, making this the best atomic mirror demonstrated to date. We have also used the mirror to realize the analog of a beam-expander, producing an ultra-cold collimated fountain of matter wavesComment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    A quantum mechanical description of the experiment on the observation of gravitationally bound states

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    Quantum states in the Earth's gravitational field were observed, when ultra-cold neutrons fall under gravity. The experimental results can be described by the quantum mechanical scattering model as it is presented here. We also discuss other geometries of the experimental setup which correspond to the absence or the reversion of gravity. Since our quantum mechanical model describes, particularly, the experimentally realized situation of reversed gravity quantitatively, we can practically rule out alternative explanations of the quantum states in terms of pure confinement effects.Comment: LaTeX, 10 pages, 4 figures, v2: references adde

    Towards surface quantum optics with Bose-Einstein condensates in evanescent waves

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    We present a surface trap which allows for studying the coherent interaction of ultracold atoms with evanescent waves. The trap combines a magnetic Joffe trap with a repulsive evanescent dipole potential. The position of the magnetic trap can be controlled with high precision which makes it possible to move ultracold atoms to the surface of a glass prism in a controlled way. The optical potential of the evanescent wave compensates for the strong attractive van der Waals forces and generates a potential barrier at only a few hundred nanometers from the surface. The trap is tested with Rb Bose-Einstein condensates (BEC), which are stably positioned at distances from the surfaces below one micrometer

    Non-equilibrium Gross-Pitaevskii dynamics of boson lattice models

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    Motivated by recent experiments on trapped ultra-cold bosonic atoms in an optical lattice potential, we consider the non-equilibrium dynamic properties of such bosonic systems for a number of experimentally relevant situations. When the number of bosons per lattice site is large, there is a wide parameter regime where the effective boson interactions are strong, but the ground state remains a superfluid (and not a Mott insulator): we describe the conditions under which the dynamics in this regime can be described by a discrete Gross-Pitaevskii equation. We describe the evolution of the phase coherence after the system is initially prepared in a Mott insulating state, and then allowed to evolve after a sudden change in parameters places it in a regime with a superfluid ground state. We also consider initial conditions with a "pi phase" imprint on a superfluid ground state (i.e. the initial phases of neighboring wells differ by pi), and discuss the subsequent appearance of density wave order and "Schrodinger cat" states.Comment: 16 pages, 11 figures; (v2) added reference

    Collective dynamics of internal states in a Bose gas

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    Theory for the Rabi and internal Josephson effects in an interacting Bose gas in the cold collision regime is presented. By using microscopic transport equation for the density matrix the problem is mapped onto a problem of precession of two coupled classical spins. In the absence of an external excitation field our results agree with the theory for the density induced frequency shifts in atomic clocks. In the presence of the external field, the internal Josephson effect takes place in a condensed Bose gas as well as in a non-condensed gas. The crossover from Rabi oscillations to the Josephson oscillations as a function of interaction strength is studied in detail.Comment: 18 pages, 2 figure

    Numerical Modeling of Evanescent-Wave Atom Optics

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    We numerically solve the time-dependent Schrodinger equation for a two-level atom interacting with an evanescent light field. The atom may be reflected or diffracted. Using the experimental parameter values we quantitatively model the evanescent field dopplerons (velocity-tuned resonances) observed by Stenlake et al. [Phys. Rev. A 49, 16 (1994)]. Besides successfully modeling the experiment, our approach provides complementary insights to the usual solution of the time-independent Schrodinger equation. We neglect spontaneous emission

    Experimental progress in positronium laser physics

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